Friday 17 April 2015

Me-Made-May'15: My Pledge

(Can I convince myself that wearing a denim skirt is just like wearing jeans?!)

Ok here goes....

'I, Zoe of 'So, Zo... What Do You Know?', sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear as many me-made garments as possible each day for the duration of May 2015. Plus I will wear a skirt or dress five days per week'.

(Will the weather permit the wearing of a bright yellow sailor skirt?)

There, I did it. I will permit myself to wear some of my secondhand cardigans sparingly (because so far I only have one self-made cardigan which I'll blog about in a few days time). I won't permit myself to wear my secondhand jeans or jeggings because I want to get out of the wardrobe rut I've found myself in by following the daily formula of: jeans/jeggings + knit top + cardigan. 

(Will this 'abandoned bandstand in the foliage' print curtain skirt make me feel mental?) 

Pushing myself to make more use of my skirts and dresses is going to be tough, because I don't tend to feel as comfortable in them as I do in jeans. I'm hoping I can come up with different ways to wear my skirt and dress selection that will change how I feel in them. I don't want to own any items of clothing that don't get at least a few wears each year (very special and very seasonal garments being the exceptions), so I need to find ways to incorporate them into regular rotation or I'll have to part with them and stop myself from making more! I was pretty brutal recently and got rid of some skirts that, even though I had a bit of sentimental attachment to them. I have no regrets and I'm now left with only six skirts (all of which are pictured in this post). 

(Will the stripy Mabel skirt start to feel like the 't-shirt wrapped round my bum' that I had hoped for?)

To go with my skirts and dresses, I did consider making some tights using Marilla's tights pattern, but a recent sort out of my undies drawer unearthed a squillion pairs of tights already so it wouldn't be a good use of my limited sewing time at this point.

(Will this bow detail high waisted denim skirt prove just the ticket for teaching in?)

The challenge will generally be a great opportunity to dig out some hidden me-mades and try to find out why they don't get worn very often, and if there's anything I can do about that. I'm really excited to get going and make this a valuable challenge. I've really enjoyed reading each pledge as they've pinged into my inbox. If you are taking part, or planning to take part, did you/are you finding it difficult to come up with a useful pledge to challenge yourself with?

(Will I feel less like I'm at a children's birthday party in the nautical Cressida skirt?)


EmeraldErin said...

Great pledge!!- I too feel stuck in the leggings/yoga pants and a knit top rut. I'm so excited for MMMay 2015, I haven't made a pledge yet because I really want to figure out a good one that I can actually achieve! I'm thinking that I might focus it around indie pattern projects- and of course swimwear and bras! but we'll see! Thanks again for hosting :)

Marilla Walker said...

Oh god, this makes me think that maybe I should have set myself more of a challenge! I will have a think, but this sounds like such a great idea to start wearing more of your wardrobe. I've literally just started to make more effort to wear my skirts, as they seemed too hard work with the feeding. I didn't have time to put outfits together, so stopped wearing them, but now they're back and I love them again! I'm sure you will too and you have a great selection to choose from. Can't wait! X

Joyce said...

Oh now, that IS a challenge! I'm definitely a trousers-girl so can identify with the difficulty and enormity of the skirts and dresses pledge. Well done and I'm looking forward to May.

Dr Susan said...

I have never done mmmay before so am excited to take part this year - just got to think up the right pledge! Your skirts are all gorgeous! I bet you will really enjoy wearing them all!

Victoria said...

Love the skirts! Stripey Mabel feels the most wearable to me. Otherwise it's a coin toss between high bow denim and bandstand.

Cucicucicoo: Eco Crafting & Sewing said...

Your skirts are so pretty and so different from one another! I'm sure that you'll come up with some gorgeous outfits! That's a good idea to use the pledge also to try to push yourself to wear more of one type of garment. I'm still thinking out how exactly to make my pledge, so now you've got me thinking if I should do something similar to you! :) Lisa

Unknown said...

I still haven't decided how I can join in with MMM15. I have put on a bit of weight round the old tum so things not fitting quite as well as they should. But you are spurring me on I am going to get all my me mades out and have a think about what I can wear and how.

Zoë said...

Ooh good pledge, all of these skirts are gorgeous, especially loving the high waisted with the bow :)

Mother of Reinvention said...

Brilliant pledge and fantastic that you can wear clothes that you have made for a whole month. I might get two days with a bit of rotation flung in. :)
I am seriously in love with your abandoned bandstand fabric skirt, swiftly followed by the denim one with a bow. They are both lovely. Looking forward to seeing your outfits. xx

justsewtherapeutic said...

