Monday 8 August 2011

Self-Stitched-Sept '11: Blog Widget/Button

Ok peops, maybes you've seen the latest me-made/self-stitched challenge I'm hosting, maybes you haven't. Basically, we've got about three weeks before the start of Self-Stitched-Sept '11, and I for one and really excited to e-meet the people who will be taking part this time round, and see all the delicious and inspirational handmade things they will be wearing.

If you have signed up, plan to sign up or are thinking of signing up and have a blog, I would like to share with you the HTML code for the widget/button of the SSS'11 logo pictured above. When the the widget/button is installed on your blog and the logo is clicked on, the clicker will be pinged to the original Self-Stitched-Sept '11 sign-up post. This cheeky little blog addition serves a few purposes:

  • It announces to the readers of your blog what you are up to and how you plan to challenge yourself in a feet of daring adventure!
  • The ping back effect means you needn't explain in depth what you are up to as they can read the original challenge outline for themselves.
  • It reminds yourself that you are an intrepid explorer investigating the possibilities of handmade/DIY culture, and ultimately flying the flag for all creative individuals (phew!).
  • Other SSS'11 participants who may happen to drop by your blog can see, at a glance, that you are also taking part and will know doubt be interested to see how you are getting on.
  • It will most likely encourage others to participate, which will most likely benefit them (I've never heard anyone who actually participated in a me-made/self-stitched challenge comment that they hadn't found it an enriching experience in some way) AND the rest of the community of participants by providing more peops to 'play' with.

So, if you would like one, follow these steps:

1# Copy the following HTML code:
href="" target="_blank"> <img border="0" alt="Photobucket" src="" /> </a>

2# (This is for blogger). Click on 'Customise' on your own blog;

3# click on 'Layout';

4# click on 'Add Gadget';

5# choose HTML/Javascript;

6# paste the code in;

7# click on 'save changes'; ta da!!!!

When your beautiful new widget/button goes live, it will start simulataneously explaining what the whole thing is about as well as aiding the passage of more potential signees. Win-Win!!!


Anonymous said...

Fabulous as always Zoe!

Elisalex said...

Done! Can't wait to take part!

Octi said...

Unless I spend the next three weeks making myself thermal shirts, I probably can't participate this time--I'll be camping up in the cold mountains of Montana for the second half of September. Maybe I'll do a modified version: "Self-Stitched First Sixteen Days of September."

Morgan Sin said...

Done and done! This will be my first month-long challenge :) Thanks Zoe!

Anonymous said...

Hi Zoe! I am going to be doing "Self-STARTER September" because I will be getting my first studio/retail space outside my home next month. I will definitely be there in spirit (and hopefully somewhat in practice) with you for SSS'11. MMM was fun and prompted me to blog more. You set a great example.

Sharon said...

Hi Zoe, for some reason your widget corrupted my blog (in blogger), once I deleted it all was fine again. Not sure why.

Sharon said...

Hi Zoe, me again, I added herf=”http: before the last > and it fixed it.

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