Tuesday 31 March 2015

Me-Made-May'15! SIGN UP HERE

Yes indeed my friends, here it is! 2015's official Me-Made challenge that celebrates all the love and hard work that so many of us put into crafting unique, special handmade clothing and accessories. If you want to improve your relationship with your me-made items, then this challenge is for you!

What is Me-Made-May'15?

Me-Made-May'15 (#mmmay15 for social media interaction) is a challenge designed to encourage people who sew/knit/crochet/refashion/upcycle garments for themselves to actually wear and love them. The me-made and self-stitched challenges have been taking place for five years now and they work on both a personal and community level. The participants decide the specifics of their own challenge pledge, so that the month is appropriate and challenging for them (more on this below). For example, a very common pledge is for a participant to aim to wear one self-stitched or refashioned garment each day for the duration of May 2015. The participants can also choose to document their challenge with daily photos (though this is in no way compulsory for taking part) and share them with other participants (more on this below).

What isn't Me-Made-May'15? 
  • The Me-Made-May challenges are NOT all about taking daily outfit photographs. However, many participants do choose to document their challenge with daily/weekly/as-often-as-you-like photos and share them on their blog if they have one or on Flickr or Pinterest if they are a member. The challenge is about wearing your handmade clothing more often than you usually do, if you choose to take documentation photos, then that is fabulous and we'd love to see 'em, but taking photos isn't necessary or compulsory and really isn't the point of the challenge. 
  • Me-Made-May also isn't reason to panic-sew/make anything. This challenge is about wearing the items that you have already created, not about stock-piling more makes. However, if you want to use taking part in the challenge as the kick in the butt you need to finally hem that half-finished skirt, or rework an ill-fitting garment, then great. Remember, this challenge is meant to be fun, and panic-anything isn't fun! 
  • A competition. It doesn't matter how many self-stitched items you already have or haven't. You can take part even if you just have one solitary self-made item! You just need to set your pledge to make it challenging for YOU, no matter what criteria other participants have set themselves. 

I haven't taken part in any of these before, why should I take part?

Ohh, there are squillions of reasons why you might choose take part! They may include:
  • Do your handmade items often get left in the wardrobe rather than worn as part of your everyday wardrobe? Participating in this challenge can give you a bit of a nudge to help you to integrate your self-stitched items into your daily life.
  • This challenge may also be useful for discovering the 'holes' in your wardrobe so in the future you are able to focus your precious garment-creating time towards making things that will be useful. 
  • If you feel that what you tend to wear, day-to-day, doesn't really suit you or represent who you are, this challenge is a way to spend a month focussing on getting out of your wardrobe rut
  • You may enjoy an excuse to focus on finishing off lingering UFOs (un-finished objects), or to start a project you've had on your mind for ages. 
  • If you have been creating clothing for some time and already wear a lot of your me-mades, this challenge might help you to bring newer self-stitched items into regular rotation. If you tend to make all kinds of garments, you may even want to see if you can get by all month entirely without shop-bought garments.
  • There is also guaranteed to be a lovely online community of fellow participants to give support, advice and inspiration.

I've taken part in these in the past, why should I take part this year?

Did you enjoy it last time/the previous times you took part?
  • If the answer is 'Yes': Then you'll have lots of fun again this year, whilst challenging yourself in a different way and learning something new about yourself and your style/skills/preferences/wardrobe. You just need to think about how you can alter and/or amp up your pledge specifics to get the most out of this year's challenge.
  • If the answer is 'No': Well if that's a 'no' because the challenge you set yourself was too hard, then that is easily rectified this time round; set your pledge so that it is tricky but do-able. If it's a 'no' because you didn't enjoy the pressure you felt to take photos each day, then simply don't worry about documenting your challenge with photos. You'll learn lots of lessons and get satisfaction from taking part in the challenge and completing your pledge, not from the documentation of it (although some participants have found that seeing the daily images of themselves has really helped them figure out what suits them and what doesn't work so well). If you'd like to do a little bit of documenting, then why not just photograph your favourite outfit/garment you wore at the end of the week, or some other version that doesn't make you feel under pressure. But seriously, if you didn't like taking part in it and don't want to try again, fair enough! 

Ok, you've convinced me, how do I sign up?

All you have to do is copy the pledge below and post it in the comments section of this post adapted to include your details and the personal specification of your challenge before 1st May:

 'I, (insert name here and blog address if you have one), sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear......................................................... each day for the duration of May 2015'

Points to consider when creating your pledge:
  • This is YOUR challenge, write the pledge any way you want, just remember: IT IS A CHALLENGE and not meant to be easy or what you do usually. In the past I have received the odd comment saying 'Oh, I already do this so I may as well sign up', however those people had clearly missed the point which is to challenge yourself, and therefore they would be unlikely to learn very much or feel much satisfaction at the end of the month. 
  • THIS IS NOT A COMPETITION. It is a personal attempt to achieve a better relationship with your handmade creations, which you may or may not choose to share with the creative online community. What I mean is, don't set a pledge that you've seen other people make that sounds good but in reality is unobtainable for you and your lifestyle. For example, if you have to wear a uniform for work each day, you may prefer to pledge to wear self-stitched items at the weekends or days off only. 
  • There's no rush to sign up immediately, as long as you do so before 1st May. Have a think for a while about your current relationship with your creations, then think how you might want to improve that relationship.
  • If you have taken part before, or already wear a fair amount of self-made clothing and/or accessories, think how you can up the ante from the standard 'one self-stitched garment a day' pledge. How about wearing two or more self-made garments each day? Or pledge to try making a new type of garment by the end of the month to wear on the final day? Or pledge to finish all your UFO's by 31st May? Pledge to focus on wearing your 'meh' garments to see if you can fall back in love with some of them? Pledge to only wear separates to force yourself to get creative with your mix-and-matching? Pledge to only wear each garment or garment-combo once? Pledge to wear an outfit including one sewn or knitted garment AND one refashion each day? There are near-infinite ways to amp things up for yourself. 
If you have a blog, why not re-post your pledge there so your readers and followers can see what you are up to and be inspired by your endeavour? Please include a link to this post so others can also sign-up if they are interested. If there's one thing I've learnt from these challenges, the more people involved, the better the party!

