I've said it before and I'll say it again: I loves me a cute blouse!!! I love to make them and to wear them. I particularly like short sleeve versions, but if I can feel the sleeve band around my upper arms at any point other than when I raise my arms up high, it makes me feel sort of claustrophobic, so I keep an eye on that when preparing the pieces. It may also have escaped your attention that I also loves me some
nautical inspired garms. So I gues you can see that, with both the 'cute blouse' and 'nautical' boxes ticked, I'm feeling pretty vibed by my lastest project which I finished just last night.

The pattern is
this one again from the 1/2008 Burda magazine, the same one I used for my
bird blouse. The bird blouse had been a general success, but I found the upper part to be a little on the large side, so this time round I traced a size smaller for the top and graduated down to the larger size at the waist and hips which worked a treat. Other than that, I followed the pattern as construction as before.

The fabric used was a boooootiful piece of navy blue
cotton sateen that I picked up in the reduced section of the main fabric store here in bcn which I'd had in my stash more or less since Christmas time. It was 1m 30cms long and I got it for €4, which was a bargain because full price it's €6 a metre. Jeez, I love cotton sateen, it's so soft and forgiving. This time I used a shop-bought ruffle trim to highlight the bib section, the same trim I used on the
nautical vest. The buttons came from the button stall at my local flea market, and I think they perform admirably (nice nautical pun for your there) the task of preventing the blouse from looking too classy!
I love the way you can produce totally different looking garments from the same pattern by chosing alternative fabrics and notions. After all the effort of tracing a pattern (though I didn't save myself that task again here because of the sizing issues) and/or purchasing the damn thing as well as figuring out how to construct it, it seems a shame not to make multiple versions of a pattern! I still have another version of this blouse planned which I hope will look quite different once again. Sorry, no modelled photos of this blouse at this time, but I'm sure you'll see more than you can stand when I document my personal
Me-Made-May challenge!
Absolutely and utterly gorgeous. If it weren't for this volcano ruining things, I would sneak on a flight over to Barcelona and steal every item in your wardrobe. (Hold on! Aren't Spanish airports still open...?)
What a sweet blouse - loving the nautical trim. I wholeheartedly agree with you about the endless fascination of the ways you can add trims, alterations to make different version of one pattern. It's something I seem to think about a lot, am trying to sketch the ideas, such a fun game.
Lovely blouse, I have a similar pattern in the wings and you are inspiring me to make it up!! I need some more tops before made by me may!!
Ahoy! This is super cute. I love what you did with the notions, of course, but the rounded yoke is neat too. Thanks for sharing the blouse pattern tip suggestions, by the way -- I seem unable to pick winners on my own.
ADORABLE!!! The trim and buttons - oh my gosh, I have no words for how perfect they are.
This totally floats my boat!
If you had to be sea-lifted from Spain by the Navy, this could be part of your going-away attire! Gorgeous, as always.
Such a beauty, I love all things nautical inspired so you can tell that I madly in love for this gorgeous blouse!
I am soo into a good short sleeve blouse these days as well. I love the the lace around the yoke. I actually bought some navy blue material for a blouse and some nautical inspired cotton for a skirt this weekend. Too funny!
Oh gosh, Me made May is just around the corner isn't it?? Hmm... I better get crackin!
Ah! Totally awesome! The trim makes all the difference. :)
It's nautical alright but it's very original, I love how you took this classic fashion theme and made something unique with the small anchor details of the trim and the buttons! And it's too cuuuuute!!
Awesome blouse! I just love the trim and buttons.. they're just perfect!
This is beautiful! I love navy blue, and the trim and buttons really compliment it. Fabulous! x
Super cute! And the trimmings and buttons are fun! It's great to find a standard pattern, and just vary. I think that's what will be my goal; challanging details on a pattern that fits me...
I love what you've done with this blouse so much that I'm now trolling ebay to try and get a hold of the magazine! Lovely :)
Lurrrve this! BTW, weird coincidence - the word verification it's asking me to type in the box below is 'avastru', which contains the word 'avast', pirate speak, for your nautical blouse. How bizarre!
Your blouse is wonderful. All the thoughtful/creative details make this extra special.
Will there be a flickr group for participants in Me Made May? I'd love to see what everyone's wearing :)
Cute!! LOVE the buttons, what a totally original take on the nautical trend.
Lovely! The pattern is now ranked higher in my "to try" list. :-)
Love it! Now I have to track down that issue of Burda!
That is the cutest thing I've ever seen! Adorable!
PS you look just like June from The Forsyte Saga
Ohmigosh, name thief! :P
Though I have to admit I'm liking your style. Good luck on the path to self sufficiency!
If you pass my skeleton somewhere along the way do drop a handful of dirt on it, I figure if enough people do it I'll at least have a decent grave. ;)
i just found your blog thru another blogger. this blouse is the one of the most adorable handmade tops i've seen in a while. beatiful trim.
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