Hi peops! Thanks for bearing with me throughout my latest me-made challenge. Final installment:
Day 27:
- Me-made denim sailor trousers
- Me-made Saint cardigan
- Me-made leopard top
- Me-made vest and pants
- Me-made coat and bag
This was the day after craftaganza and I was sporting a sizeable me-made hangover. I did manage to make it out of my me-made pyjamas though and actually further than the sofa, so the celebratory bevvies couldn't have been too numerous!
Day 28:

- Me-made Saint cardigan
- Me-made wool dress
- Me-made stripey T-shirt
- Me-made vest and pants
- Me-made coat and bag
Day 29:

- Me-made denim sailor trousers
- Remade/refashioned sweatshirt
- Me-made vest and pants
- Me-made coat and bag
I understand that not much of my outfit can be seen behind my work colleague Piglet there, so you'll just have to trust me. He's a big fan of attention, so I though he might appreciate a blog appearance.
Day 30:
- Me-made black sailor trousers
- Me-made leopard top
- Me-made vest and pants
- Me-made coat and bag
As previously explained, I cannot take credit for the gorgeous neck scarf, which was created by the lovely and talented Jessica. Mad props to her for keeping my neck warm all day! I seriously nearly forgot to take it off to go to bed.
Day 31:
- Me-made black sailor trousers
- Me-made corazones blouse
- Refashioned cardigan
- Me-made vest and pants
- Me-made coat and bag
So there we have it people, all done! Another whole month rocking the me-mades in an attempt to spread the word that handmade clothing and accessories can and should be worn with pride. I've stated my intentions and reasoning for these challenges on many occassions, but I have to say that I am proud and very grateful that once again peops from all over the globe elected through their own free will to join me. I also want to thank everyone who commented and gave my outfits props. The encouragement and support was gratefully received.
So, in summary: No, I didn't make any new trousers, and; No, I didn't refashion as many sweat or knit items as I'd planned, and; No, I didn't get round to making any more day-friendly dresses. But that's ok. The fact that I got by with what I have once again shows me that I don't actually need all the clothes I would like to make, and that a few comfy separates can go along way with a little creative combining. I certainly had more outfit variety than Me-Made-March 2010, and this year I was living in a much colder climate with a mountain of other things (moving flats, craft market organising, working full-time etc.) on my plate that weren't applicable to a year ago. Of course, the shine of novelty has worn off a bit more, what with this being my forth challenge of this ilk. But the creativity and variety shown and support expressed by the other participants largely via the Flickr group continues to make these challenges such a thoroughly enjoyable experience, and this MMMar '11 has been no exception. Future challenges?! Watch this space, announcements to follow soon.....