Monday 19 March 2012

New School Vintage: Floral Rizzo Blouse

Hey! See that smug lady pictured above? She's all happy coz she snared this cute little 1950's blouse in a local vintage shop. Hahahahaha! A LIE! I totally just told a lie. I totally actually made this blouse, like, a week ago!

For those who have just joined us, let me quickly explain. I have a long-term goal, which I call 'New School Vintage', to make some garments that could viably pass as genuine vintage pieces. I pick a vintage pattern and some roughly era-accurate fabric (plus vintage trims like lace or buttons if possible) to make the project. However, I don't go down the wholely authetic route with particularly vintage sewing techniques or equipment, for example I use a domestic overlocker to tidy up the raw edges inside and I use fusible interfacing rather than sew-in. This is theatre afterall: a facade of vintage. I still want to create a garment that I'm happy wearing.

Largely because we haven't got round to framing any of our prints, Patty and I decorate our bedroom by hanging up special (usually vintage) garments as wall-art. The image above shows how I was trying to create an orangey-red vintage theme and fool everyone into thinking that blouse was real vintage.

So, to explain this project in detail, I going to try a new format for hopefully easier reading than my usual rambling approach: I'm ripping off the Pattern Review format. Let me know if you like it better.

Pattern Description:

I finally got round to making up the blouse I'd confessed to having cut out months ago in my recent Sewing Pattern Hoard post. I made View B, a sleeveless winged collar blouse with tucks for shaping at the waist. I was drawn to it because I could imagine Rizzo from Grease wearing it, but I also feel it's something Kitty & Daisy might rock too. I'm guessing it's mid-1950's, but I don't have it with me and I can't be arsed to research it.

Pattern Sizing:

This is a 34" bust pattern. I was fully expecting to have to let it out around the waist but actually is was fine PLUS I'm wearing a vest underneath in these images (what? It's still March!).

Did it look like the photo/drawing on the pattern envelope once you were done sewing with it?

I'll let you be the judge of that!

Were the instructions easy to follow?

Well, in the instruction were sparce, in that wonderful way vintage sewing patterns usually are. But yes, it was very easy and quick to put together after I'd faffed around with the pattern and cut it out.

What did you particularly like or dislike about the pattern?

Rizzo would wear this. And it rocks hard with my thrifted red cardi (though what doesn't?!).

Fabric Used:

Some amazing vintage printed cotton with an almost Hawaiian floral design that I scored at work. This fabric is actually quite faded in places, so not really appropriate for the range we make at work. I'm actually quite happy the fabric was faded because I think it gives it more of an authentic vintage feel. The orangey-red plastic buttons are also vintage and have lived in my button stash for an age.

Pattern alterations or any design changes you made:

Well, I folded 2cms out along the waistline of the bodice to account for my short-waistedness and that worked very well as the tucks now hit my natural waistline as they should. I think I'm going to do this alteration as standard on every pattern I make from now on. I also lowered the armholes because I find vintage patterns can be very restrictive around the armholes and neckholes. I then had to redraft the facings of course. I'm pleased I made that alteration but I think maybe I lowered it a little two much in the end.

Would you sew it again? Would you recommend it to others?

Yep. I would like to make another in black with the leopard print buttons I bought at Sew Over It in South London.


I'm a big fan of this blouse. I'm not sure how much wear it'll get due to it's sleeveless nature, but it's actually very comfortable (I think I had a nap in it during the day!) and it seeing it makes me feel very summery. It was also an excellent item to wear to a riotous shop-closing party which was also attended by Rehanon (AKA Miss Demeanour) (pictured with me below) who, incidentally, was wearing her epic Mysterious Cities of Gold top! Oh, and I just remembered: Karen better hand over the good money she said she'd give to see me in a version of the Rizzo blouse! I think this might actually turn a profit!


Ali said...

I love this! So colorful and vintage-y and perfectly fitting. I have the opposite problem: it's hard for me not to wear sleeveless. Rizzo was by far the most stylish of the Pink Ladies ;).

molly said...

That blouse is pretty amazing, I love sleeveless things because they're easier to layer. And, while I'm not usually into large collars, the way this one lays out is very nice!

Kim said...

Found your pattern! You were right- copyright 1956.

Vintage Girl said...

I really love this blouse on you, the colors are perfect for you and you look all springy and happy! I love the big collar!

Denise said...

That blouse is the cat's! Total meow.

niddetissus said...

Love it! I definitely would have believed that it was vintage. But now it's better than that - it's vintage that *you* made ;)

Cecili said...

OMG!!! That blouse is crazy good, from the design to the fabric not to mention the excellent vintage vibe and great fit!

Fiona Parker said...

This looks amazing on you! Great choice of fabric. Totally Rizzo and you're right amazing with your red cardi!

christina said...

