Saturday, 30 March 2013

Dramatic Change in Sewing Tack...(Plus, does anyone have this pattern?!)

Dear reader, it is time to disclose one of the 'mystery projects' I alluded to in my recent self-employment update post. So here's the thing: basically I have a bun in the oven. As I type I have 14 weeks-worth of baby inside me. Last week we had the first scan and saw our baby. I was very much expecting it to look like a weird alien but instead what was presented to us on the screen was quite firmly baby-shaped, and moving about. Crazy. Exciting. And very moving.

This blog of mine being what it is, (i.e. a sewing-related one) I am of course going to use it to document the clothing/sewing side of this whole insane new life development. My body is currently making the transition from looking a bit bloated to being distinctly pregnant. A woman I've only met once before told me yesterday she wasn't sure if I'd had a big meal or was pregnant! As with every damn thing in my life, I plan to deal with being pregnant in a DIY fashion where at all possible, so that means sewing, sewing and some more sewing to accommodate my changing shape. I can just about squeeze into most of my clothing at the moment, but it's not going to be long before most of it has to be set aside and I'm going to be mighty cold if I don't get busy.

The thing I've only just started to realise about this whole changing shape thing is this: there's no point ignoring it. I fear that sounds like I'm not exciting about being pregnant, which I totally am. This baby was planned and is very much wanted, but hoping to be pregnant and actually being pregnant, I'm finding, are two very different states of head-space. What I'm beginning to acknowledge is that being pregnant isn't like putting on weight. When I've noticed I've been getting bigger in the past, I've just swapped to the larger, roomier garments in my wardrobe and addressed my naughty-food-and-drink intake and after a while things have balanced out again. This time, the change is only going to go in one direction for quite a long time, so I've got to get dealing with it.

I've always hoped that one day I'd have a child, so have had a fair few abstract thoughts over the years about what I'd do maternity clothing-wise. But I'm finding it a bit surreal and strange because it's actually happening, like NOW. My body is changing at a surprising rate so expect a fair bit of panic-sewing over the next month or so.

From my incredibly unscientific research (= casually observing pregnant friends, family and colleagues), there doesn't seem to be any kind of 'set amount' of weight you can expect to put on. Some have ballooned alarmingly, whilst some seemed only to have a basket-ball shoved up their top and from the back looked no different. Because I have no idea what's going to happen to me in the later months of my pregnancy, I'm kind of thinking of maternity clothing in two distinct stages: the period of small-to-medium bump and the period of medium-to-big bump. I'm still very much getting my head around all this, so I'll get back to you soon when I have had more time to think about what that is going to mean, sewing-wise. Don't even mention baby-sewing yet!!!!


pennie said...

Wooohoo! Many congratulations to you both...

Enjoy the journey, it can be quite fun once you get your head round it

katherine h said...

A most exciting sewing development! A huge congratulations to you...hope you are not too tired to sew your maternity wardrobe. Enjoy the whole ride. xx

MrsAlex said...

Congratulations! It's quite weird, changing shape but fascinating too. Enjoy the process - and the eventual outcome!

Kat said...

Omg that is awesome news! Congratulations.

Huff said...

Congratulations! It takes a bit of getting used to, the physical and mental changes when you're growing a human! All the very best, maternity and baby sewing are so much fun!

wendy said...

Huge congratulations to you and Pat! A whole new adventure:)

Minnado said...

Congratulations - I found even when 9 months pregnant some days I couldn't get my head round the fact I was really pregnant! I'd say don't sew too much for teeney babies as they grow too fast and need clothes changing too often, but concentrate on sewing for yourself. Plus there is a whole network of second hand baby clothes out there, Maternity sewing is fun...forget zips and darts for a while :)

Far said...

Congrats!!! :) Such A Happy News Indeed :)

Jacq C said...

Huge congratulations. I'm sure you'll deal with maternity and baby sewing with your usual flair and innovation, I can just envisage co-ordinated nautical outfits :)

Wishing you a healthy pregnancy, best of luck x

KC said...

Congratulations! Much joy to you both!

CarmencitaB said...

Very joyful news! Congratulations!

skipseagirl said...


Sabs said...

Congratulations! Can't wait to see how you adapt your sewing for baby growing. And will it be ok to mention baby sewing/sewing for baby at maybe 7 months?! Enjoy being preggers, Zoe, I'm sure you'll love it!

