Friday 26 September 2014

Fancier Pants

See all that beautiful cotton undies elastic pictured above? Well it's mine, ALL MINE! Hahahaha!!! 

Forgive me, I got a bit excited. I have acquired this lovely stash is because I was asked to make some undies samples using some of it. Maggie, the owner of Textile Garden, who is a sponsor of my blog and officially the nicest lady in haberdashery, recently got a new range of elastic and wanted some samples for her stall when she goes to knitting and stitching type events.  

I made a couple of pairs of pants using some luxurious organic cotton knit (sent to me by Offset Warehouse) and a vest using some stretchy lace fabric lurking in my stash. Unsurprisingly, I used my free undies/pants and vest patterns for these. 

I adapted my usual undie-making methods to suit these delicate cotton elastics by applying them with tiny zigzag stitches rather than a chunkier three-step zigzag stitch. It was really enjoyable to sew with a product that I normally wouldn't get my hands on. And I love the results, even if there's no red, navy, leopard print or anchors involved!

I think my favourites are the duck-egg and lilac/pink scalloped elastic (pictured above) and the cream lace elastic (pictured below). They also sell the lace elastic in white, and seeing as it's cotton I'm assuming that you could dye it any colour you pleased. 

My undies drawer is looking a bit shabby these days (in case you were wondering) so when I get some time I'm going to update it using some of these lovely elastics. I'm sure there are lots of other uses aside from undies that you could make though. What would you make with pretty cotton elastic like this?


Philippa said...

Oh these are really pretty! I will definitely take a look next time I need some habby. They are much nicer than the plain stuff I've been using.

Scruffybadger said...

Per-ritty!!! I would do the same as you- undies every time. Because i join you in being one with rather a shabby undies drawer .....

Anonymous said...

Oh those elastics are beautiful. I"ve been trying to figure out what kind of elastic I want to make more undies of my own, and I'm now officially in love with these and going to buy some! (Thus proving this whole blog sponsorship works, huh? :-)

vintagerockchick said...

Very snazzy - I especially like the blue and purple one - and you're right, the Textile Garden people, and their products, are lovely.
Great for undies, but I think they would also be good around the top of a posh 'Monsoon-y' type skirt.

Knitwitsowls said...

Okay now I'm stupidly tempted to start making my own pants!

JustSewJenna said...

So pretty!! How did I forget you had an undies pattern?? I need to make some of these, my knicker drawer is appalling!!

Anonymous said...

So jealous! Those elastics are beautiful! Love what you made with them!

Metalmom37 said...

Love the maniacal laughter!

Kathy {Kathy Sews} said...

Love 'em! You lucky girl getting to try the elastics. These are fantastic!!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous elastics! I'm sure they'd come in useful for some baby/toddler makes- maybe round cuffs or the bottom of leggings.

Lou said...

Love them so pretty. Make me want to start sewing my own!!

Kimbersew said...

Lovely! How does the recovery of cotton elastics compare to the cheap stuffs?

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