Tuesday 13 May 2014

Me-Made-May'14: Days 8 - 13

So we're half way through MMMay'14 now. If you're taking part, how's your challenge going? Are you finding illuminating? Surprising? Too easy? A struggle? If you are finding that your personal challenge is the latter (actually even if you're not), you should check out this awesome, thoughtful and timely post by Jen of Jennifer Lauren Vintage on how to make the most of your handmade wardrobe.

In the meantime, here's some more pics of me with no makeup, just what you've been waiting for...

Day 8:
Captain jacket when I went out
Second hand cardi, as per my pledge 

Dolores wears: mum-made dribble bib

Day 9:
Captain jacket when I went out
Second hand cardi, as per my pledge 

Dolores wears: mum-made leopard print trousers

Day 10:
Captain jacket when I went out
Second hand cardi, as per my pledge 

Dolores wears: mum-made dribble bib

Day 11, hanging with the legend that is Miss Demeanour:
Captain jacket (not in shot)

Day 12:
Captain jacket when I went out
Second hand cardi, as per my pledge 

Day 13:

Captain jacket (not in shot)
Second hand cardi, as per my pledge 

Dolores wears: mum-made dribble bib


Lucinda said...

I've been finding that I need more knit tops. I love them more than I ever knew. Also, wrap dresses and leggings, but I already knew that.

EmSewCrazy said...

I probably pledged too light for my wardrobe but for life right now it's been working out well. I've got so much to do it's been helpful not to have to put too much thought into what I'm wearing to get a memade on! I guess that means I'm getting a pretty good handmade wardrobe built!

Sue @ A Colourful Canvas said...

I've been really enjoying MMM '14. It's the first time I've participated in the challenge, and I gave myself lots of leeway, only three items a week. BUT! I've been wearing at least one me-made article of clothing everyday! And yes! I have learned lots about my likes and dislikes, what's working or not, and what I miss...definitely jeans and a t-shirt or too in my sewing future!

Unknown said...

I've found my pledge to wear 3 handmade items each week much easier than I thought, so I'm now making it harder by banning repeats :)


rosie said...

I agree with Sue, above; I made same pledge for same reason but so far only one day not wearing me-made! Amazed, I really didn't know I'd made/wear so much self sewn gear and yes, I've also noticed I need to make a few dresses and get more variety in trouser-wear. Its also been great finding more sewing/style blogs, seeing pattern/fabric variations & feeling part of a community. MMM is very cool and I'm loving it - thank you Zoe!

Sewing by Shirley said...

I don't have enough clothing to wear something I've made routinely, but that has made me focus on making LOTS of tops for summer! Next May I'll be ready!

Philippa said...

What lovely photos. It looks as though you had a happy week! I am getting on quite well with my pledge although I still don't enjoy mending really! Yesterday I wore old me-made paint splashed trousers and a thrifted shirt I've changed the collar on for decorating. It's glamor all the way for my May ;)

Scruffybadger said...

Always a treat seeing your me made updates, but now we get to see the addition of BabyD and even MissD!! Beautiful :-)

Sew little time said...

Aawww loving the pics especially the ones featuring gorgeous baby d (and the equally gorgeous rehanon of course!). I'm finding it ok so far bit I guess we are getting to the hard part now! If the sun would just come out i could rock a whole new part of my wardrobe!

Unknown said...

Its been a really interesting challenge. I know I must make some jersey tops and dresses soon as they are what I am yearning to slouch about in.

helen s said...

I'm really enjoying it but decided in week one to try not repeating any outfits. Think I'll have to start being a bit creative with my combinations soon! It's made me realise that I tend to reach for the old favourites most of the time!

Anonymous said...

I've been loving it so far. It's highlighted all the gaps in my wardrobe and given me more confidence in wearing my handmade items!

BLD in MT said...

I plegued to wear at least one homemade thing each day (though not nessessarily made by me--moms, friends, etc) and have been pleasantly surprised to learn just how many homemade clothes I have. When I told this to my partner though he said he wasn't surprised at all since that seems to be what I wear these days. Its been interesting.

Anonymous said...

Another first timer. Good so far, but will have to start repeating soon. Definitely need more casual wear and tops with sleeves, too cold for sleeveless up north at the moment. Have really enjoyed the challenge, thank you!

Lian said...

Not taking part, but reading your post and looking at my own household, I could definitely jot down the use of one (or 3) dribble bibs a day too! Definitely a satisfying sew in terms of use.

LauraJane said...

I love this challenge and seeing what everyone is doing! I have been wearing my dresses and sewing a lot, but haven't been taking or posting pictures. I just forget to do it! But it makes me happy to see so many people creating. Thank you for your leadership and inspiration!!

Anonymous said...

It's been very informative so far; I realized that I have a lot more handmade items to wear everyday than I had thought. I also realized I need more comfy tees and tops!

Rehanon Mackenzie said...

You are glorious! Thank you so much for having me the other weekend and letting me get a big chunk of you and that beautiful babs in my me made memories. I continue to be astounded by how fabulous you look despite being con bebe and well I could just eat her up :) Love you all more than cheese mwah mwah xxx

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