Claire (aka Seemane) said...

Wow, Zoe that's wonderful news - warmest congratulations to you and Pat on expecting your own little you-made-bundle-of-joy :)!

Robyn said...

Congratulations - that's wonderful news. Can't wait to see your spin on maternity clothes.

Jen said...

Congratulations! As someone who is currently 18 weeks pregnant (with baby #4) I'm curious to see what you're going to sew up for yourself. My main concern is a maternity bathing suit right now, since I need to be able to take my younger ones swimming. I'm in the process of making a maternity tankini, an adaptation of an Ottobre Woman pattern. Yes, it's a hassle but I don't want to ruin my other suit and I can't bring myself to spend the $50+ for a maternity suit when this will be our last baby.

PS - That pattern is adorable! I can see why you want it.

Unknown said...

Congratulations !!
That is a great piece of news.
Concerning the pattern I have a similar one on a vintage Lutterloh book so if you are intereste I can send by mail the picture and the rule to adapt it.

Crab and Bee said...

Aww, yay!

petal said...


Roisin Muldoon said...

Congratulations! Being childfree, I have nothing to offer in terms of pregnancy advice but to say that a fair few friends of mine have gone down the DIY baby route and there are tons of secondhand baby clothes and paraphernalia out there. If you join an NCT group or dvdn just keep your ear to the ground on that, I hear their sales are a great place to score baby stuff for minimum amounts of cash :)

I'm going to be doing some sewing for baby soon too as I've just found out that both my sister-in-law AND my youngest sister are expecting - both are due in late autumn, and I'm taking my responsibilities as aunt-with-a-sewing machine pretty seriously!

Anyway congratulations again xxx

superheidi said...

Big congrats!

Christina said...

Congratulations! What exiting news!!! All the best for you two + "one in the making".
Oh, and spend a happy easter weekend!

oh-mimmi said...


Anonymous said...

Congratulations and enjoy your pregnancy. It is one of the biggest
joys you can have. No one else but you and your baby know what is happening inside you. Took me a while to realize that little tummy sticking out was because a real person was in there. Enjoy, at times is will seem like its going so slow and once you have your baby it will seem like it went to fast. LOL Wish I had the pattern you are looking for but I don't. I enjoy your blog so much thank you for it.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! How very exciting. Enjoy your pregnancy. Being pregnant sure is a surreal experience. Our little one is now 11 months old and it is so amazing to be the mum of this little human being.
I dont have the pattern in your post, but a very similar one :
It's on the donate to charity pile, but I am happy to send it to you if you would like to use it.

Jo Campbell said...

Congratulations - I loved my bump when I was pregnant, esp. when I got huge at the end. I hope you enjoy every minute.

Kestrel said...

Woo hoo! Congrats! Lovely news.

I'm currently 23 weeks and reassessing my wardrobe and planning some sewing projects. I made the sewaholic crescent skirt with maternity waistband alteration, which you can see on my blog if you're interested. Have made another couple of jersey dresses too, still to blog. So far I can wear most of my usual tops still.

Enjoy planning some new sewing projects

K x

Unknown said...

How wonderful: A baby!!! YAY!!! Last week I found your blog, Zoe, and it has inspired me to refashion two new jeans skirts and clean out my closet. Best, Rachel

emma said...

Congratulations, how very exciting for you both.

Jane said...

WAHAYYYYY!!!That's THE most wonderful news Zoe, massive congratulations to you both, I'm so thrilled for you! You're absolutely right, wanting to be pregnant and actually being pregnant are two very different things, but there's no way of accurately describing that to somebody!
You sound like you're in that weird no-man's-land at the moment where normal clothes are too tight but proper maternity clothes are way too big. If anybody can sew themselves a stylish preggers wardrobe though, you can! Good luck and take extra special care of yourself. xxx

Erika said...

A huge Congratulations to you and Pat! What wonderful news! I'm also thrilled at the thought of seeing your DIY maternityclothes... I haven't had the experience yet, but being surrounded by pregnant family, friends and co-workers has of course started my sewing-imagination :)

Unknown said...

Congratulations!! How exciting!

Kat said...

Congratulations, amazing news :) Can't wait to see your take on maternity style.

Laura said...

"So here's the thing: basically I have a bun in the oven."

Best phrasing of pregnancy announcement ever.