I've signed up, what do I do now then?

Nothing in particular until 1st May 20145, except let an underlying sense of excitement brew! You may decide to finish up that UFO, but please people, NO PANIC-SEWING/MAKING NECESSARY OR CONDONED!!

If you would like to advertise your participation on your blog if you have one, why not treat yourself to the addition of the Me-Made-May'15 widget/gadget/button? The code can be found at the top of the right hand column of this blog's home page. The widget/gadget/button not only looks cute, but it shows other participants/potential-participants at a glance that you are taking part this year. Plus when clicked on, it will ping you to this sign-up post so others can read what this whole damn thing is about without you needing to go into too much of an explanation yourself. If you aren't sure how to apply/insert a widget/gadget/button code, check this post for explanations for Blogspot/Blogger and Wordpress blogs.

How do I interact with other participants throughout the challenge?

If you would like to see what other participants are up to throughout the month and/or show others how you are getting on then there are several ways to do so. 
  • Blogs. If you have a blog, then why not tell/show your readers what you are up to? Reading about others' experiences of these challenges is always so interesting and often useful. If you'd like to discover some blogs of other participants, you will be able to find lots by looking through the comments section of this sign-up post. Some participants like to post their outfit photos on their blogs, and remember if you want to do that but don't have the time or desire to post daily, you could post more manageable summaries once or twice a week, which I prefer to do, or even just at the end of the month.
  • Flickr. If you wish to be a part of the Me-Made-May'15 Flickr group, head over there and request membership. I'll 'let you in' within two days so you can begin posting your outfits/garments from 1st May. If you wish to start a discussion over there before 1st May, please feel free to do so! If you choose not to sign up to the Flickr group, you will still be able to see all the photos added by other participants and read the discussions being had over there, however you will not be able to comment on the photos or add to the discussions. The Flickr groups are always heaps of fun and such a lovely way to see lots of participants all in one go participating in different countries and climates. Plus it can be a fabulous way to discover new inspirational bloggers and blogs to follow, and generally make some new e-friends!
  • Pinterest. After the popularity of last year's, this year we have a Me-Made-May'15 Pinterest board. To pin your garment/outfit pictures on there, you will need to 'follow' the board. It'll take up to two days for you to be allowed access, so don't panic if you can't pin on there immediately. Please add the #mmmay15 hashtag to your pins. 
  • Twitter and Instagram. It would also be totally ace if Twitter and Instagram users posted about and discussed the challenge using the #mmmay15 hashtag.

Anything else I should know?

!!!! This challenge is meant to be explorative, illuminating and beneficial, but above that it's meant to be fun! Getting dressed can often be fun, and if you haven't felt any clothes-based fun for a while, why not see if this challenge can help inject some of that back? 'Hanging out' online with the other participants can be a big part of that fun by seeing what they are wearing (either by visiting their personal blogs or through the Flickr group, Pinterest board or via Twitter and Instagram) and by sharing your own unique take on this challenge.

If you are concerned or confused about any aspect of this challenge, please email me at sozoblog (at) g mail (dot) com.

Let the signing up commence!!!!!


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Carly said...

I, Carly of http://awaywesew.tumblr.com/, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear all of my weather-appropriate me-made garments for a minimum of wearing one me made garment five days a week.

DikiÅŸ Sevda’ sı said...

'I, Sevda,dikiskis.blogspot.com.tr, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear one handmade (by me) item each day for the duration of May 2015

Muriel.Nahtzugabe5cm said...

I, Muriel from Nahtzugabe5cm.de, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear at least one me-made-garment each day for the duration of May 2015.
This the first time I attend the MeMadeMay. I´m so excited. Many thanks to Zoe.

Unknown said...

'I, Annie from The Enantiomer Project, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear at least 3 handmade garments each week for the duration of May 2015'

Anonymous said...

I, Nicki, of this is moonlight, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I will wear as many me made items each day as possible and must fix any clothes that need mending before wearing them.

Anonymous said...

I,Shelley of cuckoochanel.wordpress.com (shelleyhesson on Instagram, shelshel on Flickr, shel_shel_shel on Twitter), promise to be as fabulously me-made as possible for the duration of May 2015. I endeavor not to excessively torture my boyfriend as he patiently photographs me daily. I also pledge to shower you beauties with well-deserved praise on as many forms of social media as my data plan allows. Follow me everywhere and see you SOON. HUGS!!

Unknown said...

'I, Leigh-Anne Martin from elizalea.blogspot.com, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear at least one handmade garment each day for the duration of May 2015'

Anonymous said...

I, Emily (@mrserrrrr on Twitter and Pinterest) sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear three handmade items a week for the duration of May 2015.

arun said...

I, arun [ http://arunsnote.xrea.jp/ ] [ https://flic.kr/s/aHsk9KEvTn ], sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2015. I and/or my kids would like to wear one me-made item a day for the duration of May 2015.

Anonymous said...

I, Louise, of notsewsimple.wordpress.com, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear at least one me-made garment each day during May 15 and to sort out my wardrobe!

yoshimi said...

'I, yoshimi from http://yoshimitheflyingsquirrel.blogspot.jp, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear me-made items as many as possible for the duration of May 2015, and also to document/photograph my outfit on weekends for record'

Rachel said...

‘I, Rachel of www.snippetsofsweetness.com, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May ’15. I endeavor to wear at least one handmade garment each day for the duration of May 2015 and to make one garment out of rayon.’

Catherine said...

I, Catherine or Sewingthe60s, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear at least one me made item every weekday, for the duration of May 2015

How exciting! I cant wait to play again!

Anonymous said...

