People, may I please have your attention for a moment. I am launching a new campaign: Stash Bustin'! Like pretty much ever sewer on the planet, I have too much (fantastic, potential-filled, perfectly usable) fabric sitting about crying out to be turned from it's raw form into a myriad of awesome projects. It really is quite a crime. Therefore, I am pledging to bust my stash, using as much of my fabric collection as I can, over the next few months. I will only be stepping into a fabric store when absolutely necessary to pick up items like linings and interlinings to complete projects when I don't already possess an alternative.
I'm not alone in acknowledging and responding to this fabric hoarding inclination. Erin of A Dress A Day, queen of sewing blogging, recently stated that it was one of her New Year's resolutions to 'sew three things from my fabric/pattern stash for every item that requires new fabric or a new pattern'. Whereas Sarai from Colette Patterns has been having a sort out of her own, unearthing all her fabricy treasures from the depths of boxes and cabinets. The first step of Stash Bustin' is acceptance of what you actually already have!
But releasing hidden potential is only part of the Stash Bustin' motivational picture for me. I feel we could all do well (me massively included) to take a look at what we already have from time to time: using, reusing, reappropriating or passing on as we see fit, instead of simply heading to the shops/internet to acquire more stuff. And what about the financial aspect? Most of the fabric I own didn't wind up mine without an exchange involving some of my hard-earned cash. Time to release some of that investment into beautiful and useful wardrobe additions, with little to no further expenditure required.
So, my stitching friends (fiends?), are you with me?! Are you up for the challenge of reducing your fabric stash over the coming months? I do hope some of you are. You may have noticed that the rather fetching 'Stash Bustin'' icon at the top of this post has also manifested itself (actually it had help!) as a button in the column on the right. If you fancy one of these yourself, follow these steps:
1# Copy the following HTML code:
1# Copy the following HTML code:
<a href="http://sozowhatdoyouknow.blogspot.com/2010/01/stash-bustin-join-me.html" target="_blank"> <img border="0" alt="Photobucket" src="http://i971.photobucket.com/albums/ae196/unfitcomix/stashbustinfinal2.gif" /> </a>
2# (This is for blogger, not sure about other blog hosts). Click on 'Customise' on your own blog; click on 'Layout'; click on 'Add Gadget'; choose HTML/Javascript; paste the code in; click on 'save changes'; ta da!!!!
If you do feel like participating/doing something similar/sharing your views on this subject, please leave a comment. Ok then, onwards to the stash!!!!!!
I am in and posted the icon already to my blog. I blinked my eyes and I have a stash! Thanks for opening the group up.
I've been thinking along the same lines myself! In fact I just bought new fabric when I have 2 metres of perfectly good fabric sitting behind me... not to mention the clothes I've been planning to alter. I'll certainly be stash-busting at any rate... although it'll be a very short lived stash bust because I don't have that much of a stash here in Germany! I'm really looking forward to seeing what you'll create from your stash :)
Just posted the badge to my blog this second. My stash is out of control. So much lovely fabric and yet I keep traipsing off to buy more. Me and my sweetie are on the savings bandwagon this year so I really need to make the new-fabric shopping into a more occasional occurence, in more like the 1/4 ratio Erin suggests. Great idea!!!!!
My stash is on a mission to take over the universe. I must beat it back into submission. I'm adding the badge to my blog right now. Great idea!
You're right, why spending my cash on more fabric when I've already got so much? I'm joining you! It fits perfectly with my plan trying not to spend any money but on food this februari.
I am in too and have posted the badge to my blog. I too am trying to cut right back on spending and buying too much new stuff. Now I am off to drag that box of fabric out from under my bed....did I say box? Should be boxes, bags stashed invarious places round the house.
I'm totally on board! My stash is not quite as insane as many of them out there, but I need to be using it so it doesn't get any bigger and because I don't really have the money to fling at new fabric just for fun anyway!
You are SO awesome! I have visited your blog a few times, and keep forgetting to add you to my blogroll! Will do now of course, and love any stash busting and non new buying thing!
One of my new year's resolution for 2010 is to not buy any more fabric until I have managed to use up the ones I bought before I moved to Singapore and then some. I think I have so much already that it's taking up space. I just can't say no to fabric! I would be honored to join you, I'm excited already! The only thing is that I am having a hard time inserting the code in my blog and I am using wordpress. :)
I'm in!! My stash is taking over my flat....
I read about your stash bustin' campaign on Jodi's blog and would love to join. My stash has taken over my entire sewing room and is threatening to spill over to the rest of the house.
I'm in .... and have been completely focused since January at reducing my stash. My goal is to have made a huge dint by the end of 2010.
Great idea! I've finally re-ignited my blog, and I am so in! I haven't touched the thing in so long that it took me ages to figure out, but that's all about to change :)
I'm in! I've been mostly following this as a new years resolution, but it feels much better to have a button!
I definitely need to use up my stash as well. Yay!
I am so in, I am buying a house and don't have too much disposable income right now. Will post the button in my blog. thanks for the invite to challenge myself
I have been trying to reduce my stash for quite a while since the other inhabitants of my home cannot bare more boxes in the living room!
So I thought I could join the project.
Thanks for uniting us!
I'm in! I already had the urge and now I like the official button on my blog!
I'm in. I really need to get control.