Also, congratulations! How exciting!

tialys said...

How exciting. I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with your wardrobe.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Looking forward to seeing your maternity sewing! You should totally make some sailor pants with an elastic waist...

Alyssa said...

Congratulations! You'll be a great mom! And don't feel too badly if you end up being too exhausted to sew.

shivani said...

Ooooo wow! How exciting! Congratulations Zoe - brilliant news :) x

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, that's great news :)

Adrienne said...

That is such amazing news! Congratulations Zoe! My best wishes for a happy and safe pregnancy!

LisaRae said...

Congratulations! Babies are so wonderful. Pregnancy is a mixed bag but the end result is a miniature version of yourself that you get to love forever.

Another Sewing Scientist said...

Congrats! It's so interesting to follow so many bloggers in their 20s-30s who are all experiencing pregnancy for the first time together, and getting to share information back and forth. I keep wondering who will be the next one to step forward with the big news.....;)

I made it through both pregnancies with a combo of friends' hand-me-downs, a couple of maternity T-shirts, and a lot of simple me-made A-line things until the last 2 months. Then I was down to about 3 things that fit properly. Make sure that you have at least 2 or 3 things that seem extraodinarily huge now, because you may need them and not have the energy to make them at the end! It does seem alien at first, then totally normal, then alien again after you're all finished. Well, at least it did for me!

Anonymous said...

Ahhhh! Congrats to you and Pat! That's so very exciting!

Margo said...

Congratulations!! That is wonderful news. I'm so happy for you and your hubby. I ended up living in leggings and knit dresses my last trimester, I could never find trousers that fit well. Have fun maternity sewing! I can't wait to see what you come up with.

Tanit-Isis said...

Congratulations! And yes, major head-trip. Good luck with the maternity sewing---I didn't sew much when I had my babies, so I haven't any advice, except maybe ask your mom how much she gained. :)

Sonia said...

Congratulations - so very exciting! I really struggled when I first got pregnant too - although Summer's a good time to be big & pregnant as the clothes seem to suit loose & floaty more! I couldn't have done without my good loose shirt with leggings and a sleeveless cardi (you can use it to hide those tops that don't quite meet the top of your jeans!!!!). Have a great Easter x

Scruffybadger said...

Zoe, huge congrats to you and Pat, that is such amazing awesome news!!!!! I just *know* you will be sewing beautiful 60s maternity wear, something I would have loved to sew myself but that horse has already bolted and I can now live vicariously through you!!
What exciting times ahead! Xxx

Catherine said...

Congratulations - The best news in th world. Also did not know if you are registered self employed you can claim maternity benefits....

I ended up living in the same 3 dresses at the end of one of my pregnancies as by the last 3 weeks they were the only things that fit and I refused to buy or make anything else

Good luck and ignore all the people who will come up and touch you and comment on your (randome strangers will now feel it is appropriate to touch you..AND tell you their labour stories!)

my advice : buy 5000000 milllion muslin squares (you can NOT own too many) and ENJOY!

Catherine said...

That was supposed to be IF you ARE registered self employed you CAN claim maternity benefits... but I am being inept on the computer as keyboard buried under pile of fabric and an iron....

Helen said...

Congratulations. Hope you are feeling well.

Can't wait to see what you come up with!

badmomgoodmom said...


I, too, was moved by the peanut-shaped thing in the ultrasound.

Don't fret too much if you don't have maternity patterns. I lived in a couple of Burda loose top patterns that I altered thusly:
1. use your regular size or one size larger (if boobs swell).
2. add an empire seam on the front piece by separating it into top and bottom sections.
3. add pleats or gather in the bottom front piece.
4. slash and spread the back pattern piece from the shoulder line to add a wedge of hip girth (plus a bit extra at the CB and side seams).
5. elongate to make a dress, if needed.

I wore regular size elastic waist pants at first, then switched to knit or stretch woven pull-on pants that I made from a maternity pattern.

liza jane said...

Congratulations! The scans are pretty darn amazing aren't they? I am days away from giving birth to my first. I found that I liked to wear loose drape-y things in the beginning and then tighter things as my bump got big and noticeable. Don't stress the weight gain. It's all for a good cause!

Maria said...

Congratulations! I was pregnant last year (and now have a sweet baby), and really enjoyed it! I hope you will have a great time! And best wishes to you, Pat and the new guy or girl. Whats it gonna be?