Wow, this blouse is amazing! I love the collar and the hourglass-silhouette it is enhancing. Oh, and I think you really rock those jeans. 2nd hand or you-made??? They look loke the perfect fit!

Melizza Makes said...

This top makes me think of Starburst candies. It looks so summery and yummy.

The neckline is so pretty. You don't tend to see many blouses with collars like that. Looks great with the cardi.

Jane said...

Oh I love this Zoe, it could be one of my favourite things you've made. It looks totally vintage and the fit is perfect - you look so fab and nipped in. Gorgeous. x
PS. I'd advise you to get that bet money off Karen before she spends it on cocktails... x

didyoumakethat said...

Wa-ha-hey! That is absolutely, gob-smackingly awesome. I love, love, love it!! Could you wear a long sleeved T under it for the chilly days? I know it might spoil the vintage vibe, but hey... As ever, love your commentary. I really like the idea of matching vintage patterns and vintage-esque prints. I have some cotton with a lemon and orange print burning a hole in my stash box. Instead of money, do you know I still have a metre of grey leopard print cotton in my drawer, waiting to be handed over to you? I might drop you a line for your address!

Paul David said...
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Tamsin said...

Wow, this is amazing! Hopefully the summer will be summery enough to get lots of wear from it!

Nettie said...

Gorgeous!!! The fit is SPOT ON!!! It looks great with that cardi, too!


Whoa! I am all kinds of in love with this! The fabric is stunning (seriously jealous right now) and the fit is perfect! What a great little summer blouse - and it looks wonderful with your red cardi :)

Tilly said...

Oh! It's absolutely GORGEOUS!!! Awesome style on you and the fabric is perfect too. xx

Stacy @ Stacyverb said...

I absolutely love this! It's so you, and so Rizzo. And you're right, it looks fantastic with the cardigan, too. WIN.

Marie said...

Zoe, your 'New School Vintage' idea is simply genius and I think your blouse fits the bill perfectly!! The fabric is gorgeous and the style lovely on you!

Unknown said...

Oh so pretty! And the blouse ain't half bad either ;)

Loving florals right now and your new blouse hits all the right buttons. Orange is such a fun and happy colour, and you're right, it totally rocks with your red cardi. Are you going to make more? Will you show us?

Dilly said...

So awesome!

I have a lot of vintage patterns, but I always find it quite hard to visualise what they look like in real life, so I'm always so pleased when I see them made up.

The fit and colour is just perfect for you - and I love the peplum effect with the red cardie.

Zoe said...

Aww, y'alls are so lovely to me! Thanks everyone for taking the time to write a lovely comment, they are all so very much appreciated!

@Kim, thanks for doing the digging. I loved to be proved right from time to time!!

@christina, haha! I admire you for checking my ethical credentials! These jeans are secondhand, originally from Topshop. They required a fairly hefty rework because the zip was bust. I unpicked that whole area and added large poppers/press studs at the fly instead.

@Tors, of COURSE I'll show you if/when I make another! You think anyone in my not-on-line life would care half as much as you all would?!

Thanks again crew, you are all amazing

Margaret said...

I am smitten! What a job! I need this blouse pattern!

Anonymous said...

What an awesome blouse! And the fabric is just so amazing too! I am new to your blog but must admit that your project or sewing vintage looking garments and trying to pass them up at real vintage pieces is a great goal! I can't wait to see what else you have up your sleeve.

Joy said...

I love the fabric! And the blouse is a great shape for you.

Rehanon Mackenzie said...

Having witnessed the gorgeousness of this blouse in the flesh I can concur it's a winning item of new vintage loveliness :) That collar pops with perfection. Very good effort my dear. I love that we were both bringing on Spring with vibrant prints and equally vibran antics ;-)

thesecretlifeofseams said...

So gorgeous! The fabric fills me with spring/summer optimism and the shape is so cute and vintage. Hope you do more versions!
I can't post my comment properly though...ugh why does blogger hate me

Lavender said...

Hot. Rizzo'd better watch out.

Fawn and Flower said...

Did you have to alter the pattern much (or at all)? I'm shit at measurements and just pick a random size, and it always seems that with vintage patterns, I end up sewing things for someone twice my size.

I love the fabric you chose, and the collar is perfect. It looks fantastic with the sweater!

Adrienne said...

Wow! I love this! The fabric, the fit, the pattern... I love it all! It also feels very "Zoe". :-)

House of Pinheiro said...

Zoe, that's a grate blouse, love it xx

Anonymous said...

This looks awesome! As someone with a short waist also, I will think about using that pattern tip on my vintage patterns. I can't do large prints, but they look great on you. Your dark hair is perfect against the flowers. The colors of the flowers are totally vintage, if there is a such thing.

Chase Clark said...

This is such a fantastic idea, I love how it really does look vintage! Also, by the way, everything you've been posting lately is so stinkin' cuuute!

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