So, recently
I've been chatting on about making outerwear to deal with the fast-approaching chilly-season. I made myself a little lined navy wool jacket, entitled Captain jacket, which I've already worn at least six times (thus proving my theory that it's totally worth the extra effort outerwear requires to sew for the extra wears you get out of them).

That little jacket brings my self-stitched outerwear total up to four:
the yellow curtain jacket (unlined), the
infamous leopard coat,
Captain jacket (aforementioned) and the warmest of all, my
midnight blue wool Winter coat. These garments all satisfy different needs in terms of weather and outfit combos, but I still have plans to make one or two more outerwear garments that I hope will last me several years.

In an attempt to create good karma for myself for my next two outwear garment projects, I am making a sacrifice to the gods of sewing. I am offering up the pattern I used for
my wool coat last Winter. I had the idea to do this a few weeks ago, and
Camelias and Crinolines excellent post recently reminded me how I feel about owning stuff (in particular, vintage sewing patterns) that I'm not going to use again that others could be enjoying instead so I have eventually got my arse in gear to rig up this giveaway.

If you like the look of this coat pattern you may need to over-look my moaning about how complex the construction of this garment was. I'm not going to lie to you, making this coat was a bit of a beast in terms of the persistance required, but I'm
not the most patient of sewers and I must admit the outcome really was worth it.
So. This giveaway is for Vogue 7448 (undated but probably from around 1970) in Size 12 (Bust 34", Waist 36"). It is in used but good condition. I cut the pattern at the shortest length but carefully numbered and retained the lower sections so they can easily be stuck back on if you wish to make the longer versions. I only want to give this pattern to someone who will actually USE this it, so if you would like to enter, leave a comment below which will convince me that you actually would make this coat. Bonus points to the comments which make me laugh. I don't care if you live in Outer-Mongolia (what's the postage rate to send stuff there anyway?), this giveaway is open to all with no expense required. But LEAVE ME YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS in the comment unless I can find your email address within two mouse-clicks or less. I'm not trawling the internets to seek you out. The end date for this giveaway is midnight (GMT) Sunday 30th October. Good luck, sewers! xxx
Oh, GOSH! I have been lusting after this pattern since you first made it up last winter, and it's my size. Please please please count me in? I'm not very funny, though. But I do have an extremely good track-record of making outerwear, and wearing it---I don't think any of my regular rotation coats this year have been RTW. And I love, love, love long coats and 70s patterns. I would make view A. Oh, yes, yes, I would make view A...
also you can email me at tanitisis (at) gmail (dot) com. It's on my blog and my blogger profile, but just to be sure.
I'm pretty sure I would not make it, since it would require some grading and I have negative sewing time right now. But I did just want to say that as someone who is also undated but from around 1970 or so, I feel sympathy with your pattern and hope it goes to someone who will do as fabulous a job as you did! Thanks for linking to the FO by the way, I must have missed it when you first posted. It is lovely!
That is the most desirable coat pattern. Why shouldn't I make it while I'm in the middle of nothing but snow? I will have plenty of time making it while the almanac says this year will be the coldest, snowiest, longest winter we ever had in a decade. Thanks.
wendyywwong (at) shaw.ca
I would love to make this coat!
But I have nothing funny to say :(. Too much pressure on the spot. I'm sure I'll think of something funny later on.
But again, I would love to make the this coat. I have a Lady Grey I made last year and I'm actually making a fleece jacket right now, but no actual COAT. Something I need to remedy.
lizajanesews at hotmail dot com
I would LOVE to have this pattern. I just bought a deeply discounted length of burnt orange coating fabric and need a great pattern for it. I would absolutely use it!
