You know what? I'm feeling a bit give-y today.
Last week's vintage pattern giveaway was lots of fun and this week I'm offering up this unused shoulder bag I made from vintage fabric. It's a pattern I developed myself and is the same one I used to make
the purple shoulder bag I gave away back in April. To recap, a few years back, I used to have a stall at a handmade market in East London and have made a squillion of these particular bags in my time, usually in vintage fabric scored from charity shops or eBay. I have used these bags every day myself for years now, so can vouch for their practicality.

The outer fabric is vintage
Barkcloth, probably from the 1960's, in various shades of turquoise and blue. It is fully lined with coordinating plain light blue cotton. The black label you can see shows the name of my little accessories brand, 'Electric Pussycat'.
If you would like this bag, either for yourself or as a gift for someone, and can guarantee it will actually get used, then to enter leave a comment on this post completing the sentence 'I would like this bag because.........'. And don't forget to include your email address to I can reach you if you are successful. I'll pick my favourite at midnight Monday 5th July. Hint: a successful answer has to make me giggle. Good luck!
I would like this bag beacause... I joined my first sew along in June, and absolutely all of my five projects are blue (something I hadn't planned at all, but rather enjoy)! So this bag would match my seventies summer wardrobe perfectly.
Plus the petals of the flower are heart-shaped, a detail I completely fall for.
Oh, and I'm the first one to ask for it!
Sorry for the mispelling (or any grammar fault)...
I would like this bag because I love to read, and I always carry around way more books than I really need. Plus, it's blue, and I don't have a blue bag!
bookworm396 at gmail dot com
I would like this bag because:
1. it would be perfect to carry produce back from the farmers market all summer, coordinating perfectly with my clothes from Me-Made-May. and 2. "Electric Pussycat" (what a great name) reminds me so much of the bands that played at our school dances back when I was in middle school in the early sixties
acorncottageartisanry {at} gmail {dot} com
I would like this bag because I want it. This reason has never worked yet, but they say there's a first time for everything. Right? Or course!
smgjic [at] hotmail [dot] com
I would like this bag because i can sneek it out of my back pocket and fill it with things from my foraging escapades. One on the list is picking rosehips. I also think this bag would look good hanging of my curvy hips too.
I would like this bag because I was thinking just the other day that what was really missing from my bag repertoire was a cute blue handmade shoulder bag, preferably made by someone on the other side of the planet. I was, seriously...
darronjen at msn dot com
I would love this bag as a project bag for my knitting, the floral aspect would render said knitting safe from marauding boy monsters (my sons) as they run screaming from girly stuff! For some reason youngest boy monster is fond of yarn and tends to take it and love it. Although cute, this is not good for the yarns future knittability.
Zoe, I love how you're doing all these giveaways!
I would like this bag because, in the event that the time machine becomes available in my lifetime, and I have to go back to the sixties--where I truly belong--I'll be well-equipped and totally stylin'. Not only will it help my cover (shh!), but it will help me stash my book (for the journey, of course). In the meantime, it'll help me majorly up the color in my otherwise staid wardrobe. :)
What a lovely giveaway!
I would like this bag because...
I need somewhere to put my knitting,
When I am on the go,
And somewhere to hide my pattern stash,
So my boyfriend won't know!
sosprichtdasleben @ googlemail.com
I would like this bag because I'm starting college in a few months and I NEED SOMETHING TO HIDE IN WHEN I GET CRANKY. Well, something to pull over my head, at any rate. And this is so pretty that people will think it's a fashion statement and not bug me about it! "Oh, she's just wearing a blue pretty over her head, unlike that weirdo that wanders around in a mask."
(Oops, forgot to leave my e-mail address.)
muchdeepmeaning @ gmail . com
I would like this bag because on Friday I broke my beloved Skipping Girl bag (http://twitpic.com/22mlmb) which has been my trusty summer throw-everything-in-bag for the past 6 or 7 years. The bright blues of your self-stitched bag look like they would perfectly fit the gap created by the sad demise of my knitted nylon tote.
If you’re chosing a winner purely based on the best comment then I think Ali should win by a mile but if you want to help a girl in need then please, please, please pick me!
gingerrachel at hotmaildot com
I would like this bag because. I will never be able to travel to Spain but I can say my bag came from a girl who made it in Spain and I can speak Spanish to it and it will understand (it does understand Spanish , doesn't it)....since I will be using English and Spanish to talk to it and won't need a translator, when I ask it to hand over my missing keys, that I am sure it has eaten or does it know the directions to the nearest eatery. Or wouldn't that be a cool story to tell my niece when I give it to her,we can get out a map and I can show her exactly where it came from and how far it had to travel, all the countries it could have gone through, along with the languages used by those countries such a good teaching tool and blue is her favorite color..... Thanks for the chance to win. woodsmanswife at gmail(dot)com
I would like this bag because...I read on my commute, and the next book on my to-read pile is too enormous to go into my handbag, and this gorgeous blue bag would be just the thing for taking it with me!
I would like this bag because today is one of those days... and this would for sure brighten up the day and start tomorrow on a much better note, on a different shade of blue!
zirka101 at gmail dot com
Thank you all so much for entering this giveaway, there were many fabulous responses and it was really tough to choose. I wish I had lots of the bags to give away, but there is only one and it will be winging it's way shortly to Alison from acorn cottage artisanry. Thanks again, and keep your eyes peeled for more giveaways on this blog in the future.
Muchos besos xxxxxxxx
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