Ok, peops, time for me to do a little unveiling. Permit me to take you way back to December 2010 when I posted about my New Years resolutions for 2011. A few in there were of a somewhat secretive nature because they weren't at the stage of development where I would feel comfortable sharing the details at that point. However, the first is now ready to have its shroud of secrecy removed!
In that list of resolutions I vowed to:
'Work hard on currently-undisclosed exciting organising project with my recently made new homegirls Steph and Lisa'
I can promise you I have been doing just that, so now, may I present to you: Brighton Craftaganza!!!. Since last Autumn, we have been organising a new craft market to be held in my relatively new hometown of Brighton, UK, the first of which is scheduled for March 26th 2011. The venue for the market will be Fabrica, an amazing old church right in the very centre of one of the main and busiest shopping areas of Brighton. It's a very cool space that is more regularly used for contemporary art exhibitions, but is also host to various other events, including previous craft markets and vintage fairs.

So, how did this come about? Well, long story short, I met a talented multi-disciplined crafter named Steph by emailing her through the Burdastyle Sewing Groups thing, in the hope of meeting some (or at least one) sewing peop here in my new hometown. I didn't hear a reply (her internet was down) but I bizarrely met her dressed as a fake blood covered zombie on White Night through some random friend of a friend. Anyways, when we met up again (fake blood-free), we discussed the possibility of creating a new sewing group (I'm a veteran at this now, with one in London and one in Barcelona now notched up) which kind of got put aside in favour of an idea she'd been considering of starting up a craft market, and thus getting involved with and developing a creative community that way.
Steph had already floated this idea to her boss Lisa, owner of U-handbag, an online stockist of everything you would need to create amazing professional-looking bags. Lisa is also the author of the genius-ly titled U-handblog AND a real-life published book called The Bag Making Bible. Phew! I am among greatness with these creative ladies, let me tell you.

So, many hot chocolates, mulled ciders and discussions later, we have got this to the point that it's a REAL THING! If you've managed to somehow avoid my links so far, let me inform you we have a beautiful new Brighton Craftaganza blog from which we will share information about the market, feature the market's sellers, share crafty inspiration and knowledge, and generally hang out and soak up local, national and international crafting vibes.

If you happen to be a Southern UK resident and are able to come along, it would be awesome to see you at Brighton's first Craftaganza on Saturday March 26th, and if you are interested in renting a stall, check out our Seller Info section or email us at craftaganza (at) gmail (dot) come to answer any questions you may have. If you're not a UK resident or lucky enough to have a fluke holiday to the South of UK booked for around that time, you can see what we are up to by checking the blog from time to time, should you so desire!
Oh, wait, did I mention we have a blog?!?!
Oh wow, you have been busy! I hope it all goes wonderfully for you all and that there are many more markets to follow. Good luck!
What a great idea! I have a dear friend in Brighton, I will pass info to her. Good luck!
Oh brilliant! Great excuse for a day trip to Brighton! Yeah!!
That's very exciting! I'm sure it'll be really popular with both stallholders and craft fair-goers.
Awesome! I live in Brighton and am a relative newbie in sewing and crafting, and have only recently discovered the amazing online community. This is a really great idea. If you need any volunteers to help organise or do odd jobs let me know as this is the kind of thing i would love to get involved in. My email is laura_winchester@hotmail.co.uk
What an amazing coincidence - only this morning I stumbled upon the U-handblog and had checked out Lisa's book on Amazon. Good luck with your venture!
An excuse to travel down to Brighton? Oh no!
This looks awesome. Can't wait to see how things shape up.
Yay!!! I can't wait! Congratulations on all your hard work.
How exciting, Zoe!! Unfortunately I'll be in Birmingham that weekend but hope it goes well.
Fantastic! Hope it all goes really well - I only wish I lived anywhere near! I already read Lisa's blog too (maybe after seeing something in Cloth magazine or some other one?). How wonderful that you've met up with such talented people already. Wishing you all the very best with this venture.
Oooh, this looks exciting! I am a Brighton based crafty person too - so let me know too if you need any volunteers to help out.
(I'm also getting married at Fabrica this year - so excited, it's an amazing space. I can't wait to decorate it!!)
Congratulations on your new venture! It sounds really exciting.
By the way, you probably know, but Cloth magazine's website list craft fairs and similar events so you might want to notify them of the date so that they can include it - maybe even in their magazine?
Hey there,
That's so fantastic. I've recently just moved back to Brighton and I'm starting a sewing class tomorrow night as one of my new year's resolutions so hopefully by the it comes round I'll have a bit of craft under my belt :) Please let me if you guys need any help on the day or anything else. My email is fairywings38@hotmail.com.
All the best with it.
Cool! I originally hail from the South - so might have to visit some relies and pop in to visit on 26th March (yay!) :)
(P.S. 'ickle typo on 1st sentence December 2011 ;) LOL!)
Good point, Claire.
Thanks everyone for all your lovely supportive comments, especially the offers of assistance!
I really hope to see as amny of you there as poss! If you do get the opportunity to come down, come and say Hi! I'll be the one with the big fringe and stressed appearance.
Oh wow! How freakin cool!
I LOVE that it will be held in a place called 'Fabrica'- how apt!
Oh wow! How freakin cool!
I LOVE that it will be held in a place called 'Fabrica'- how apt!
Hi Zoe,
I live in Brighton so will definitely come along to this,
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