If you were to peruse my Summer Essentials hit-list, there more eagle-eyed among you might notice that pants are no were to be seen. But since Ali, the genius behind the challenge, emphasises flexibility and encourages re-evaluation, I feel no shame in presenting these in the place of one of the other things I didn't get round to making. And seeing as it's three-showers-a-day-hot here at the moment, new pants are going to lighten the pressure to keep up with my laundry!
The pattern I used was a slightly enlarged version of the initial pants pattern I developed at the beginning of the year in preparation for Me-Made-March (like, an eon ago!). I used a variety of pants elastic (my favourite is still FOE) that I purchased from ebay and a market stall. I have written fairly extensively before about my enquiries into using different types of undies elastic here and here.
One of my the best things about making your own pants is that you can make them from an old T-shirt, giving it a new lease of life. The yellow pair begun life as a T-shirt belonging to my boy. When we first met, he was working for Avis, the car rental company, so for his last day in the job I made him this 'Hertz' T-shirt to wear as a joke. Apparently it went down well. But after the event, whose going to wear a wierd handmade corporate car hire company's logo emblazoned on their chest through their own free will?! Pants seemed the natural solution.
My favourites have to be the nautical ones (que sorpresa!) which use yet more of the little anchor ruffle that already adorns a few other creations. The hearts printed ribbon on the red and white pair came from a St. Jordi's day rose (basically Catalunya's valentines day) and the little lucky heart button was a souvenir from my pilgrimage to Britex in San Francisco.
Now, dear readers, I will very soon be without my sewing machines however I will have a week or so with computer access and time on my hands. I was thinking about sharing my pants pattern and making a guide to their construction and upload the whole shebang (somehow, research will be required) onto Burdastyle. I reckon I could attempt some amateur grading to make a couple of sizes, but would there be a market for it? If five people comment on this post to say that they would be interested in having access to my pants pattern and how-to, then I'll do it. But I have a lot of America's Next Top Model I could be watching instead, so if no-one is really interested, then I won't bother. This is democracy at it's very essense people!

YES, tutorial please!
I think you might be setting yourself up for some cheap jokes by voluntarily associating your behind with cars...
Love your underpants, they're so cute! (That seems like a strange thing to say, good thing we're all adults here and it's about SEWING.)
I've been thinking of knocking off my best-fitting pairs, and so would be interested in how you did yours especially any construction tips! And yet, I'd hate to tear you away from Top Model just for our benefit...
I'd love a tute! I'm going to be making travel pants (like ExOfficio) for my upcoming trip to Italy. No WAY am I spending $15/pair!
Happy packing, btw. I'm sure you'll be sad to leave Spain. I love it there. Load up on the iberican ham and the Spanish tortilla!
It's like you read my mind. When I saw this post I thought I wonder what pattern Zoe uses. I'm definitely interested in the pattern and tutorial. I actually have a stash of knicker elastic which I have yet to use.
I love the nautical ones. So cute.
I would love to have a complete tutorial, at least! I'd be fine with grading your pattern myself. My fave style was discontinued last year and since I haven't found anything close, it's time to start making them!
Yes Please!! I'm fed up with shop bought knickers not fitting after the first wash...
A tutorial would make my day.. I don't feel like going out to buy them!
Yes yes and a thousand times yes! I just learned how to sew knits, and I'm stressin' about how I can do SSS on my budget, and the time I have left...and pants are the obvious solution! I love the T-shirt refashion idea. And the heart that came from britex!
Yes, do a tutorial please! You've motivated me to give "pants" making a try.
Yes, please! (I see you're over 5 comments already, however). I especially love the idea of repurposing old T-shirts! (some of the Boy's are especially cool...)
And, having made my first experiments with Fold Over Elastic this past weekend, I'm totally stoked about the stuff.
I don't think I would upload a pattern because I knocked off my best fitting pair. But, I am always interested in learning some technique for better pants, so I would love to see your method.
I'd love to have a go at your pattern too! I love the ruffles! I've been making my own undies for a little while and am looking for some variety.
A tutorial for these would be amazing and so very appreciated!
This are so cute! I need you to come over and teach me how to sew! do you give classes here in bcn?! That would be something I want to do! We should set up an ex-pat sewing circle! :-) xx
I would love to learn how to make these! Please write a tutorial. :)
Thera Joyce
Would love the tutorial, I think I'll take a pattern off my favourite bought undies as they fit perfectly.
