Hmm, why does your favourite pastime sometimes feel like hard work? Maybe it's just me. Maybe my tendency to over-think things and run each stage of a creation through my head turns a harmless project into a succession of difficult tasks. Maybe I'm mental and my own worst enemy. Maybe now isn't the time to address these issues!
Anyways, after the exhausting fit analysis of the Chinese takeaway top, and a pesky UFO (Un-Finished Object, for any poor non-sewer who has somehow found themselves reading my blog, probably a friend or loved one through a sense of obligation!) that is causing me extensive and extended headaches, I felt the urge to produce some garments QUICKLY. You know, nice and wearable garments, just really quickly.
The chance came Monday evening. Still on a high from finishing up the aforementioned Chinese takeaway top before I left for work earlier the same day, I found that my last class was cancelled and I was thus propelled home an hour earlier than expected. Got home, still day light, boy not due back for a while, what to do?! Get busy with the scissors,
clar. So I cut out one T-shirt and two vests from some stretch fabric that actually belongs to my flatmate, but which through either his carelessness or lack of care has been absorbed into my stash. Opps. Tuesday morning this type of thing happened with great intensity:

To make the process even quicker, despite the fact that I was using two wildly different colours of stretch fabric and a contrast FOE (Fold Over Elastic, noob), I threaded up my overlocker and flatlock machine with red thread for the whole lot 'to create a contrast effect'. (No really, aesthetics were my only concern!). And when I came up for air a couple of hours later.... ta daaaaaa:

Even though I'm slap bang in the middle of Me-Made-May and should perhaps be focusing any sewing activity towards producing a wider and more exciting array of outfit options, I have produced a long sleeved sleeping T-shirt that I had a vague notion might be useful in the Autumn, a vest for myself even though I already have two self-made vests which are proving perfectly sufficient, and a vest for a mate that I'm probably not going to see for ages anyway. I can't say the logic is flawless, but I have to say that bashing these out in less than 24 hours was very satisfying. I have in fact found the long sleeved T-shirt useful this week for putting on over my (me-made) sleepwear in the mornings to consume my breakfast and coffee before having a shower. And my new vest (the pink one, BTW), although not essential, has already seen action too. In fact I think I'm wearing it now, let me check. Yep, I am. Maybe there's a moral here somewhere. Maybe not.
I totally understand. The overthinking. The need to produce SOMETHING. That something being a knit. (Usually, my "something" is kids' clothes - even better: kids' knits! - but I found a knit top for myself just as nice.) Great basic sewing! (And, where did you find a flatmate to pilfer fabric from? How wonderful!)
Oh, instant gratification! I could use some of that kind of sewing. Last weekend's attempt at a "quick" project ended in tears. Not pretty.
The moral of the story is - Sometimes you need a quick and dirty knit top to bring back the mojo! I like the contrast. Totally fun!
I totally know this situation, too. At the moment I even struggle to get out as much as one piece per month(!). That's not only because I don't have much time but also because I endlessly weigh each decision possible...
Should totally make some pantys for me some time soon for instant gratification. ;)
Can sympathise with Catherine... I need to learn to make decisions quicker!! Plus I'm scared of stretch fabrics so I don't think I'd attempt these tops...
But I'm hoping once I have my translation work out of the way that I'll be able to whip up some lovely looks to show off instead of just blogging about silly Japanese wrestlers... stay tuned!
Oh yay, I'm not the only one scared of stretch fabric! (I have been thinking about sewing a vest or some underwear to get over my fear, because I had this idea for an funny futuristic-ish black stretch dress over a year ago, I already bought the fabric and I really want to make it sometime.)
Those are cute. Me-made-sleepwear... hmm, that sounds like fun!
I understand! It happens to me after working on an intense, challenging project - I need to whip up a quick skirt just to feel that sense of FAST accomplishment :)
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