Kay said...

Congratulations Zoe!!

What a Wonderful news!!! Thanks for sharing... Can't wait to read your take on maternity patterns as well.

didyoumakethat said...

Congratulations, Zoe! An exciting new journey ahead.

Lovenicky said...

CONGRATS!!!!!!! So happy for you both! I also made my entire wardrobe of maternity clothes. I had a lot of fun and I'm sure you will have lots of fun too! I look forward to seeing your creations. And make sure that you remember to enjoy the pregnancy process and get as much rest as your body needs. It does go by really quickly!

Kelly said...

Aw, congratulations!! I wish your family all happiness and health :)

Claire said...

Congratulations! This is wonderful news. I know you have fun sewing along the way.

Stevie said...

Oh Hun! I'm so pleased for you and Pat! Congratulations lady! We know you'll rock the maternity DIY x

johanna@projects by me said...

Congratulations! And good luck with the pregnancy and the maternity sewing! :)

And do ask your mum, your mum's mum and other females on your mother's side of the family how much weight they gained during pregnancy and what they looked like, then you'll get a clue to what will happen to you!

Jenny said...

Congratulations! That is very exciting. Speaking from experience, I think your two stage approach is a good idea. I've had one baby, pregnant with the second. I can remember the maternity clothes I wore during the second trimester hardly fit during the third trimester. Of course, I was one that ballooned up 30 pounds- not a cute little basketball tummy! I didn't sew many clothes during my first pregnancy but I am embracing the challange this go around. Can't wait to see what you come up with!

MrsC (Maryanne) said...

Yeeha!!! Congratulations!!!!

Sew little time said...

ooh such lovely news. congratulations!

French Toast Tasha said...

Holy smokes! Congrats to you guys, that's so exciting!

French Toast Tasha said...

I forgot to say, my mom sewed a few long loose dresses when she was pregnant, and then afterwards she still wore them, just with a belt. Although we don't have kids, I've always liked the idea of maternity clothes that are wearable later, especially if you're going to make your own.

Sarah said...

Congratulations! I can't wait to see all the adorable maternity clothes you whip up :o)

Uta said...

Such happy news, congratulations to you and Pat! I'm sure you'll both enjoy the incomparable adventure that parenthood is... And lucky, stylish baby-to-be! My figure, in normal life as well as pregnancy, has always mirrored my mother's. I had a little post on a dress my mom made and wore when pregnant:

Amanda said...

YAY! This is such awesome news, Zo! Congratulations to you and your chap!

Philippa said...

Congratulations to both you and Pat. I hope you have an easy pregnancy and I will look forward to seeing what you sew! The pattern pictured is adorable and would reallysuit your style!! X

lisa g. said...

what exciting news! many congrats!

joanne said...

Waaaaaaah congratulations Zoe and Pat! I'm so delighted for you both! It's a wonderful maddening life changing thing. Please feel free to email me any time with questions! As a brand new mum I'll tell you what I know which isn't much hehe but it might help :) so delighted for you xxx

Jen said...

Huge congratulations! X

House of Pinheiro said...

Congratulations x

Nettie said...

Congratulations!! Welcome to mommy-hood! It's a BLAST!

Kate M said...


Sew Oklahoma Savvy said...

Congrats to both you and Pat! It is a new stage in lifelong sewing. I made all my son's clothes until he begged me to stop around eight years old. I was so excited making baby clothes, I had to test them out on my cat, bless his patient heart. I can't wait to see what you make!

Anonymous said...

Whoohoo! Congratulations to you and hubby!! You both will be such amazing parents. Have fun with the maternity sewing. Lower Your Presser Foot had some neat posts on maternity sewing several months ago; maybe you could check out her blog.

Tasha said...

A very big congratulations to you, how exciting!!

velosews said...

Congratulations! That's got to be the best project you could have!

Katy said...

Congratulations, that's so exciting!

Anonymous said...

EEE! Congratulations!!!! That is such wonderful news!

Good luck with the sewing, I'm sure you'll come up with the most creative ways to accommodate le bump and look fabulous.

Unknown said...

Wooh bun in the oven! That's literally all I have, a squeal of excitement from the other side of the world. I hope you find that pattern because it will look amazing on you! RL x

Sarah said...