I Sarah Boyd of Instagram Guernseygirl13 sign up as a participant of Me -Made May '15.
I endeavor to wear at least 1 me made garment (sewn, knitted or crocheted) each day for the duration of May

I will post pictures on my instagram account with the #MMM15


Anonymous said...

sarah boyd sorry should have written #mmmay15


Katie Emma said...

'I, Katie Emma, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear at least one hand-made garment (sewn or knitted) each day for the duration of May 2015'

Ann said...

'I,Ann (https://www.flickr.com/photos/creamy_sammy/), sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear three me-made garments each week for the duration of May 2015.

pearlswirl said...

I've been looking forward to this ever since last year. Thanks Zoe!

I, Jenny Holbrook, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2015. I endeavor to wear at least one me-made item each day in May 2015. Baring in mind that I'll be completing a transatlantic move mid-May, I also endeavor not to be too hard on myself if logistical chaos prevents me from acheiving this (although I will try my hardest).

sewingiu said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
sewingiu said...

I, Giulia (IG @sewingiu), sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear at least 4 me-made clothes each week for the duration of May 2015

French Toast Tasha said...

I, Tasha of Stale Bread into French Toast, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear only garments I have made, altered, or repaired, for the duration of May 2015. The only purposeful exception will be my raincoat, which isn't any of the above, but I will definitely wear if the need arises. Everything else is included!

110 Creations said...

I, Beth Byrge of 110 Creations, sign up as a very pregnant participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear one handmade item each day for the duration of May 2015, including the days spent delivering a baby in the hospital! Ideally, I will have no repeats, but give myself plenty of wiggle room as my body changes shape.

Teri said...

I, Teri Dodds of fasewla.wordpress.com, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear one me made item each day for the duration of May 2015.

Kat D said...

I, Kat D, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear at least one me-made garment each day for the duration of May '15.

Sharon said...

I, Sharon from Petite & Sewing sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I will wear a me made outfit each day during May 2015.

Rowena said...

I, Rowena of medstudentsews.wordpress.com, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear at least 9 me-made garments per week (and at least one every day) for the duration of May 2015.

Tadpegs said...

I Zoe, of http://tadpegs.co.uk sign up for Me-Made-Made 15. I plan to put my handmade capsule wardrobe to the test by wearing a different outfit each day throughout May. I will include RTW knits, underwear, accessories and my chambray shirt but all other items will be handmade.

Kadri Kivistik said...

I, Kadri from www.kadristik.net, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear at least one me-made garment at least five times a week for the duration of May 2015.

I post my photos weekly to my blog.

Claire Mackaness said...


‘I, Claire Mackaness of www.clairemackaness.com, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May ’15. I endeavour to wear my handmade garments each day for the duration of May 2015′ I also pledge to finish of the garments I have already bought fabric and patterns for and to blog my garment making news at least once a week during May.’

Stars Threads said...

I, Star of www.starsthreads.blogspot.com, sign up as a first time participant of Me-Made-May 2015. I will endeavor to wear a different handmade garment 5 times per week for the duration of May 2015 with no repeats. There I said it - no going back now!

Unknown said...

'I, Clair Heal fromemporiafabricandcraft.wordpress.com , SIGN UP as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear one me made garment each day for the duration of May 2015'

Mary R said...

I, Mary Reed of http://ladyreed.wordpress.com, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear one me-made item each day for the duration of May 2015.

Gulp! This is a stretch goal, so I'm not going to beat myself up if I don't make it. I'm planning on having fun and seeing how much I can do.

Last year I did one me made item a week. I'm feeling good about how much more I have in my closet now. Next year, maybe I'll be able to do whole outfits :)

ayakoko said...

'I, Ayako, ( https://www.flickr.com/photos/123097806@N08/ ) sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15.
Date of wearing handmade clothes in between one month of May 2015 is to take the picture. I record at flickr.

Elizabeth said...

I, Elizabeth of The College Seamstress, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavor to wear only me-made garments each day for the duration of May 2015. I will also be cleaning out my closet during the month of May in order to re-evaluate my wardrobe.

Clarinda said...

'I, Clarinda of www.clarindakaleidoscope.com, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear one me made item (even if it's only pants) each day for the duration of May 2015'

Helen said...

'I, Helen of Grosgrain Green, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear one handmade item each day for the duration of May 2015, with a total of 8 days in the month wearing handmade bottoms (trousers, skirts, shorts, dresses, jeans)'.

Charlotte said...

I, Charlotte of The Creative Domestic, pledge to wear at least three handmade garments a week throughout the month of May. Because of the growing person in my belly, I reserve the right to use repeats. I will document my Me-Made-May via blog post in a weekly update. I’ll also probably post some of my outfits on Instagram.


Can't wait to participate!

Nat said...

I, Nat of http://natsewing.blogspot.co.uk/ , sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear at least one home-made garment each day for the duration of May 2015! I looking forward to following other's blogs too!

Ann said...

'I, Ann, of allmyownworkbyann.com sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear one self made item of clothing each day for the duration of May 2015.
The possible exception being days when I might go walking in bad weather, an event for which I have never made any of my own clothes!'

Amy G said...

I, Amy G., sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '. I endeavor to wear one handmade garment 4 days a week for the duration of May 2015.

Jacara said...

'I, Jacara Hughes, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear one item made by me and one by someone else, each day for the duration of May 2015'

Lisa said...

'I, Lisa www.lovelisa-ann.blogspot.com , sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear 4 me made items each weak for the duration of May 2015'

Nayla said...

I, Nayla of Nayla's Notions, sign up as a participantof Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear at least one garment handmade by myself each day for the duration of May 2015.

lathelize said...

'I, lathelize (http://lathelize.blogspot.com), sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear one homemade garnments five days a week for the duration of May 2015.
And the complexity is : it has to be working garnment in a very formal environment where I'll never never tell it's homemade

Kimmy Rocket said...

