Tuesday 5 March 2013

Me-Made-March: Nippon!

If you've been having trouble firing up your sewing mojo so far this year, maybe looking at heaps of images of amazing wearable handmade creations will help! Usually does for me... Therefore I'd suggest having a look at Me-Made-March: Nippon, a Japanese-speaking version of the infamous and much loved 'Me-Made/Self-Stitched' challenges.

(image source: Miho)

I am, hopefully understandably, pretty protective over the 'Me-Made/Self-Stitched' challenges. I'm particularly cautious about the things that people have tried to apply the 'Me-Made' or 'Self-Stitched' titles to, which would potentially dilute or create unwelcome associations with the challenges that many members of the online sewing community have come to really enjoy and look forward to. Oh, did I ever tell you about the time one of the 'Big Four' tried to entirely take over and absorb the Me-Made challenges?! No? I'll save that story til I'm a few cocktails deep...

(image source: Mur Mur)

Anyway, I digress. A couple of months ago, the insanely talented and very sweet Miho emailed me to ask if I would be happy for her to organise a Japanese-sewing bloggers Me-Made-March challenge using the 'Me-Made' name. I was all like 'HELL. YES', as long as you send me the link so I can be glued to the images of amazingly creative and wearable outfits as they roll in all month long. Miho is also friends with one of the most awesome of sewing bloggers Yoshimi who has taken part in the general Me-Made/Self-Stitched challenges bringing her ridiculously well made garments to the attention of envious sewers globally! So follow the Me-Made-March: Nippon challenge along the right hand side of Miho's blog, and click on the images to be taken through to the blog/site/flickr page of the individual garment creator. Happy garment-oggling!


Anonymous said...

Just wondering whether you are planing to hold another Me-Made-May this year!


yoshimi said...

I'm glad that there are many participants in Me-Made-March'13 Nippon. I think I should report to you that many of them say it is very happy and rewarding project. My biggest hope is that a big number of us will join your next Me-Made project (May?) after this experience. Thank you, Zoe, for your kind understanding and also sweet words to me!

Anonymous said...

wow. Me-made has gone international. Now that's an accomplishment!

Far said...

I am so looking forward to your next me-made challenge :)

Anonymous said...

It's good to hear that you keep an eye on the various offsprings of your idea. I wondered if you know about this german blog http://memademittwoch.blogspot.de/. It is about showing self-made clothing, but you are nowhere linked or quoted over there, so I just wanted to let you know, in case you haven't hear of it before. :)

Anonymous said...

I browsed around a bit, it's surprisingly fun to "read" sewing blogs in a language I don't understand! It's great to know your ideas are spreading past barriers like that. I also kind of like how many of the pictures don't show the author's face - it would be so much quicker if I did it that way . . .

Margaret said...

I would particularly like to hear about that almost-debacle with the big-4. I hear the same stuff goes on all the time with the independent vs. corporate knitting industry.

Anonymous said...

Wow, how cool! These outfit posts are so fun to browse!

Anonymous said...

Hola, hemos agregado un trackback (enlace hacia este artículo) en el nuestro ya que nos pareció muy interesante la información detallada pero no quisimos copiarla, sino que nuestros lectores vengan directamente a la fuente. Gracias... datacrédito

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