I digress. Subsequently, I am, at present unable and unwilling to create my own knitwear, and seeing as I'm on the Wardrobe Refashion pledge not to buy any new clothes this leaves me at the peril of second-hand knitwear finds. To be honest I have never been very successful hunting out desirable second hand knitwear in charity shops, and to fulfill such needs without breaking my pledge I have, to date relied on knitwear hand-me-downs from my mum, ebay and even the lost-property box at work (shh!).
So when I found this website through a link someone had posted on the infamous Wardrode Refashion site, I was super impressed and inspired. What a wicked way to create fantastic, unique knitwear by recycling old garments, without being at the mercy of the sourced garments existing shape!
How nice is this?:

And check this badboy! It's so Uhura!:
I really love her use of buttons. I'm always super-jealous of people who can pull off embellishment with such simplicity and class. I tend to avoid embellishment, and let the shape of whatever I'm making and the fabric used carry the design, but I need to get on board! Ahoy!
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