'I, Kimmy Rocket of https://kimmyrocket.wordpress.com/, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to be more sustainable by refashioning an item and wearing the resulting garment at least once during May 2015.

0037 said...

I, Yuki from http://chai.cocolog-nifty.com/chai/, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear at least two me-made garments each week for the duration of May 2015.

Anonymous said...

I, sou@sou_coud on Twitter / IG, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear at least one Me-Made garment each day...if possible...uh, as much as possible anyway, for the duration of May 2015.
My first participation!!! Wow!!!!!

Anonymous said...

'I, lotte jamieson, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear at least three self made or home made garments each week of MMM and will attempt to NOT wear my jeans as much as physically possible for the duration of May 2015'

Stine Vasard said...

'I, Stine Vasard with the blog strikkelas.blogspot.com, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wearat least one home-made item everday and at least one two-piece a week for the duration of May 2015'

LemonLemonade said...

'I, Sheona from LemonLemonade www.beauty-obsession.com, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear at least two Me-Made garments each week and work on some everyday wearable UFO for the duration of May 2015'

R254 said...

'I, R254, ( https://www.flickr.com/photos/r254-ja/
) sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15.
Date of wearing handmade clothes in between one month of May 2015 is to take the picture. I record at flickr.

Kristin at SunnySewing.com said...

'I, Kristin of SunnySewing.blogspot.com, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavor to wear 4 me-made makes each week for the duration of May 2015; I also endeavor to clean out my closet and weed out the things that I don't wear'

Jessi Berry said...

I, Jessi of bunchoberries.blogspot.com Sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavor to wear at least 1 handmade item 4 days a week for the duration of May '15

Cecili said...

Hi Zoe, please count me in Me-Made-May this year again, except that now that I'm not working 2 jobs anymore I have less money but more time^^ so I'll be posting pics hopefully!
My pledge: 'I, Cecili from Sewing and so on, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear at least two me-made items -clothes and accessories- each day for the duration of May 2015'
Thanks so much for this excellent event, I can't wait to see the other participants' and your creations :)

workpraysew said...

'I, Angela of workpraysew.com, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear at least one me-made item each day for the duration of May 2015'. I also will make one new item each week.

Karina said...

So excited to participate again this year!!

'I, Karina of http://cameoofkarina.blogspot.ca/, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear a me-made garment each day and to not repeat outfits for the duration of May 2015'

I'm going to challenge myself a little more and hope to come up with different outfits with my me-made garments.

Anonymous said...

'I, Karen (of http://andsewilearnt.wordpress.com), sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear at least 5 handmade garments each week for the duration of May 2015'.

I'm a new sewer and building up my handmade wardrobe in 2015!

Unknown said...

I Sophie from SophieLovesSewing.blogspot.hk, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavor to wear at least 1 handmade item to work each week and to wear at least one handmade item during each weekend of May 2015.

wee said...

I,wee (http://blog.livedoor.jp/ginghamstar/), sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15.I endeavour to wear at least one piece of handmade garment each day for the duration of May 2015.

Maria said...

I, Maria of mariasideer.blogspot.com, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear at least one me-made garment (made from scratch or refashioned) each day for the duration of May 2015.

This will be challenging since I will be 8 months pregnant at the beginning of May, but I believe I can make it!

Sari said...

'I, Sari www.inspiredbyluna.blogspot.com, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear at least one me-made garment each day for the duration of May 2015'

Hannah said...

I, Hannah, of https://iamcinderellis.wordpress.com/, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear one me-made garment each day for the duration of May '15.

Becky said...

I, Becky of www.sewmusing.blogspot.com endeavour to wear one me-made garment each day of May 2015.

Anonymous said...

'I, Miyuki, ( https://www.flickr.com/photos/organize/?start_tab=new_set ) sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15.
Date of wearing handmade clothes in between one month of May 2015 is to take the picture. I record at flickr

Anonymous said...

I, Jess of AnnabellesProjectOverload, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear at least one me made garment for at least half a day each day for the duration of May 2015.

Anonymous said...

I'm taking a flexible pledge this year, but hopefully it will still be great fun!

I, Carolyn, of allspiceabounds.wordpress.com, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May ’15. I endeavor to be mindful of my handmade wardrobe each day for the duration of May 2015.

I made some guidelines for myself, which you can read about here: http://wp.me/p216YU-Yy

Thanks for organizing again this year! :)

Michelle said...

The past two years, I've found myself digging into the depths of my closet to wear forgotten and neglected makes. The truth is, I think I don't normally wear those things for a reason, and it's time to think about cleaning house. So this year, I Michelle, www.tresbienensemble.com, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-Made '15 and endeavor to wear an outfit from a 20piece capsule collection of MeMade clothing every day during the month.

Anonymous said...

I, Diane of dianelaces.wordpress.com, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear a garment, accessory or jewelry item made by me each weekday for the duration of May 2015'

Anonymous said...

I, CraftAlchemy, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear at least one handmade item per day, and as many handmades as possible, throughout May 2015.

Anonymous said...

'I, Alexa from goodluckcleo.wordpress.com, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear one me-made item each day for the duration of May 2015.'

I just started sewing clothes less than a month ago, so this is a personal challenge to maintain steady production through April so come May 1st (right around the corner!), I will have enough to wear. :) I'm a bigger so a lot of my stuff will likely be pretty boring, but I'm going to try anyway!

Anonymous said...

I, Lara or Dreaming of Avonlea, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear one main item of me made clothing (i.e. skirts / dresses) each day for the duration of May 2015. Having lost a bit of weight recently, I want to challenge myself to alter the fit of these clothes as I wear them and figure out if they need changing. N.B. 'Pyjama days' don't count as I don't think of those days as actually getting dressed properly!

Elizabeth Made This said...

I, Elizabeth of elizabethmadethis.com, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear as many memade garments as possible each day for the duration of May 2015 and a memade skirt or jacket at least 3x per week during the month of May.

