Actually, I'm not sure if I'm: A) confident enough to wear these in public, or B) it'll ever be warm enough again to wear them outside. I always feel like that about seasons though, in the Winter I forget having ever been hot and in the Summer I can not remember what it feels like to be cold.

So how did these crazy shorts come about? Well, I bought this vintage trousers/shorts pattern pictured above from ebay with the intention of making some capri pants next Spring. I got the pattern delivered to my work because I don't trust packages in the communal post situation at home. Well, I was conjuring up garment ideas that I quite fancied trying to make to pitch to my boss, and high waisted shorts sprung to mind. I recently made some skirts using a high waisted skirt pattern that came out really well. She was fine with me making some so I developed a pattern combining the vintage trousers/shorts pattern for the rise and hip curve and the skirt pattern for the high-waist part.

As for the confidence issue, I kind of find them too funny not to wear at some point, if you get what I mean. I don't really have an appropriate top to wear with them at the moment, so I plan to make a stretchy red thing to go with them. If anyone has any thoughts on what they'd wear these shorts with, I'd love to hear. However, I have got the leg wear covered. HAVE YOU NOTICED MY NEW TIGHTS?!!!!!! They are AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! These shorts show off their full incredibleness, so that's reason alone to get the shorts on.

But back to the tights. They were a gift from Michelle, one of the loveliest and most thoughtful ladies in the universe. She came down to Brighton from the Big Smoke to hang with me out on Saturday. Whilst looking around the shops we saw these tights and she insisted on buying them for me as she thought I had to have them! We are talking seriously lovely lady here.
They are hand printed with old school tattoo designs, and if you are desparate for some too and have a spare £46, you can get a black ink version here. (Fear not, mine were in the sale, but were still a very considerable price for tights, thanks again Michelle!.) I can't wait to try them with my red Beignet skirt and red side Ruby shorts (both of which you can see here, if you care to). However they are seriously making me want more and bigger tattoos on my arms to balance things out a bit, the rest of me looks too bare now! Gertie or Coralene could rock these hard!
They are hand printed with old school tattoo designs, and if you are desparate for some too and have a spare £46, you can get a black ink version here. (Fear not, mine were in the sale, but were still a very considerable price for tights, thanks again Michelle!.) I can't wait to try them with my red Beignet skirt and red side Ruby shorts (both of which you can see here, if you care to). However they are seriously making me want more and bigger tattoos on my arms to balance things out a bit, the rest of me looks too bare now! Gertie or Coralene could rock these hard!
what are you talking about, confidence? those look so good on you they should give you confidence! I dont see anything to be self conscious of in those pictures! No second head growing out of you arse or anything like that LOL. I would wear those shorts with a bright yellow top!
I can't decide which are more fun, the tights or the shorts! I agree about the weather, I can't even look at the tank-tops I made back in the summer. What was I thinking?
PS your new job ROCKS!
hot hot, both the pants and the tights!
My next time in London is probably going to be next April for a wedding, I'd love to finally meet you in real life! let's try our best!
Love your shorts they look wonderful! and fantastic tights xx
i'm all about those trousers in that pattern!
um those shorts look awesome!! i would wear them with a plain button down shirt or with the tank you're wearing with a little vest or suit jacket over it. it'd look good with a tunic or oversized tee too! there are so many ways you could wear them both for summer and winter, do it!!
The shorts look lovely - I think you should wear them with red or navy tights for a winter look and a little red jumper , small fitted navy jacket with silver buttons with anchors on...red scarf...
Fabulous! I luuuurve the highwaisted styles but having a very short waist it's no go for me.
But they look fab on you, and would look supercute with a fine knit 40's style short sleeve jumper. With cute little puff sleeves and a Peter Pan collar....
jejjjj, i love ur blog !
is really interesting !
more more more more !!
follow me and write comment if you want ;**
They are really cute! They remind me of a pair of shorts I saw Gwen Stefani wear in some photoshoot for one of the European Vogues a few years ago. You look great so you should be confident, and definitely come up with some occasion to wear them.
Great blog, really enjoy it!
Plesae come by mine...
Have I noticed the tights!!! I was just trying to work out if they were the most fabulous tattoos and then you said tights. And you look so great in that ensemble that it would a crime not to wear it out. Go for it girl, I wish I was still young enough to wear such things but it will give me great pleasure that you are stomping round Brighton lighting the world up in such enviable garb!!
ps You are so lucky to have found and got the job but they are luckier to have found you!! Have fun
Thanks everyone for your lovely and helpful comments. I have to say Minnado, I love the outfit you have conjured up so much! And thanks to Miss P, I really want some 1940's style knitwear!
Bagqueen, you are the sweetest loveliest lady ever! Your comment really warmed my cockles on this snowy morning when I saw it. Thanks so much!
You are HOT stuff!
Very cool!!!
Greetings from Argentina!!!
hi zoë! (cool name, haha;p)
really cool blog!
i followed! do you want to follow mine?
X zoé - lightningfactory.blogspot.com -
What's the name/code for this sewing pattern?? I couldn't quite make it out from the picture, and have been looking for shorts like these for way too long! :D
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