Tuesday 14 April 2015

Kid's Clothes Week Sewalong April 2015: Wild Things!

Second only to Me-Made-May, Kid's Clothes Week (KCW) is now firmly my favourite sewing community occasion! For me, I find it's a great way to actually get round to creating some of the squillions of projects that I carry round in my head. I really like this season's theme and intend to follow it, although I'm pretty sure it's not compulsory to do so. 'Wild Things' could be taken in so many directions and I'm excited to see how the rest of the KCW community interpret it. This post on their blog in particular has some wonderfully inventive ways to incorporate aspects of animals into wearable children's clothing. Also, I think this is a great theme because it's likely to get the children themselves really engaged in what they are having made for them. My eighteen-month-old, Dolores, has just started pointing at and naming animals, and has started noticing the dogs printed on her pyjamas, for example. As much as I obviously adored the Upcycling KCW challenge, I think this one has more scope for making fun for the kids themselves.

Personally, I've already got a few projects planned that I'm hoping to complete by sewing for at least one hour per day between 20th - 26th April. I've been doing some prep, like tracing pattern pieces and even doing some cutting out, so I've got more chance of getting the sewing completed by the end of the week. I'm taking the theme in a couple of directions, and I'm excited to show you what I come up with!


Kathryn said...

I agree, I love KCW now! I really like the theme this year too but haven't got too many plans yet to use it in exciting ways, just fabric with animals on it. That faces post is brilliant though. I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with!

Unknown said...

I am in too. Hoping to make something for the boys. I like the themes- rather fun.

R254 said...

Sorry! Make a mistake the article you post.

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