I love the pattern and would really like to sew the coat. I've just moved to the UK and considering I'm cold all the time wherever I go, I suspect a few tough months ahead of me. This coat looks like something that can cheer you up and keep warm at the same time. (And it's my size as well!:)
(ktothova at gmail dot com)
wow, how cute is that!
love to win.
elskerkhofs (at) gmail(dot)com
I'm fairly new to coat-sewing, and let's face it, I still have to stitch my Swing Jacket's lining... But I've thoroughly enjoyed the process (offerings of dead mice left by my cats on the pattern tissue and all!) and seeing as I rarely ever find coats I like, I'm committed to catering for myself. If I were to win this fabulous giveaway I'd have to tweak the pattern a little size-wise, which I've never done on a vintage pattern before - a learning curve I would embrace in the pursuit of this perfect coat!
It is really a very pretty coat! I really want to make a coat for this winter, in fact I have been looking for the correct pattern, AND this one looks to be the ONE!!!
iF i WIN, OF COURSE I am gonna do it!!, I already have the fabric, it is a green whool and I just pictured it!! =) ........I don't have anything funny to say, sorry.
This is my email, I'll be waiting that pattern with some "Tequila and enchiladas" in my little hometown in Mexico!!
I'm in New Zealand where summer is just about on its way - which means if I won the pattern I'd have a good six months to make the coat, ready to wear for winter next year. I'm not the fastest sewer but I think even I can do it in six months!
anna (dot) davies (at) cheerful (dot) com
This is lovely (!) - and as I have hips the size of a small solar system, it looks like a flattering shape with classic lines thats could work. I am a little scared of the prospect of grading the bust up a size and the instructions sound um, educational- but given it is just coming into summer here I should have JUST enough time to work it all out before next winter....
If you feel like sending your lovely pattern to the southern hemisphere you can find me at caitlin.allen@bigpond.com.au
Don't count me in the draw Zo as I am more like a size 24, but I had to say how thrilled I am you made this pattern up! Must look amazing on you! I will go a hunting for a picture on past blogs :)
Zoe! I cannot lie, coats have been on my list of "DO NOT ATTEMPT" for ages now. Then again, dresses and blouses were once on that list, as were handknit sweaters - and look at me of late! Inventing my own!
So! How would YOU (that's right, you!) like to be the person to kick me out of my non-coat-sewing rut and into the realm of fantabulousness? (Although technically if I've never done it before, I can't exactly be in a rut now can I?) I've been mentally lamenting for awhile now that all my winter coats are black and how they do not work with my handknit hats, and also lamenting how I am too darn lazy to get off my arse and properly look for a non-black coat in a thrift shop or even retail shop (ugh, what a headache! I'd rather mentally complain about it than flip through clothing racks for a coat) ... and you could help me solve my problem! Of course, it would create a new problem - namely getting my act together enough to actually make the darn thing. But it would eventually get done, I warrant you that. That style's rockin'!
I'll stop the novel right here. I think you have my email address but just in case, it's snowmanscraps // gmail
I loveses this pattern! So pretty! I could always use more coats!
I have never sewn a coat but I love the ones you made with this pattern and it is my size so I wouldn't need to grade it! I really want to make a coat but I am not sure my skills are up to it, if I won, I would most defiantly try!
Smashing pattern! I have no patience, so really this would be like therapy for me. See? You'd be helping me Zoe! Also, this pattern is my size so I wouldn't even have to grade it. Do you know how awesome that is? About ten well-fitted awesomes. x
I need this coat pattern. Without any giant sewing projects to distract me, I am dangerously close to being a productive member of society. And we all know what happens when we resign to our fates as cogs in the wheel. Banks take over the country and we become dependent on retail therapy and frappucinos. Please save me and the world.... with this pattern.
What timing! I just spent entirely too much of my time last night combing through the online pattern catalogs looking for the perfect coat pattern only to come up empty. And what did I have in mind? A coat like the plaid version with a solid belt!
If I won this pattern, it would definitely move to the top of my "to sew" list seeing as how it's starting to get cold fast! And I just don't know how I'll manage walking to work everyday two miles, in the snow, uphill...both ways(!) without a beautiful new coat.