I'm in. Not only do I have a sewing stash, but a knitting, scrapbooking and all over crafting stash that I have been hoarding for years. I've been working my way through it as part of my new year's resolutions. Good luck, I'm putting the blinkie on my bloggity.
I'm in! Icon is on my blog and this project fits in perfectly with my Thrifty365 Pledge. Thanks for the motivation!
Oh, I'm definitely in! My stash is overtaking my house and plus, I don't have any money to spend on new fabric anyway....
I posted the badge and will do a post sometime today about my plans. Thanks!
I'm in. Thanks for the idea, the amount of fabric I stash is getting out of control!
This is the perfect challenge for me right now!
I've already started using my stash, but this will help me be more accountable. : )
I'm so in...I had already resolved to purge my stash this year (I even have a spreadsheet to track it - 23 yards out since I started in jan!). I'm sure I will be buying some fabric, but as long as I'm down to very little by the end of the year I'm fine with it. It'll be good to have some co-destashers around!
I've been "stash busting" for a couple of years now which will tell you how much fabric and craft supplies I once had. Because we creative types tend to go all out on our passions, I really had to step back a moment and assess what I truly want to spend my time on. I identified three areas of interest and got rid of everything that did not fit that criteria. I also identified my style and color palette more precisely which helped make decisions easier.
To I keep the stash at bay, I turned to eBay (pun intended) and flea markets and was really able to seriously cut down while making some cash. When I feel like shopping, I watch an episode or two of "Hoarders" on You Tube which scares me into letting go of more stuff. With more space and fewer "what if?s", you can think more clearly and creatively.
I have also made a promise to myself to complete all of my UFOs (unfinished objects) before moving on to new projects. I would say that I pretty much have things under control at this point, but it's an ongoing process of reassessment.
Good luck to you. I will be posting your icon as well on my new blog. Thanks! :)
Count me in. This fits perfectly with my need to save money. Besides my stash is about the take on the entire universe. I have about 30 years of collecting fabrics,patterns and other craft items. A blogger commented on using a spreadsheet to tract fabric usage. That is a great idea. Just posted the badge on my blog. My biggest challenge is going to be how to control my fabric buying addition.
ooh what a great idea! I am definitely in with this one (though it will have to wait until the end of March, as usual have taken on too many projects at once!)
Good luck with yours! :-)
Yes, I need to attack my stash. I have at least 4 standing cabinets in the garage plus stuff in bags. No more fabric purchases until I have used up most of what I have.
Better late than never! I'm in for stash bustin'! My family seems to think I'm running my own fabric shoppe in the basement. I can never resist a fabric sale!!
I've been trying to do this for the last couple of years but wonderful to know that I have company out there and that others are faced with the same challenges! Good luck to us all!
hello, i copied your 'stash bustin' icon to my blog! i think it's great & i hope to post my first stash busing piece this weekend:) thanks & hope the sewing is going well!
Thanks for having two things that overlap. I will bust my stash by making things for Me-Make-May. May I add you to my blogroll?
Is it too late to join? I need some motivation to use what I've got instead of buying more!
I'm late on my action with this, but My post on This coming Thursday(7/15/10) will show you how much I need to get on the train! I am planning a post of a refashion, that will even reveal a shot of THE Stash!
I seriously need to bust my stash too. I just moved and I have so much fabric! Some of it is just so cute, I hate to cut into it.
Thera Joyce
Oh yes, I started selling the crafty stuff I no longer use\want a couple of years ago. Now I want to sew to reduce the stash BUT it needs to (at least) coincide with a complete wardrobe overhaul, including tossing and refashioning to make room for the things I make. Which is one of the reasons I've reincarnated my blog.
I have just joined stash bustin' after my interview with Zoe which so inspired me.
I do have some fabric stash but my biggest and best stash that I really need to use now is all the clothes I have emptied out of my closest that I haven't worn in the last half year.
I think I'm going to use some of the stash to join into one of Zoe's challenges in 2011.
Can't wait,
I am stash busting one year after the launch. Better late than never, right?
I agree, better late than never! Adding your button to my blog as well, http://sew-chic-designs.blogspot.com/ :)
I can't believe I missed this post of yours but I did. I am actually doing the same thing. I promised myself not to buy any new fabric for a month and started using fabric that's been in the stash for years already.
And it's fun, I have lots of really lovely fabric:>
erm, actually, i think i'll do better in this challenge than the me-made-june! posting button on my blog now! yay! *tiny sense of achievement already*
I've stash bustin' since Jan 2011. So I'm joining your movement! I have 2 closets full of fabrics. My hubby is asking why that is. When guests come over, they open the guest wardrobe and fabric is falling on their heads!
I have been good so far by not buying any fabrics/notions (except threads which I need). Let's see how long I can continue with this!
So excited by this stash bustin!! Already completed one dress even using a mismatched zipper but staying strong and not going to the fabric shop! Hoping to move from Australia to the UK at the end of the year so it's my personal goal to work through as much as I can of 32 boxes of fabric in this year! I like the ideas of a spreadsheet and selling excess on eBay from other bloggers, great ideas to help get the stash down!
So I know I am super late to this but I just started blogging and have been following your blog for awhile now and decided to use your super cool "StashBustin" button on my blog since it is something I am doing. I really enjoy reading your posts and refashion ideas.
Thanks a bunch!
Have just found your blog and this is one of my goals for 2013- to bust my pattern and fabric stashes! Yay for stash busting :D
I'm on. I really need to get control.
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