Anonymous said...

'I, Luus from luus.wordpress.com, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear at least one me-made item each day for the duration of May 2015. At least once a weak this item should be a skirt or a dress'

MazBurrell said...

'I, Maz Burrell from Devon, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear an item that I have made (sewn or a piece of jewellery) each day for the duration of May 2015

Kyla said...

I, Kyla of lifebyky.com, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear each of my me-made items at least once throughout the month of May 2015

z said...

I, Isabel from www.lavieenDIY.com, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear my me-made garments all weekends for the duration of May 2015'

Sewing Mum said...

I, Janet, of Kitchen Table Sewing, sign up to wear at least one me may item every day. And, I will aim to use the month as a kick start into making my own knickers (using Zoe's pattern) so I can chuck out my embarrassingly awful old ones. Woohoo to new knickers, people!

Anonymous said...

I, Rachel of Sew RED-y (www.sewredy.wordpress.com), sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavor to wear at least four me-made garments each week for the duration of May 2015.

I'm a first-timer, bring it on! :-D

Unknown said...

I, Miho from http://miho555.blog58.fc2.com/, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear at least one me-made garments each day for the duration of May 2015.

Unknown said...

'I, Marian from miblogdecostura.blogspot.com.es , sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear one me-made garment . each week for the duration of May 2015'

ana5059 said...

I, ana5059 from quepuedohacerconesto.blogspot.com, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear 1 garment each day for the duration of May 2015, and to use at least 35 different garments.

Anonymous said...

I, Lotta https://1atalante1.wordpress.com , sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear at least one handmade garment each day for the duration of May 2015'

SteelySeamstress said...

I, Steely Seamstress of www.steelyseamstress.wordpress.com sign up a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear at least one me-made garment each day for the duration of May 2015. I will also endeavour to wear every single one of my self-made garments during the month of May.

Kayoko said...

'I, Kayoko of http://blog.livedoor.jp/pkapka_dragon/, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear 1garment each day for the duration of May 2015'

La Couture Rose said...

Cécile of http://lacouturerose.canalblog.com, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear at least one garment I have made each day for the duration of May 2015'.

Vicky said...

I, Vicky, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear at least one me-made garment each day for the duration of May 2015

Unknown said...

'I, Jennifer at www.knitsewgrow.blogspot.com, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear my handmade items, either sewn or knitted, as often as I can for the duration of May 2015. I will also try to sew some more garments for my me-made wardrobe.'

Woo! Excited! I've only been blogging for a year but I saw a lot of posts about #mmmay2014 and thought it looked like fun - at that point I didn't have a lot of handmade stuff or time to make any, but now I've been making regularly for a few months I think it's time to give it a go. Wish me luck, and good luck everyone!

Lisa Poblenz said...

'I, Lisa Poblenz of patternandbranch.wordpress.com, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear at least one me-made garment each week, with a goal of trying to wear one me-made garment each day for the duration of May 2015.'

Unknown said...

'I, Sophie (http://sopbac.blogspot.com), sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear one me-made garment and show it on instagram (@sopba) each day for the duration of May 2015'

elaineoc said...

Woot woot! I, Elaine from http://whatdianadidnext.wordpress.com sign up as a participant of me made may '15. I haven't decided what my pledge is quite yet but I'm totally on board :)

Sox said...

I, Sox, from finishedthread.blogspot.ca sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2015. I shall endeavor to wear at least one me-made item for the month of May. I hope to wear at least one item made from a vintage pattern each week and will try to 'rescue' or re-work as many UFOs as possible.

Anonymous said...

'I, Ashley of www.sewnbyashley.com, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear two me-mad garments a week for the duration of May 2015'

Antipodean Stitcher said...

'I, Pam of http://antipodeanstitcher.blogspot.com.au/, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear at least one sewn garment (not including my me-made pajamas) each day for the duration of May 2015'

Kate L said...

I, Kate of thefairydustbin.blogspot.com, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear at least one self made item each day for the duration of May 2015

Meg said...

I, Meg of cookinandcraftin.blogspot.com, will participate in Me-Made-May 2015. I endeavor to wear at least one me-made garment each day for the duration of May, 2015 and will mend or alter at least five me-made garments to make them wearable.

Unknown said...

'I, Mariliza, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear at least one me-made item each day for the duration of May 2015'

Anonymous said...

I, Jo, of stuffjohasmade.wordpress.com, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear four handmade garments each week for the duration of May 2015. I also pledge to finish the Moneta dress that is my only UFO.

Niqueknacks said...

I, Nique, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear two handmade (by me) items each week for the duration of May 2015

quicoud said...

Hello Nath of
http://cestquiquicoud.wordpress.com/ sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear at least one garment I have made each day for the duration of May 2015'.

Stordigot said...

Mélissa of http://stordigot.blogspot.be, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear at least one garment I have made each day for the duration of May 2015'.

Anonymous said...

 'I, Melissa of http://mahlicadesigns.wordpress.com/ sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear three outfits weekly containing a handmade garment for the duration of May 2015'

Emily said...

I, Emily of Vintage Dreamer (vintagedreamer95.blogspot.com), sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I will endeavour to wear at least one me-made item each day for the duration of May 2015

Thank you Zoe!

Emmanuelle said...

'I, Emmanuelle (http://monpetitbazartencouleurs.blogspot.fr/), sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear one homemade garnments five days a week for the duration of May 2015.

Anonymous said...

I, Trish, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear one me-made garment each day for the duration of May 2015.

nelnanandnora said...

I, Eleanor of http://nelnanandnora.wordpress.com, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear something handmade each day for the duration of May 2015.

Julia said...

I, Julia from
www.sewionista.com sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear at least 1 me-made garment for 5 times a week. In addition, I will try to wear every time a different me-made garment, which has not be worn before during May.

Anonymous said...