Extra incentive? I started a blog recently to keep track of my little sewing projects and I'll definitely keep you updated on my progress there!
maschmidt121 at gmail
1. I love - LOVE - all your coats. Seriously. They have inspired an itch to make my own outerwear this fall.
2. I would definitely make this. Probably more than once. I'm sort of a coat hoarder, and so have ended up with an impressive collection of fashionable thrift store coats, which, unfortunately, are all just a little small (and have detached sleeve linings, which I swear I will fix one day - or would, if a single one actually fit).
3. This pattern is my size!
The confluence of all of these makes for one very enthusiastic participant in this giveaway (me), and should I become a recipient, I will send you a youtube video of myself enthusiastically opening the package (or modeling one of my too-small coats, your choice).
deirdre (period) costello (at) gmail (dot) com
Ok, so I'm not in outer mongolia but if you're offering to post to a distance I am eastside...middle eastside. And I really want to make a coat-its my next big challenge. Truly its not that cold here, but it is nippy of a January and so the short length of this in a lightish tweedy/ wooly thing, or, oo i just thought of this, maybe a thick twill?
I'll keep my fingers crossed.
ahh! love this coat! please consider me in the drawing so i can make this adorable number! i can be reached at christine(at)christinehaynes(dot)com. thanks!!!
I would LOVE to have a homemade wool coat in my wardrobe, count me in for the giveaway please! kristenmakes(at)gmail(dot)com
ahhhh, fool that i am i forgot my email address....oldfashionedwaybeirut@gmail.com
Just a quick post from an ancient dressmaker; please don't include me in the Great Coat Pattern Draw as I already have far too many coats bulging out of my wardrobe...but I just wanted to hug you all! I was in my 20s in the late 60s, when sewing for oneself was taken for granted...and until I found these sewing blogs all over the net I had been thinking I was sort of like the last Mastodon in a world of ready-made tat. Now I realise that the Tribe continues, and am heartened by the fabulous enthusiasm and generous sharing of ideas and info in the world of the Sewing Blogger...BRAVO to you all!
Oh, sorry Zoe, in the zombie frenzy of hitting the publish button, forgot my email address
AAArgh! Where did my last comment go? It must have slipped down an open grave. It seems as if I have to try to remember what I wrote & apologies if it resurfaces again & I am repeating myself....(I obviously also need to explain the beginnings of this comment ....) Here goes. Everyone is aware that Halloween is coming up & I have enough terrifying experiences to know that I just don't enjoy scary films, I absolutely hate the sound effects that accompany the gruesome scenes (that hatefully can still be heard even when hiding behind a cushion or my darling's arm).... but I have been scared by a Vintage Vogue jacket pattern before ....bring it on!
On the rational side -I have been looking for a pattern as perfect as this, scouring ebay etc as I have invested in some teal wool melton, to team with purple tie-die satin from Ghana bought back by a friend when she went there on holiday years ago. According to the "rules" given to me by my friend (another one - I have at least 2!) who is a colour & image stylist, this coat is perfect for me curves 'n me hourglass with the cherry of perfection being the curved collar. It is also my size- so no grading required (fate!). The only risk I see in me winning such an awesome giveaway is that I'd miss the beginning of winter as I know I'm crap at hitting sewing deadlines! But hey, I'll be able to bring a smile when I wear it during the winter & it will be all reading waiting for next year. Thank you for sharing the coat love with someone & sorry again if this comment repeats my previous one which never appeared when I expected it to ....
A stylish cote pattern I my size do not come hopping along everyday!
I do have a nice fabric that is a very sad fabric at the moment because I have not been able to find a pattern that it would like to become. But this one hit the spot and the fabric is now on its way to be pretreated and crosses all its little loose treads that this pattern will be its destiny.
