Wednesday 5 June 2013

Pinterest Your Heart Out: Pin It Forward UK

Pin It Forward UK 2013 

Hi peops. So along with a whole bunch of other UK-based bloggers (300 in total), I've been invited to be part of Pinterest's 'Pin It Forward' campaign. Their aim is to get more peops in the UK using Pinterest and are getting UK bloggers from a variety of interests to help them do this. I admit that basically I'm in love with using Pinterest for gathering and sharing visual inspiration, but I'm not a selfish lover (!) and I'm up for helping others who have yet to discover its joys so I agreed to get involved.

So for those who haven't figure it out yet, basically Pinterest is a website that you sign up to for free on which you can create pin-boards of things that interest you. You can gather 'pins' to put on your board from Pinterest itself (either by following other members whos's taste you appreciate or by using their search tool), from other places on the internet, or by uploading your own pictures.

I find it is really helpful to collate all my visual inspiration together on various Pinterest boards, rather than having all those images scattered in various image files, bookmarked links and so forth. It's helped me in obvious ways (like being more organised and able to trace the source of an image quickly, for example), and in more unexpected ones too (for example, like pinning lots of images of outfits I like then seeing them collated together and being able to analyse what trends come through).

One of my most beloved boards I've been carefully curating is my imaginatively-titled 'Refashioning Project Ideas' (there's a snippet of it pictured above). It's full of what I consider to be the coolest, loveliest, prettiest, quirkiest and most wearable refashioning/upcycling/remaking clothing and accessories projects I've come across.

If you haven't got involved yet and fancy a piece of the Pinterest-action, a quick and easy way for you to join up can be found here.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for participating in Pin It Forward UK, Zoe! You have found amazing sewing ideas on Pinterest! After looking through your Refashioning Project Ideas board, I'm really inspired to try this with some of my old clothes! I love the Suspender/braces T-shirt! Lauren, Community Coordinator

Hazel_Myope said...

I'm on Pinterest too and it's pretty great but I end up making inspiration boards to specific and then not updating them once I've moved on to another style. :(

Ros said...

I basically think Pinterest is unethical and probably illegal. It surprises me that so many creatives appear to be happy to continually violate the copyright of other creatives in this way.

badmomgoodmom said...

I just want to clarify for your readers that Pinterest isn't providing the platform for the users. They are in the business of providing metadata tags for their paying customers.

Early terms of use specified that all user content uploaded to their servers belonged to Pinterest. There was a huge backlash.

Pinterest replied that they were misconstrued and changed their terms of use.

Don't upload other people's images without permission. If they offer a "Pin It" button, they work with Pinterest and have already uploaded that image.

However, it became apparent that their business model it to "harvest" metadata tags from human users and then sell them to advertisers. Other Pinterest customers need to gather metadata information on their images cheaply, yet more accurately than computers can do them.

A computer scientist friend says that Pinterest says very different things to the trade than to their user base (aka free metadata taggers).

If you are not paying for a service, then you are the service.

It's a nice platform, and I use it to keep inspiration photos from (their Pin It button). However, be aware that everything you do on that platform is studied and sold to the people who are the true Pinterest customer$.

Pinterest is making a lot of money off your activity. I hope that they are paying Zoe and the other bloggers for their help in spreading Pinterest use to the UK.

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