''I want to explore the avenues outside of mass made clothing, whether that’s through sewing, knitting, trawling through charity shops, gawking at vintage wares or using good old eBay.''
Through her shiny-new and visually pleasing blog 'Seamless', Elena has created the Seamless Pledge to encourage others to join her in eschewing fast fashion in favour of handmade and thrifted clothing. The pledge-e is free to determine the length of time they wish to commit to the pledge and how they wish to clothe themselves for that period (self-stitched/knitted/up-cycled/thrifted/vintage/etc.). She has created a fantastically simple template for people to try and apply their convictions and interests over a period of time, the type of which has been missing from the online creative community since the Wardrobe Refashion pledge (RIP).

Speaking of horse's mouth, Elena interviewed me the other week for a blog post about my thoughts on sewing and sustainability, and the 'journey' to my current relationship with comsumerism and consumption. At the time I didn't realise that our telephone conversation would result in audio clips embedded into the resultant blog post, and although I have a near-pathological hatred of listening to recordings of my own voice, I have to say used in this context it's an effective device for getting points across. So head on over if you want to hear some of the content of that interview. And if you are signing up to the Seamless Pledge, good luck and enjoy!!!
yay, I love a pledge like this as it is broad in it's thinking.I'l be popping it on my blog today.
This looks really interesting and I think I may take the plunge...
This sounds good, I usually take pledges not to buy any new clothes or shoes for a few months here and there, but this a good twist on that and easier on the pocket too. thanks for sharing!
I think this post has pretty much made my entire week!
Thanks so much again for letting me interview, and for letting me use the audio! In a weird way, I'm glad I didn't have enough confidence in my shorthand at the time otherwise there wouldn't have been any audio, haha!
Lovely to see people keen to sign up, I love me some pledges too! I'll be posting up some pledge progress later today with some stuff about how people can get involved :)
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