Friday, 24 June 2011

Me-Made-June '11: Days 22, 23 & 24

I've just become aware that there actually aren't that many days left in this challenge now. So if these documentation posts annoy or exhaust you, hang in there, not long til normal transmission is resumed. Personally, I feel I've kept on top of my documentation better this time round than my previous challenges. I must say a relatively stable internet connection has helped with that somewhat. But I also have a back log of things I want to post about: garments I've created and discussions I want to further, so in a way I'll also be pleased too when I have some brain and blog space to tackle those.

Day 22:

In the spirit of realising I don't have many days of this challenge left, I thought it time to crank out my new anchor skirt. As I predicted, I think it looks great with the navy blouse (which also features an anchor motif along the white trim detail). However, I failed to predict how difficult this skirt would be to walk to and from work in, OR how tight it would feel when sitting down. I don't care, I love this skirt so hard, I'll lose weight for it if I have to.

Day 23:

  • Refashioned jumper
  • Denim sailor trousers
  • Vest
  • Pants
  • Coat to and from work
After the constriction of the previous day, I decided to rock a more comfortable outfit on Day 23. However, upon reflection I feel the colours of the jumper and trousers are too similar. If you squint your eyes, it looks slightly like I'm wearing some bizarre all-in-one/jumpsuit! Can you imagine, a denim jumpsuit?! Or a knit jumpsuit?! Which would be worse?

Day 24:

  • Sencha blouse
  • Navy capri pants
  • Refashioned cardi
  • Pants
  • Yellow jacket to and from work
This photo is in accordance with Claudine's mini-photo challenge for Friday 24th, which is to have your photo taken with an animal. I am, of course, lucky enough to have a colleague that fits neatly into that classification. Otherwise I'd have to hang around outside and risk getting close to another pesky seagull or something!

Oh, I've just realised you haven't 'met' these capri pants before. I made them a few months ago when it was way too cold to actually wear them. The pattern is from a Burda magazine from a couple of years ago, but I borrowed it from the lovely Michelle so can't be sure of which issue I'm afraid. They are really simple, a shaped waist band and side zip. I used some navy twill blend that has some stretch in it, which was a good call. However, to my surprise when I first tried them on, they are actually pretty high waisted. Therefore, they are not the most comfortable things after lunch, but deal-with-able, unlike the lovely red swing trousers. I was planning on making another pair in red to go with my Corazones blouse and this Sencha blouse I'm wearing today, I even have some (non-stretch) red twill sitting in my stash that are just the right shade. But these navy ones are not comfortable enough, nor get worn frequently enough yet, to justify making another pair at this time. I may still do so though. Or maybe I'll use that red twill for a 'Poetry and Clothing' project garment later in the year. Blah blah blahhhhh, would you listen to me wittering on!

It's the Me-Made-June '11 celebration Brighton Meetup tomorrow, woo hoo!!!!!!!!! Have a great weekend peops xxx


Debi said...

LOVIN' the sailor theme!! Such cute outfits!!

Erin said...

The anchor skirt with the navy blouse is a pretty fabulous combo. I think a cardigan without its own trim would work better over the outfit so as not to distract from the cuteness of the blouse underneath. Still a thumbs-up though. ^^

Octi said...

I adore your anchor skirt. And I love, love, love your sailor trousers! I was actually wondering how the front bib is attached to those? I'm trying to figure out if it's basically just topstitched onto the pants or if there's a seam at the legs or what.

Carolyn said...

wrt your first paragraph, me too!
Cute outfits!

Claire Cooper said...

I'm loving the MMJ stuff - maybe next time i'll have enough me mades to take part too. I've nominate you for the versatile blogger award. pop over to my blog and see what to do with it.

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