Friday 12 September 2014

One Week One Pattern '14: Complete!

It's a wrap! Today was the final day of this year's OWOP challenge as hosted by Handmade Jane (thanks, Jane!), and a thoroughly fun challenge it was too. If you recall, I decided I was going to take part using the Playful Kitty baby leggings pattern from Ottobre magazine. Signing up to the challenge was a great push to bash out a few more pairs of this excellent and super quick pattern.

After making the original pair (on the left of the picture above) I revisited the pattern and made a few changes. I, umm, *coughs*, added the seam allowance that I should have added before, as well as lowering the waistline at the front by 2 cm. 

The second from left pair are made from some weird vintage cream and navy printed knit fabric. It's really thin and synthetic-y feeling but I'm also strangely drawn to it! I have a ton of it and will therefore probably make many garments for Dolores from it in the future, so I may as well start now! 

The stripy pair are made from some amazing organic interlock that is available here from The Village Haberdashery. These were made using scraps left over from the Moneta sample I made for VH's owner Annie in advance of the class I taught there a few times.   

The fourth pair are made from the same ribbed synthetic knit that I used last year to make a pair of pregnancy leggings from. You can see them in action here. By the end of my pregnancy, they were the only things I could fit on my lower half! I really like that she now has a version of the same leggings I wore whilst growing her!

So on the documentation of the challenge, because I'm sure that's what you really came here to see!

Saturday (Day 1):
Blue version 

Sunday (Day 2):
Cream and navy version

Monday (Day 3):
Cartoon print brown version

Tuesday (Day 4):
Cream and navy version

Wednesday (Day 5):
Stripy version rolled up in a natty manner

Thursday (Day 6):
Blue version (she was not feeling well today)

Friday (Day 7):
Started with cartoon print brown version, but due to a leaky nappy an outfit change was required before photography could commence. So, stripy version!


I love this challenge! As I said before, I love it for many of the same reasons I love Me-Made-May. It's a great opportunity to enjoy and celebrate the things we've made that we actually want to wear in our day-to-day lives. Plus it's wonderful to see how people interpret different patterns, and it's great to hoover up ideas for future creating.

Regarding the leggings themselves, they are also a great success. The lowered front works well and I was surprised by how many not-too-bizarre-looking outfit combo's I could rustle up including this quartet. The addition of seam allowance on the pattern obvs makes them come up a fair bit bigger, and at the moment the pair without seam allowance currently fit her best. However, it's great to know that the others will last for months and months, especially because I created quite a large overlap on the waist elastic with an eye to letting them out further down the line, just like the pregnancy pair I made myself actually! In fact I'm sitting here typing this wearing the black pair of pregnancy leggings I made, with the elastic made a lot shorter again!


vintagerockchick said...

So far, Lola is the only person, other than me, that I've actually seen on here, in their OWOP makes. I have to say, she beats me hands down for gorgeousness.
But I'm taller. xx

Jane said...

Oh Zoe, Dolores is absolutely beautiful and she totally rocks her OWOP leggings! So glad you took part and that you and little miss D enjoyed the challenge. x
ps. Day 4 is my favourite pic! x

velosews said...
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velosews said...

Delores is the cutest OWOP ever.

Marie said...

OMG, I can't believe D-lo took part in OWOP! How cute and one can compete against that ;o)

Kathryn said...

Aww such cuteness! Dolores looks fab in all her outfits! I've loves following OWOP this year.

wendy said...

Great leggings Zoe, but that little face is all you see in these pics :). She really is gorgeous.

Unknown said...

She's so lovely. As are her leggings!

Anonymous said...

Well, she definitely looks very happy with her great leggings!
Fun fact: for a really long time, I thought it was 'legg-ins', because you put your legs in. I still can't really wrap my head around the fact that it's leggings. It makes no sense to me ;-)

JustSewJenna said...

So absolutely adorable! I love, love those leggings! All of them are great, I particularly love the sentiment behind the blue ones. I hope she is feeling better now xx

Mother of Reinvention said...

Aww, how delectable does your daughter look. This is such a versatile patten. Super makes. x

Jan Crews said...

Great job - and what a cutie pie Dolores is!! Thanks for sharing.

justsewtherapeutic said...

Oh that smile! She's gorgeous and has totally rocked owop! Really enjoyed the challenge, it's been like a mini me made May!

EmSewCrazy said...

She's gotten so big! What a fun challenge. I love how you're getting your daughter to participate in our sewing challenges!

Anonymous said...

Is it just me or is she cuter every time I see her?!?! Sweet, sweet girl!

Kestrel said...

The leggings are great but Delores is so, so cute! What a cheery soul.

Zoë said...

Love these little leggings Zoe!

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