So I've been going through my extensive vintage pattern collection, and figuring out which ones realistically are unlikely to see use whilst in my possession. This maybe because I'm no longer feeling the style of garment, or because the size is wrong for me and I can't find the motivation to get grading. I plan to steadily give away patterns throughout the year, so keep an eye out on my blog from time to time (as if you wouldn't anyway!) if vintage patterns are your bag.

This week's giveaway is for two vintage dress patterns from the 1970's. The first is Style 4818, a pinafore dress in two lengths plus blouse, bust 36", dated 1974. The second is See & Sew by Butterrick 5797, a back-wrap halter dress, size 12-14, undated but my guess would be about 1976. The Style pattern is used but complete and in excellent condition. The See & Sew is uncut.

So, if you would like these two patterns and bag (sorry, no mix and match, it's all or nothing) sent to your door at no cost to yourself, leave a comment saying why you deserve them! Don't forget to include your email address so I can contact you to obtain your postal address. I don't have the time to trawl the interwebs to find your contact deets, so if you do not include your email address, your entry will not be considered. I will choose a winner on Sunday 9th January at 12pm (GMT). Good luck!
I'd love to win this. Thanks for hosting the giveaway
Wow, i could totally start sewing a summer dress in january! Procrastinate, procrastinate...:)
shanna dot dijkstra at hotmail dot com
Ooh I would love this as I have a thing for pussy-bow blouses (too much Grace Brothers as a child?),so I would definitely use it! The pinafore looks good too. Thanks for the opportunity! cmontgomery70@aol.com
Hi I just love seventies patterns and would really like to sew the first pattern. I also like tote bags, one can never have enough of them. My email is,
Here in Buenos Aires, Argentina, is SUMMER. I need those lovely patterns and the bag! I can participate? Please! Here are not readily available to those patterns
Thanks and Happy New Year!!!
I deserve this JUST BECAUSE, and let's face it, just because is always the best reason out there.
I love these! I love sewing clothes( mainly summer dresses), and using vintage patterns because they are always so much better and clearer than new ones! (i'd say they make me nostalgic, but i was born in the 90's and only started sewing about a year ago!) Thankyou for this having amazing giveaway!!
Rachel x
I think I deserve them because I adore the seventies! And I haven't won anything since I was about 7. Which was in the seventies, actually. And I think both patterns are so cool. As well as the cute tote bag. Also I love your blog!
argarg27 at hotmail dot com
I have been focusing on sewing for my kids up until now, but this year, I DESERVE to sew for myself, and these patterns will help me out! I am trying to convert my RTW-disposable wardrobe into a quality, handmade one. i still want to sew for my kids of course, but I want to sew my clothes as well (since I stay the same size and my kids grow rapidly!)
Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!
oops forgot this: sweetwatercloth at gmail dot com
I'm just learning how to sew and am discovering my love for vintage patterns. I've always loved vintage clothing, so this isn't much of a stretch. :)
My email is tropical_tiki_goddess at msn dot com.
I am a Seventies girl in my heart and definitely need these patterns! I love the pinafore dress and already have visions about what my finished dress would look like.
The tote bag would be perfect for my girl :)
tuijahyppanen at h0tmail d0t com
Love it! Why should I win? Because I love the summer festival folksiness of the white dress and the fitted at the top loose at the hips-ness of the other. And who couldn't use a lightening flash tote? Neat blog! :)
Awesome! I love vintage sewing patterns! (I just wish they weren't so hard to find here in New Zealand. Would greatly appreciate any you don't want!)
One of my New Years resolutions is to make a dress for myself every month, mainly from vintage/re-released vintage patterns, so these would work very nicely with that. :-)
Oh yeah, email is macska at gmail.com
I would love, love, love those patterns! Please, oh pretty please, pick me!
I made that wrap dress in 1976 for my college housemate in exchange for her typing a paper for me. She loved it and looked so pretty in it. Just use a ruffling foot and a narrow hemming foot to speed things up!
oh my goodness.. I'm slow on the uptake but just read your post about your job at Traid... SO envious!! I found out about Traid a while ago and thought it sounded amazing, and now I "know" someone who works there!! Hmm, might have to think of some collaboration project, would love to help you spread the word about this worthy enterprise!
me again... sorry, I thought you had your contact details listed somewhere but I can't find them.. do you mind emailing me at fourthdaughter@gmail.com re my collaboration idea, just when you get a minute would be good...
Oh dear, I'm terrible at asking for things but I've been searching for a pattern like that top one for ages only can't always afford vintage patterns on my measly student loan, and I think my mum would adore the wrap dress! I might have to go looking for a similar one to make for her anyway, actually...
I totally deserve the patterns because I don't have any vintage patterns as of yet (actually, I only own 5 patterns, total) and I'd really, really like to take part in the Vintage Sew-along going on right now. I think the pinafore dress would be a lovely pattern for that. :)
aldara at gmx dot net
Oh I would love to own those lovely patterns.
eddie at roued dot com
This article gives the light in which we can observe the reality. This is very nice one and gives in depth information. Thanks for this nice article. Good post.....Valuable information for all.
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