It'll be my first time and I don't have very many wearable garments but...

I, Beth from www.afterdarksewing.wordpress.com sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear at least four me-made or me-refashioned garments each week for the duration of May 2015'


make it perfect said...

'I, Toni Coward - www.tonicoward.blogspot.com, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear a handmade item of clothing each day for the duration of May 2015'

Vanessa said...

I, Vanessa of passfailsewing.blogspot.com, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavor to wear me-made items each day for the duration of May 2015. I will also make a wearable pair of underwear by the end of the month.

mo.ni.kate said...

'I, Monika from http://wollixundstoffix.blogspot.de/ sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I'll wear me-made garment each day of the May 15.

Unknown said...

I, Markita from Plano ASG and ByMarkita, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavor to wear at least one me-made garment or accessory 5 days a week during May 2015.

Unknown said...

I, Núria of senyoretapots.wordpress.com, sign up as a first time participant of Me-Made-May 2015. I will endeavor to wear a handmade piece 5 times per week for the duration of May 2015.

My Sewing Side said...

I, Ana of http://mysewingside.blogspot.co.uk, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear three hand-made garments each week for the duration of May 2015.

Marie in the cave said...

I, Marie of marieinthecave.blogspot.com, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear one handmade garment each day and one unloved/rarely worn handmade garment every week for the duration of May 2015.

Unknown said...

'I, (Christa, www.lakeknit.blogspot.ca), sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear a handmade outfit each work day and handmade tops and sweaters on the weekend for the duration of May 2015'

Alice said...

I, Alice from www.queenofdarts.com sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear one me-made garment at least 3 times per week for the duration of May 2015.

Gem said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I've admired Me-Made-May from a far for a few years, and while I still don't have enough handmade garments to wear something different every day of the month, I think I'm ready to participate this year. So here goes! I, Lilly of www.rakeandmake.com, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavor to wear at least one handmade garment twice a week (probably weekends) for the duration of May 2015! Thanks for hosting! :)

Anonymous said...

I, Ebi of makingtheflame.wordpress.com, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear one me-made garment each day for the duration of May 2015.

Naomi said...

I, Naomi of Handmade Diary,sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear at least one or two me-made garment each day for the duration of May 2015'

Anonymous said...

I, Katrina of shesnippedandshesewed (instagram) sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I will endeavour to wear at least one me made item 5 days a week for the month of May. I hope to finish off a couple of partially made winter tops during the month and also assess a few handmades that rarely get worn.

Denise Dooley said...

'I, Denise Dooley of http://sewingforward.com/ , sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear one me-made garment each day for the duration of May 2015'

Anonymous said...

I, Emily of Dressing the Role (dressingtherole.wordpress.com), sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear at least two pieces of me-made clothing/accessories each day for the duration of May 2015, and entirely me-made outfits (including garments and undergarments, excluding outerwear and footwear/socks) three days a week. In addition, I pledge to share the gift of me-made treasures with those in need through sewing items for Enchanted Makeovers (http://enchantedmakeovers.org) during the month of May.

Jessie said...

'I, Jessie of Some Things I Have Made (somethingsihavemade.blogspot.com), sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear two me-made items each day for the duration of May 2015, to take daily outfit photos, and to mend, finish, or remake at least four UFOs or worn-out garments.

Anonymous said...

I, Laila Kilpeläinen sign up a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavor to wear at least one me-made garment each day for the duration of May 2015.

Hilde said...

I, Hilde from www.forest-and-co.com, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear 3 me-made garments a week for the duration of May 2015.

LaDulsaTina said...

I, Martina of http://www.ladulsatina.com, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear at least one me-made garment each week for the duration of May 2015

Chrinner said...

'I, Sarah from http://thewoofandthewarp.blogspot.com.au/?m=1 , sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear at least one me made item of clothing or carry a me made accessory each day for the duration of May 2015'

Eeeeee I'm so excited. I tend to live in jeans in the winter so this will be a bit of a challenge.

Caro said...

I, Caro from schmidten.wordpress.com, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear a different selfmade garment each day for the duration of May 2015 and to sew at least one new piece.

luckybearnorfolk said...

'I, Lucy from www.luckybearnorfolk.com, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear something I have made, refashioned or altered each day for the duration of May 2015'

Anonymous said...

I, Jessie of jesssewfabulous.wordpress.com, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear one me-made garment or use a me-made accessory each day for the duration of May 2015

Unknown said...

'I, Sachi D of http://ameblo.jp/despicsachiko/ (It's a blog in Japanese, but I will be writing in both English and Japanese during Me-Made-May Challenge) , sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear Me-Made items at least 3 days a week for the duration of May 2015'

During the last year's MMM, I found out I was pregnant and had to give up the challenge due to morning sickness. This year, with a 4 month old baby, I'd like to try again with a bit more relaxed rule for myself. Also, I want to modify my old clothes to fit my post-pregnancy body, and then create a capsule wardrobe by the end of May... this MMM challenge would hopefully encourage me to get out of PJ's and out of the house more often :)

Cucicucicoo: Eco Crafting & Sewing said...

I, Lisa from Cucicucicoo, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear at least one garment that I have made from scratch or refashioned in some way each day for the duration of May 2015. In addition, I pledge to complete all half-finished season-appropriate clothing projects in my to-do pile (or decide if any of them should be abandoned and removed from the to-do pile).

melissa said...

'I, Melissa from neoknits, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear a complete me-made outfit at least three days a week for the duration of May 2015'

Karen K said...

'I, Karen K, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear at least one of my me made garments each week for the duration of May 2015, and to refashion two garments from my wardrobe during May 2015'

CraftsandLeaves said...

I, Kathrin of http://craftsandleaves.blogspot.de, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear at least one me-made garment each day for the duration of May 2015. I will finally complete the jeans blazer that has been sleeping at the back of my sewing cupboard for at least ten years and I will sew one top or skirt that actually matches one other me-made item.

dreikah said...