Hi Zoe! I live in North-Western Wyoming, surrounded by snow-capped mountains. My sewing room overlooks an elk refuge which is the only place that animals can find enough food to survive extremely harsh winters. In other words a) it's very, very cold here, and b) winter lasts 6 months. Even if I sew agonizingly slowly I should have a fantastic coat to see me through the season!
caroline (at) losbravosliterary (dot) com
Hello Zo,
A few weeks ago my grandmother sent me around a box of fabrics she was cleaning out- it contained over 3m of a beautiful teal wool. It was wrapped in its original wrapping with the receipt still inside. Amazingly, She had bought it in 1973 and never even opened the package!
I've been lusting after coats and capes ever since I found the wool- even though its spring here in Australia. I think I'd make it just above the knee with some tortoise shell buttons.
OH wow, I've been seeing coats all over the blogging/sewing community and I'm dying to make one! mysmichelle(dot)crocker(at)gmail(dot)com mysmichelle.crocker@gmail.com
wow, I love this pattern! i would even like to make it in the lovely green on the right... sign me up!
When I saw the words "in canada" in the top corner, i thought it was meant to be, since I'm in canada right now. I'd make so many versions: a tweed one for fall, a teal one for winter, a lime green one for spring, a floral version as swimsuit coverup... It would be ideal!
Oh I would love this coat pattern! I have been looking for just such a lovely 70's classic look! I've never made a coat before but I've decided this is the year to do it! A few years ago I moved to a much warmer climate and in my giddyness I gave away all my winter coats (and many of my finest woolies). I am now woefully ill prepared for any and all cold weather and thanks to crazy global warming we do get our fair share!
Wow! How very generous of you! I won't claim it’s my perfect size, as from the stats you've given something’s a bit odd in the waist being larger than the bust... (Unless in my excitement I've read it wrong, highly likely as I'm very excited) But I do LOVE the designs and since I know no restrain when it comes to coats, they are my single favorite item of apparel- hence why I'm pleading for this pattern even though we are heading into summer here in Australia.
I currently have around thirty or so coats and jackets that I've amassed since I stopped growing as a teen all, barring two, RTW as I only started sewing in the past year. I have made a pledge though that for every coat or jacket I make, at least one of my RTW will go on to a charity op shop, so I promise I'm not just hording coats in preparation for the next ice age.
I love the green, blue and checked versions of the pattern you have and, with the previously mentioned lack of restrain, I can see myself making up all three. The only thing stopping me from adding the full length coat in there is that it is probably taller than I am and long coats on short people just make us look like those circus performing dogs puddled up in human clothes.
If you haven't laughed already at the image I'm hoping to convey to you regarding my crazy coat lady persona, then I'd like to share my favorite serious memory of my first proper coat. Growing up as kids, my parents were divorced so there wasn't much money and lots of fighting about who should buy what for us kids. My grandparents on my father’s side lived a few hours away from us so we didn't see them very much. I'd always loved these grandparents and after my Grandfather died, I became much closer to my Nan. She was often the one who would take me out shopping for all the essential clothes I needed as I growing rapidly. One winter, my Nan brought me this incredibly warm green with blue accents coat, it even had toggles and a hood just like Paddington Bears blue coat did! I was about nine years old at the time and being practical as Nan was, she had the wisdom to buy it several sizes too big so I could get a few winters out of it. When I did finally grow out of it I refused to give it away, as we had moved further away from Nan so we only saw her a few times a year. Over 15 years have passed, I still have the coat and although I live closer to Nan now, I don't see her as often as I should but Nan's 83rd birthday next week so I'll definitely pop over for a cup of tea!
Sorry for the essay,
Thank you everyone for entering. Congrats to Tanit-Isis who will hopefully be receiving this pattern before long.
Happy sewing everyone
My soul hurts! I'd been on the look-out for the perfect vintage coat pattern and gave up, like a chump. I hope Tanit-Isis makes the sweetest coat ever!
If you want to see my coat project I'll be posting at http://tatianaryckman.blogspot.com/
Happy sewing!
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