Another outcome from the month of sobriety (AKA, November): a dress to wear to attend my friends' recent wedding. I finished this creation some weeks ago, but didn't want to post about it until I had photographic evidence of it in action!
I used the
Danielle pattern which is free from Burdastyle, but remembered to make some alterations since my
first attempt at this pattern which came out irredeemably too tight in the bodice. This version's fit was a vast improvement. I also raised the depth of the neckline by about 1.5 cms, as the first version allowed my bra to peek out, not an attractive feature in a dress made to attend a wedding in! However, like the first attempt, I lined the bodice rather than making facings as instructed, it gives it a cleaner and more structured line.

The fabric I chose was probably meant to be curtaining fabric, as it was the widest fabric I have EVER encountered! I bought 1m 20cms and literally had enough fabric for two dresses. It was also very cheap from a shop which does not usually enjoy a reputation for low prices. I noticed on a subsequent visit that some bright spark had in fact cut this in half, effectively doubling their income on this item. Business as usual at Ribes i Casals.
Anyway, after completion, I couldn't help but notice that it had a certain 'little girl's bridesmaids dress' feel about it. I felt a little discouraged but then I found this image on some blog or other:

The styling of the model inspired the deployment of bright fuscia tights and homemade fuscia and white fake flower hair accessories which brought my ensemble together. Phew!

It was one of the most beautiful weddings I've ever been to. Congratulations Umi and Andy! I wish you all the happiness you can handle!