'I, Karin from www.dreikah.de, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear only memade clothes each day for the duration of May 2015'
Thanks for the organisation!

Kristina said...

I, Kristina from www.artfashiontech.com, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear at least one item of clothing I made myself or one item have altered/refashioned for each day for the duration of May 2015

Anonymous said...

'I, Nichole from https://elashacreations.wordpress.com/, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear an item of clothing made by or altered by me each day for the duration of May 2015'

Anonymous said...

'I, Tracy Lucas of http://trixielixiesblog.com sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear a me-made outfit each day for the duration of May 2015'

Katie said...

I, Katie and ZipSnipVroom.com, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear one hand made item each day for the duration of May 2015'

Ree Sewn said...

I, Marie from www.ree-sewn.blogspot.co.uk, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear me-made garments on at least 20 days of May 2015.

Unknown said...

I, Sandrine from http://inspirationsetcreations.fr, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear at least one me-made garment each day for the duration of May 2015'

Anonymous said...

I, Bonnie of Summer Sunbear sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear one me-made item per day for the duration of May 2015.

tiantianhaori said...

I, Tiantianhaori from https://www.flickr.com/photos/95423147@N03/, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear at least one me-made garment each week for the duration of May 2015'

Rehgeschwister said...

I, Sandra, http://rehgeschwister.blogspot.de/, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear one me-made garment each day for the duration of May 2015

El Taller de Chapucina said...

Me apunto!! mi reto sera una prenda diaria y lo subire a traves de Instagram, puede por favor informarme si es necesario enlazarlo a su blog de alguna forma? Mil gracias

El Taller de Chapucina said...

I Maite the "Workshop Chapucina" http://eltallerdechapucina.blogspot.com.es/ pointed me to challenge May made May 15, my challenge will wear a or several pieces made by me every day, I'll upload my photos on Instagram. thank you very much

Sonia Fonseca said...

Me apunto!!!!!

Neus said...

I'm in!! This is going to be my second year, love this time of the year.

Anonymous said...

I Louise Reed, sign up as a participant of me made may 15. I endeavour to wear 1 me made garment each day, and may even post my first ever garment pictures online, for the duration of May 2015

Mary said...

'I, Mary Sigler of TheDalySew.com, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavor to wear something I've made at least five days a week for the duration of May 2015'

JustSewJenna said...

'I, Jenna of Just Sew Jenna, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear clothes (including knickers but not bras or tights) made by or refashioned by me each day for the duration of May 2015. I also pledge to try and match up gaps in my and my daughter's wardrobe with fabric and patterns already in my possession.'

Meagan said...

I, Meagan of HowIKopp.blogspot.com, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear at least one hand-made item six days a week for the duration of May 2015. Woo-hoo!

Alessa said...

'I, Alessa from http://farben-freude.blogspot.com, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear only me-made garments aside from bras, tights and outerwear each day for the duration of May 2015, additionally I will endeavour to wear trousers at least once a week and try not to duplicate any outfits.'

Zoë said...

I, Zoë of hellozoeb.blogspot.co.uk, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear at least 1 item of clothing made by me each day, with no outfit repetition, for the duration of May 2015 .....and blog about it too

Gem said...

'I, Gemma from http://gems-hems.blogspot.com , sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear ONLY Me-Made items (except for underwear!) each day for the duration of May 2015' - I aim to make full use of my extensive handmade wardobe without falling back on any of my RTW garments!

Unknown said...

‘I, Hazel of Thefastandlooseschoolofsewing.wordpress.com, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May ’15. I endeavour to wear at least one home made item each day for the duration of May 2015′

Excited :)

Amber said...

I, Amber Hunter, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear one garment each day for the duration of May 2015. I will not repeat any garments worn for Me-Made-May '14.

Alison said...

I, Alison, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear one me-made garment at least 4 times a week for the duration of May 2015.
And also to knit or sew one cardigan to wear on 31 May!

Laurita´s Place Handmade said...

I,Patricia Garrido of , http://lauritasplace.blogspot.com.es sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear a me-made garment at least one time a week for the duration of May 2015

Unknown said...

Wow! This is so popular these days, congratulations! 'I, Emma of itsemmamade.blogspot.co.uk, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear one piece of handmade clothing each day for the duration of May 2015'

Fancy Tiger Crafts said...

I, Jaime Jennings of fancytigercrafts.com, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavor to wear a me-made outfit each day for the duration of May 2015 and I'm going to try and focus on more skirts and dresses that don't usually get as much wear. So excited!

Annie said...

'I, Annie, of needlewick.com, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear at least one handmade item each day for the duration of May 2015'

Jennifer said...

'I, Jennifer of www.sortingbuttons.com, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear at least one handmade, altered or refashioned garment five days a week for the duration of May 2015'

uktriggerfish said...

'I, divebunny sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear at least one handmade item each day for the duration of May 2015'

jennifer elliott said...

I, Jennifer Elliott of jenniferelliott14.com, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear at least four refashioned or me-made skirts per week for the duration of May 2015.

megaluno studio :: celebrating childhood style said...

I, Judith, of MegalunoStudio, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear at least one me-made garment, including refashions, for the duration of May 2015.

em makes patterns said...

I, Em of www.emmakespatterns.com, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear at least 5 me-made, mended or altered garments, as well as mend at least 2 garments each week for the duration of May 2015.

Coralie said...

This is exciting! :-)
'I, Coralie from www.stitch-n-smile.com, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear one item of clothing I've made each day for the duration of May 2015'

craftyandcake said...

I, Emma of craftyandcake.blogspot.co.uk and dressmakerssocial.blogspot.co.uk, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to continue to wear at least one me made item of clothing each day for the duration of May 2015. In addition I will stop putting off making and wearing the knickers pattern I have had for too long and may even attempt to start the craftsy bra making course I bought six months ago!