You really should wear more skirts they are all so lovely! I got so fed up of resorting to jeans all the time that I set myself a mission not to wear them for a whole year, it really forced me to shake up my wardrobe and has had a lasting impact on what I wear!

Gillian said...

That sounds like a good challenge! I remember that foliage skirt from when you made it! Maybe having a few more knit skirts would ease the transition?

Erika said...

I have the opposite problem: I hardly have pants and find skirts to be way more comfy. However, the first week of may I'll be on a sailing trip and sailing sort of requires pants for practical reasons.. And redressing as it tends to get cold in the evenings, last year I found out that I could not pull off the 'no repeating combinations' rule on a vacation where I had two outfits per day.

Well I'll figure something out, prbably just different pledges for the vacation and after.

Anonymous said...

Good pledge! I don't think I even own a skirt! Still thinking about my pledge, don't really have a big homemade wardrobe and being pregnant I don't really want to make loads of clothes that I will only wear for a few months - have loads from last time round. Might just be to make a couple of belly bands!

Kimberly said...

You are so cute! I was just thinking I need to wear more pants--I pretty much only wear skirts and dresses, but no MMM points since I never seem to sew pants. A goal for once I have a sewing space again.
Love your posts. Wear the crap out of that denim pencil skirt with the bow...

Hanna said...

I too have been thinking recently about why I don't wear skirts so much, even though I think that love them. One of the factors for me is that I don't like tights very much, and so I realised if I'm going to wear more skirts that I'll just have to suck it up and buy another pair or two of the (super expensive) Falke tights I can actually deal with wearing. £20 on a pair of tights seems nuts, but actually if it enables me to start loving half my wardrobe again, it will be money well spent.

BLD in MT said...

Fabulous skirts. Fabulous. I am often per week you usually wear skirts or dresses?

Christals Creations said...

I would love to attempt it but I don't know how successful I would be. I look forward to keeping up with your challenge and will think a bit more about trying to do it myself.

Melwyk said...

Great self-challenge! I mostly wear skirts and dresses so a huge challenge would be for me to wear me-made pants....I'd be wearing the same pair all month ;)

I still haven't decided on my self-challenge. Having a hard time coming up with something that will be a challenge while not being too difficult...

Lesley said...

Wow, thats a lot of Me Made skirts for a gal that doesn't wear them!! I too am a non skirt wearer. I chose to keep it simple and just wear one me made item every day because I usually don't wear anything I kale at all!!

Elizabeth Made This said...

This is a great goal! I'm going to think hard about mine...I have many jackets that don't get incorporated as much, and my skirts, much like you get passed over in favor of jeans. I'm looking forward to it all!

tialys said...

I love skirts but, once you decide to wear one you have the tights decision to make. Thick tights, sheer tights, patterned ones, black ones, natural ones, or no tights at all and don't get me started on the shoes.

Daisy Creates in Sussex said...

Wooo wooo, it's May again. I so enjoyed MMM 14 I think i'll definitely have to find time to do this challenge and hopefully "meet up" with a few of the MMM14 family again. Although I have been wearing lots of me mades since last year, MMM14 also helped my sewing mojo blast off again and I've now found a new style - so much so my poor blog has been very neglected since October!
BTW Zoe, please can you tell me how you attached the bow on that gorgeous high waisted denim skirt - I've been trying to figure this out for ages!
Thank you for giving up your time to host this fab event again x

Ree Sewn said...

Ooh good pledge! Your skirts are just gorgeous. I adore the bandstand and floral one. I look forward to seeing how you'll style your lovely skirts! X

katcuts said...

am i too late?
i want to pledge too! i want to be a part of MeMadeMay'15!
i want to aim for 3 different memade items each week, maybe wearing something memade each day!

Daisy Creates in Sussex said...

Hi Zoe
thank you for this again and i'm looking forward to the fun commencing. I've signed up and am checking out my me mades.
Please can you let me know how i get into the flickr group. I went to it in the link but couldn't see where to request to be let in :-(
by they way, i love your bow skirt.

Daisy Creates in Sussex said...

Hi Zoe
thank you for this again and i'm looking forward to the fun commencing. I've signed up and am checking out my me mades.
Please can you let me know how i get into the flickr group. I went to it in the link but couldn't see where to request to be let in :-(
by they way, i love your bow skirt.

badmomgoodmom said...

Thanks to your first MMM, I've pretty much incorporated wearing something me-made every day. It's unrealistic for me to up my pledge to wearing ALL me-made items.

But, I would like to join in to push myself to document my makes and my surroundings for the MMM community. I love to see other people's homes and hometowns as much as their makes.

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