A tutorial would be great. As I was reading I was thinking that making them would be a great idea so you made my day at the end, especially as I see you have way more than five comments already. Thanks for inspiring me again.
obviously you've gotten your five comments but just to reinforce them, i would LOVE a pants tutorial!! i've been reading your blog for a bit (i don't comment so much because i am shy via internet) and i really dig it, it's inspired me to make some but i've been scared because people keep telling me the elastic will kill my needles and such... a tutorial would be awesome!
pants please!!!!!
sounds great, I'm keen
I can't believe you are making your own underwear, that is insane (I mean in a good way)... stretch knits always scare me, plus being single, there's no one to show off my smalls to even if I did make them out of rent-a-car tshirts...!
I hope we're not all meant to make our own undies for Self-Stitched September??!
Yes, please, I want to make my own knickers!
Without wanting to deny you of America's Next Top Model (you gotta get your culture fix), a tutorial would be great. Congrats for finishing your Burda thingey!
These underpants are just perfect! Would love to have a tutorial, even though I don't have a serger (yet). This is by far the best fitting pant model, but most stores sell g-strings or other unwearable stuff.
Please, make a tutorial!
Tutorial please! I've made my own before but they turned out very frumpy and homemade-looking, I could use a nice pattern and some pointers...
You are so clever!! I see you've already got five comments, plus some, so no need for me to add my vote. I would really appreciate some advice from your experience, though. Particularly on the amount of stretch needed when sewing on elastic around the behind/back of leg area. Thankyou so much for this offer! And good luck with your packing/moving!
Ooh, please give us the pants! This would be a great way to refashion band t-shirts. VERY rock & roll.
Would be much obliged to you if you could also provide tips on what lingerie supplies to use and where to find them.
I just tried a pantie pattern of ottobre magazin, an they turned out so, so bad looking, I think I could use some helpful hints ... and I´ve got a ton of old t-shirts, waiting for upcycling ... so hey, I would love to have your tutorial for these nice ones!
Yes please! I've been wanting to try making underpants for ages (and quite frankly, using the word "underpants" brings me a small measure of joy - must be my inner six-year old coming out).
I've got some old t-shirts that aren't so great for wearing but are too good to get rid of - perfect solution!
I would love a tutorial too please...i tried to make myself a pair last week out of a t-shirt and they didn't go well...yours look great xx
Yes, please, I need undies! I tried to make some and was totally unsuccessful.
Ok I am jealous and may have to steal this idea as well. Have you ever tried making the more boy-short shaped ones? They seam to fit me better but my issue is I have a smallish waist and a HUGE bum. I have MILES of FOE that I bought for some reason?? So I am going to add this to my list of new experiments. Thanks for sharing your experience!
Yes, please!!!!
What amazing timing! I'd made a pair a few months ago that I love, and started to make another pair just the other day. It unfortunately didn't work out, but I was trying a different pattern. I think I'll go back to my original pattern and try again. But I absolutely love your embellishments, especially the ribbon on the sides, and I may try to incorporate that into my next few pairs!
I just bought some new panties thinking they were the "ones". It wasn't until after I wore the fist pair that I noticed there was no elastic around the leg holes. Which led to stretching which resulted in pants up the crack. Today I am wearing a pair that fits really well, but they aren't my favorite because they're made of that silky nylon not cotton. I want to make more of these that fit super great. I also really like the way the stretchy lace fits on pants but I don't know of a reasonable source for that yet.
I would certainly love to get the pattern and tutorial for these. I want to make my way into sewing lingerie and this would be a great first step.
I'd love a tutorial and pattern -- I've seen other tutorials but none that I thought I could follow and get a good result, so I've never made a pair of pants. But I'd like to!
Also, my pattern arrived! That was super quick!! Very excited to get started on it. Thanks again! :)
i love these!
Yes yes yes! and finally... Yes!
I love your pants...please, please so a tutorial so we can copy them! I'm a bit gutted though, as I recently took a load of my boyfriend's 'old' T-shirts to the charity shop. The logos on them would have been perfect for pants :o(
Just found you via Video Jug...Happy to be a new follower ;-)
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