Unknown said...

'I, Jenna of http://sew-knit-crochet-hooray.blogspot.co.uk , sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear something either I have knit/sewn/crocheted, or that someone has lovingly made for me - each day for the duration of May 2015. I hope to expand my capsule wardrobe so that this experiment of mine becomes a set of timeless classics that can continue each month, so that one day, I do have the me-made-wardrobe I truly lust after.'

Sara said...

I, Sara of harmonythroughimperfection.blogspot.com, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear at least one me-made garment each day for the duration of May 2015.

This is my first time, I'm excited!

Nichi said...

Anonymous said...
I, Nichi (in Instagram as Nichi23). I endeavor to wear at least one me-made garment each week for the duration of May 2015 and to photograph and post these outfits to Instagram and Flickr! Wow :), so happy!!!

OrloSubito said...

I, Sandra from OrloSubito, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear each day for the duration of May 2015, at least one garment that I have made by myself or refashioned in some way; and to take a picture of it, to show it in my blog of all the garments used along this month.

Tamsin said...

'I, TamsinWP of Pimpmycurtains.blogspot.co.uk, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I will endeavour to wear a me-made or repurposed item for at least 5 days each week for the duration of May 2015. I am also looking to go through my current wardrobe and weed out stuff I no longer wear'

nobutterfly said...

'I, Nobutterfly, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear one me-made item each day for the duration of May 2015'

amy said...

'I, Amy, of sewnintheattic.blogspot.co.uk, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear two garments made, adjusted or refashioned by me each week for the duration of May 2015'

Not So Granny said...

'I, Joanne of notsogranny.com, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear at least one handmade item each day for the duration of May 2015 and complete a new item to wear'

Jenny said...

'I, (Jenny rennous-oh-glennus.tumblr.com), sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May ‘15. I endeavour to wear whatever I feel like each day and document it for the duration of May 2015. At the end of the month I’ll tally up (among other things) which me-mades were most worn and which RTW items were most worn.

Brahdelt said...

'I, Joanna from FriendSheep blog (http://www.friendsheep.com), sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear as many me-made clothes and accessories as possible for the duration of May 2015'

Anonymous said...

'I, Lucie, of Love, Lucie https://lovelucie1.wordpress.com/, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear...at least 4 'me made' garments per week........ for the duration of May 2015'

Kathryn said...

I, Kathryn of Kathryn's BusyTown, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear me-mades or re-fashioned clothes 3 days a week for the duration of May 2015. In addition I will make myself 3 items of clothing during May 2015.'

Nicola said...

'I, Nicola, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear as many me made, refashioned or upcycled garments as I can for the duration of May 2015. I also intend to use this time to learn some new skills to allow me to wear much more me made stuff in the coming year ...can't wait!'

Anonymous said...

'I, Chris of Said&Done www.handmadebychris.wordpress.com, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15.
I endeavour to wear my me-made dresses in May 2015 (weather permitting)and analyse why I do or don't like wearing them. I pledge to draw conclusions from my findings in order to sew more wearable dresses in the future.'

Unknown said...

'I, Laura Green, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear at least one self-made item 5 days out of every week (the other 2 days I'll be wearing a work uniform - still appliqued by me!) each week for the duration of May 2015'

Wakasews said...

'I, wakasews of MAISON TANUKI(http://maisontanuki.blogspot.jp/), sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear at least one handmade garment each day for the duration of May 2015'

Sofía said...

'I, Sofía, from http://www.silverliningatelier.com/, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear at least 4 me-made garments each week for the duration of May 2015'
(And I sign up at the very last moment!)

Julie M said...

I Julie of Sewchicasew.blogspot.com, sign up as a participant (for the first time!) of Me Made May 2015. I endeavor to wear at least 3 Me Made garments per week during the month of May!

Unknown said...

I, Susi from http://alle-wuensche-werden-wahr.de/ sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I'll wear me-made garment each day of the May 15. Great Challenge and Thanks for organization Susi

vondalin said...

I, Von (@Vondalin123), sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear at least one me made item each day for the duration of May 2015

Christine said...

I, Christine of mestludd.blogspot.com, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear at least one handmade garment each day for the duration of May 2015. I also endeavour to sew two garments during May.

Andrea said...

'I, Andrea ,www.naaikamertje.blogspot.nl, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear one me-made-garment at least 5 times per week for the duration of May 2015'
Thanks for the challenge!

Sew Over It said...

We, the Sew Over It team (sewoverit.co.uk), sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. We endeavour to wear as many handmade garments as we can between us, documenting our Monday-Friday outfits for the duration of May 2015. (Thanks Zoe for being the brains behind this excellent idea, we're very excited!)

Monika said...

I, Monika,sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May'15.
I endeavor to wear one memade garment each day for the duration of May 2015.
I'll show my photos on flickr.

emily said...

(getting in just under the wire!)

I, Emily Botterman of botterman-empire.blogspot.co.uk sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May'15. I endeavour to include at least one item of me-made/refashioned clothing/accessories for myself and/or my little daughter every day for the duration of May '15.

I also endeaver to finally getting around to making that linen Pia dress (that I've been meaning to make for aaaages) before the end of the month.

Thanks Zoe!

Carine said...

I, Carine, sign up as a participant for Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear at least one me-made or refashioned item each day for the duration of May 2015 and to document it by taking pictures.

Alicia said...

I, Alicia at forwhoitsfor.blogspot.com, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavor to wear at least one handmade item each day (that I leave the house) for the duration of May 2015. Additionally, I will make a special effort to wear every handmade item I have at least once.

mademoiselle chou-chou said...

'I, Barbara of blog www.mademoiselle-chouchou.blogspot.it), sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear at least two me-made garment each week for the duration of May 2015

Freya May said...

I, Freya May of thedressmakingdiaries.blogspot.com, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear exclusively me made clothing each day I'm not at work for the duration of May 2015



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