Congrats, that's so exciting for you both!!! :)
Can't wait to see what maternity clothes you make!

Becky said...

Congratulations! :)

Zoe said...

THANK YOU ALLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!! I really appreciate all your lovely thoughts, wishes and excitement!!!!!

I'm also glad that none of the comments suggested people might stop reading if shit was about to get all maternity and baby related!


Kirsty said...

Zoe, such exciting news. I can't wait to see what maternity gear you sew. Yay yay yay!

Stephanie said...

Congratulations!!!! How exciting!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to you and Pat! What exciting news. Can't wait to see how you tackle these new sewing challenges and that pattern is totally adorable, hope you find a copy.

Drop Stitches Not Bombs said...

MASSIVE CONGRATULATIONS! Oh my word, this is such exciting new!

Sølvi said...

Congratulations! Happy times in front of you - looking forward to the progress. :-)

Emily said...

Congratulations! Not that you need any more advice, but I think you are absolutely right that it's really tough to anticipate how/where you will gain. I found it easiest to add to my wardrobe as my pregnancy rolled along, but then again I wasn't sewing so there you go.

I will say that you may be surprised how many "regular" clothes you can continue to wear right up to the bitter end. Larger size tops, stretchy stuff etc. will go a long way, no pun intended. I wore some super stretchy jersey tops (not maternity, but long-waisted) right into my third trimester with no trouble.

Also it's a good rule of thumb that by the end of your pregnancy you will be down to only a few outfits that you can stand to wear, and you will be so sick of them that you'll want to burn them. This is normal!

I will also say that if you can borrow any maternity togs from friends, that's a great way to go. It seems silly to have to reinvent your entire wardrobe for what is going to be a relatively short period of time (although it won't feel like it when you're going through it!). I got most of my stuff secondhand, spent very little money on it and was happy to see it all go at the end (except for this wonderful pair of maternity shorts that I secretly still wear! They're so comfy ..).

Congratulations again! Can't wait to see what you whip up for the little one, too ..

Merche Martinez said...

Congratulations! Enjoy every minute of it!

coco said...

How very wonderful! Enjoy!

SarafF said...

Congratulations! Such an amazing time, I found it really surreal! If you've been feeling a bit off hopefully you're starting to feel better now, and getting a nice burst of energy.

Regarding clothes, the ones you make for the small-medium bump stage, make sure they'll also be suitable for the season after your baby's born - you'll most likely be sick of the huge clothes you've been wearing but probably won't find your pre-pregnancy clothes comfy or suitable for at least the first few weeks. If you plan on breastfeeding, you don't necessarily need special clothes - a not too clingy top you can pull up or unbutton and a singlet/vest you can pull down under your bra work well.

And I second the comment about getting your baby clothes second hand - they grow amazingly fast, so save your sewing energy for something special to keep forever and pass on!

Shannon said...


Joy said...

Congratulations! I wish you all the best in this incredibly exciting journey!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Zoe! I've just been discovering your blog while I sit & feed my own bub - I can't wait to see what stylish maternity outfits you can come up with!

Sophie Xx

Jenni said...

Congratulations x

Miriam said...

What fantastic news Zoe. SO wonderful for you both.... YAY!

Anonymous said...

So excited for you Zoe - big kisses to you and Pat (and bump) :-) xx

Meg the Grand said...

Congratulations, Zoe!!! I am so happy for you and Pat!

Jennifer said...

That's such wonderful news!! Congratulations to you both!!

frk.bustad said...

How exciting!!! Congrats! Can't wait to see what you make for your bump.


OMG YAY!!! A mini Zoe and Pat!!! I'm so so so excited for you guys... what awesome news! Big huge congratulations are in order :)

sorbetsurprise said...

Congratulations! I love that sewing pattern too!

Sharon said...

Wonderful news, congratulations to you both!!

Danielle Krivan said...

Congratulations!! How exciting for you both! Have you come across Megan Nielsen,an Australian indie pattern designer, before? She's just released a new range of maternity patterns, if you're feeling dynamic enough to sew!
All the very best for the journey, hope you can enjoy every single moment of it! oxo

Zoë said...

Congratulations Zoe!! Looking forward to meeting a little baby Zo at this years xmas Craftaganza?! ;)

Becca said...

Congratulations! I'm hoping to be pregnant soon, so I will be watching out for your maternity makes.

juicyknits said...

