Tuesday, 6 March 2012

One Week, One Pattern: I'm in!!!!

As I mentioned a couple of weeks ago during my discussion about forthcoming challenges, Tilly has come up with a genius, unique and exciting new project. Well, now she's finalised the details, crossed her T's and dotted her i's, and is ready for the rest of us to head on over and sign up to the OWOP! project.

We pick one of our favourite sewing patterns and wear the garments we have made from that pattern each day for a week. It's essentially a styling challenge, to try and come up with new combinations and outfits to get the most out of these beloved creations. I'm all for anything that encourages people (including myself) to make the most out of things we already have so I'm jumping in and signing up to wear my versions of Simplicity 2451 (pictured below) all week starting Saturday 24th March. Coincidentally, that day is also the Spring Brighton Craftaganza craft market, the event I've been busting my arse over and neglecting this blog and everything else in my lifebecause of for the last couple of months.

But back to these skirts. I must admit at this point that I'm not entirely comfortable with undertaking this project. If I'm honest with myself, I dislike wearing skirts, particularly during the day. I do often feel more 'special', feminine and done-up when I wear skirts, which can be nice, but not really a feeling I am comfortable with during the working day for some reason. Plus the skirt/tights combo is NEVER as comfortable as the trousers-or-jeans/socks combo. Then I have to wear boots or girl-shoes, which are never as comfortable as trainers, for the duration of a day. But I have a perverse side to my nature which draws me towards experiences that I may find difficult, awkward or challenging!

Also, I've made three of these skirts for myself (plus three-squillion for other people) but two of them are 'statement' skirts. By which I mean, they are made from loud prints, not nice, versatile solid colours which would be easily made into numerous outfits. But I haven't worn any of these three skirts for an age and if I don't wear them, then maybe I don't deserve them, so it's time to try and find new ways to wear them and bring them into my real-life, everyday wardrobe.

I'm really excited to see what other patterns everyone chooses, plus Tilly has promised statistics which may or may not include pie charts. Who doesn't want to be involved in a pie chart?!


Clare said...

Hi Zoe!

Love your blog but never commented before. I always used to be a jeans and trainers person until I discovered the skirt&top and/or dress, with leggings and flat boots combo. Much less uncomfortable than tights, you can tuck leggings into socks and the height of the boots covers the join! As Caitlin Moran found there are comfortable boots out there! It makes what might otherwise be dressy-up clothes much more wearable for daytime things. Maybe a leggings project would be a worthwhile experiment? Clare x

Yvette Friendship said...

I am so interested also to see what patterns people pick. I am a complete newbie so have very few projects under my belt, but will join in on future sew alongs (once I am a bit more experienced). These skirts look great and I am sure you will get lots of wear out of them. x

badmomgoodmom said...

>>> Who doesn't want to be involved in a pie chart?!

You just made my day.

Big grin.

Ali said...

This is so inspiring -- I, too, love utter usefulness, either using the same pattern multiple times or the same garment over and over! Talk about a TNT. Tempted to join in but not sure I'm ready for this go 'round. Looking forward to your seven days!

Tilly said...

Aw thanks pal! Really glad you're involved and can't wait to see you wearing skirts for seven days. If anyone can restyle a skirt for the weekend, Zoe can xx

Lavender said...

I totally want to be involved in a pie chart! But I'm so over-committed already, and don't have several of one pattern stitched up :( I lie... my fav pencil skirt. But like you, I just can't feel that dressed up all the time, and def can't ride my new bike in a pencil skirt!

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