Friday 22 February 2013

Refashion Friday: Your Interviewee Thought Please...

I am very pleased to report that last Friday's interview with talented Refashionista Portia went down a treat with you all. Her though-provoking responses to the questions seem to have inspired a number of you to head to your wardrobe or local charity shop and get remaking and reworking those tired, unloved threads.

So I ask you, dear Refashion Friday readers, who else you would you like me to interview? I've got a few ideas under my hat already for future interviewees, however I'd love to hear your suggestions. Whether you are nominating a blogger whose refashions you keenly follow, or if you'd like to have a stab at answering my probing enquiries yourself, either leave a comment below or drop me a line at sozoblog (at) gmail (dot) com.

Anyone got any refashioning plans for the weekend? I'm heading back to the Motherland (Essex) to catch up with some peops, including the wonderful Portia herself. I'm hoping she'll show me where 'the magic happens' and perhaps even a give me a peak at her stash... Oh, and BTW, that chica has recently gone and turned her hand at jewellery refashioning with stunning results....


Unknown said...

I have some old business shirts that id like to do something with just insure what:)
Good work on the jewelry, sounds like she sold a lot too!

Miriana said... is a refashioning goddess

Charity Shop Chic (Sally) said...

Why thank you so much Miriana! I'm blushing!

(I did not pay her to say this, honest)

Charity Shop Chic (Sally) said...

Hi Zoe, Refashionistas I would love to see interviewed include Jillian ( and Erica (, amongst others...

As for this weekend - of course I am planning on hitting the charity shops in my area for a good rummage! I am also working on a rather exciting project involving stretch velvet... watch this space!! :)

geogrrl said...

I'd second Charity Shop Chic. Her refashions are really well done.

MrsC (Maryanne) said...

I agree! I've just done a reccy of her blog and wowowow, she is an inspiration!

Hanna said...

yep, I was coming to recommend charityshopchic but it seems I've been pre-empted!

Catherine said...

Have you seen the swap at house of pinherio ... A nautical themed swap... Thought of you :)

Hazel_Myope said...

This may not be what you were aiming for, but your Refashion Fridays and talks about Charity Shops has made me think about volunteering. I'll feel like I'm doing some good and I might be able to rescue some garments with a lot of potential and one fault from the rag mill.

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