Friday, 3 June 2011

Me-Made-June '11: Days 1, 2 & 3

Hi peops! Here we go, time to start the documentation of my outfits for Me-Made-June '11, or as my boss has decided it should be called: Making-More-of-an-effort-June.

Day 1:

  • Beignet skirt
  • stripey long-sleeved T-shirt
  • Saint cardigan
  • pants
  • coat
This outfit was pretty comfy and it felt good to be rocking a more vibrant look than I probably would have scraped together!

Day 2:

  • high-waisted shorts
  • stripey boat neck T-shirt
  • pants
  • coat to and from work
  • refashioned green cardi when it was chilly
You know me, I'm not the kind of lady to avoid a challenge. I'm the kind that invents the challenges, no?! That's the kind of thought process I was trying to adopt when I realised in the morning of Day 2 that it was going to be sunny and warm enough to put on some of my shorts and fulfill half of my self-inflicted short-wearing challenge. I wore them with my most opaque (opaquest?) tights and my leopard coat which covers my bum on the way to work. But actually during the day I felt really comfortable in them. When I caught a glimpse of myself in them, they made me smile, and the didn't really feel much different from wearing a really short skirt. By the end of the day when it was really warm, I felt confident enough to walk home without wearing my bum-covering coat! In public! I think I'm converted. Though I don't think I would have felt as ok as I did if I hadn't had the opaque tights on. Maybe flesh tights or no tights are the next frontier I need to cross? Watch this space...

Day 3

  • black sailor trousers
  • mustard jersey top
  • swallow detail 50's jacket
  • pants
After two days of having my belly squished wearing tights, I wanted to rock a pair of trousers. Day 3, I took the opportunity to wear my black sailor trousers with my new mustard jersey top, a well-worn favourite garment with newbie on its maiden voyage. The slinky quality of the fabric felt lovely, particularly as it turned into a really warm day. I would have felt more comfortable if it was 3-4cms longer. As my boss suggested, I could add a contrast band of something to the hem, but I don't think that would look very good, but I think it'll work really well tucked into my high-waisted black Jenny skirt, though I will still try it out with the massive flower mini skirt that I initially hoped it would work with.

I love this jacket though. I made this ages ago, even before I started this blog in fact. It's made from cotton mix sateen, though somehow it's got really soft so it can be used as a kind of cardi rather than strictly in a jacket-sense

Here's one more pic as I take on the flickr group's mini-challenge of spinning for our documentation photo. I think the point was to wear a full skirt to make a lovely twirling shape, but I wasn't going to let my lack of full-skirts prevent me rising to a challenge!


Law said...

Yay i'm glad the shorts made an appearance. I'd love to wear those high waisted shorts, but my thighs are the biggest part of me so it's a no go. You can totally pull off this look though. I dare you to wear them without tights at some point this month, you know you want to :o)

Stacy aka Stacybeads said...

Thank you again for hosting this challenge, Zoe. It's gotten me excited about blogging again! Glad to see you look like you're enjoying yourself as well. :)

Erin said...

Bless you for rocking mixed patterns on shorts day. I don't think I'd be confident enough to do that. One of these days I hope to join one of the me-made- months, though since I've only just finished my first beta skirt, that might be some time in the future. Keep stylin'!

Anonymous said...

The shorts are awesome, I desperately want to make some now! If you're likely to wear the top tucked in anyway, perhaps you could add a band at the hem just so you could tuck it into lower-waisted things and have it be fairly secure (ie the band would be under the skirt/trousers and thus it wouldn't matter what it looks like)?

charlotte said...

hey fantastic! Love those shorts!!

Veronica Darling said...

Yay for the highwaisted shorts Zo! Go for it! You look like a babe all the time!

Anonymous said...

Everyone sure has been rockin' the Beignets during MMJ! I gotta make one of those!

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