Oh, and your boobs will get a life of their own. ;-) At least mine grew A LOT.

nikkishell said...

Big congratulations to you!! I look forward to seeing what the maternity clothes you make as your bump grows.x

Rehanon Mackenzie said...

Hey lovely,

I know I've hit you up in and person and on FB but it only seems right to leave my bestest here as this is where our story began :) I'm really excited for you and Pat's next chapter and I can't wait to meet the beauty I know you will produce. As for maternity wear you're gonna be a hell'a a well dressed preggy lady.

Love and tonnes of glitz from the faux aunty in waiting :)


Tara said...

Wow! I've been reading your blog for about a year now but never commented before. Thought of finally pop out of the woodwork to say congratulations!! As so many people have already said, it's a fascinating and wonderful experience, enjoy every minute.

I had a gorgeous baby girl in December and my entire maternity wardrobe was me-made from vintage patterns. I've made a little tumblr with some of my sewing projects on. Most of them are pretty shonky but it might help you choose what sort of pattern styles you go for.

Congratulations again!


C said...

I'm a bit late, but wanted to say congratulations! :) I just had my daughter about 10 days ago, and the whole thing from pregnancy to being an actual mother of an infant is exciting. Wishing you all the best in the coming months!

I'm also looking forward to seeing what you sew for yourself. I chickened out on sewing maternity wear for myself--not knowing how my body was going to change and not being sure what would flatter a more rounded shape. I wish I hadn't, since I feel like perhaps I would have been more satisfied with my maternity wardrobe had I invested some sewing time. But there is always next time (since we're keeping open to the idea of another, so in a few years I'll probably be back to the idea of maternity sewing!). ;) lol.

Liz said...


Unknown said...

Oh my gosh, congratulations!! That's amazing news, so exciting. I can't wait to see all the wonderful things I'm sure you're going to be making! x

Debi said...

Yay! Super big congrats!! I am now officially on the hunt for awesome vintage maternity patterns :-)

Julia Bobbin said...

A massive congratulations! Such wonderful news!

What ever amount of weight you put on will be the perfect amount for you. Now is the time to not get hung up on how other people looked when they were pregnant cause it'll drive you nuts.

I hope you're being well looked after and taking some time out just for yourself. You're right about how no matter how much you desperately want to be pregnant, once you are pregnant it's such a different head space!

I hope you have a good pregnancy, and make sure you take lots of belly photos, you'll love them later on. (Actually make sure you take a few boob photos too ... that's one thing that will definitely change! ;)

Masustak eguzkitan said...

Congratulations!!! Enjoy this new adventure!!!
Best of luck xx

Veronica said...

OOOOH I'm so late in reading my blogs, I almost MISSED THIS!

We have LOTS to talk about - are you due in September? I think I was around the same time as you last year!

I found as a very SHORT person, I had to have figure hugging items in my wardrobe (MIA was my inspiration as she's a button) because I tried flowy & vintage tent like and NO WAY did it suit me. The other problem for me was I had no energy to do anything, so rarely found myself motivated to sew. I still have no time for sewing, but I'm slowly getting back into it. Anyways! CONGRATS to you both, it's such an exciting time!

Amy said...

Congratulations Zoe! So excited for you - though I absolutely relate to the difference between hoping-to-be-pregnant and actually-being pregnant... I'm about 19 weeks now, and constantly bouncing between excitement and fear! Will be following your maternity makes for sure.

Tia Dia said...

I'm late reading this post, but want to offer the heartiest of congratulations to both of you! How exciting and life-changing and wonderful. It will be so much fun to follow along as you sew your new wardrobe.

Cherry said...

Congratulations! Somehow I missed this post! If I can offer one suggestion it would be to also think about nursing appropriate clothes if you're planning to breastfeed, once the baby is here it will take awhile before you'll probably want to be at the sewing machine again and i found I really didn't have enough feeding appropriate clothing in my wardrobe!

Jodi Wade said...

Wow! I'm so excited for you!

Dilly said...

I go on holiday for a couple of weeks and it all happens whilst I'm away! Congratulations SO MUCH to you both, and I hope the pregnancy goes nice and smoothly. Can't wait to see your maternity (and baby) sewing, which I have no doubt will be just as awesome as the rest of the garments you produce. *And* me-made-may again! WOO!

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