Tuesday 9 June 2009

Lessons Learnt

Wandering around fabric shops or charity shops, looking for a basis of a new creations, most sewers are going to be drawn to and inspired by colour, pattern, print and the general wonderfulness of a fabric or customisable garment. The subsequent resulting items tend to be pretty attention seeking, in terms of their eventual place within an outfit. In my experience, a garment rarely gets created which forms an understated accompaniment for another item in my wardrobe. More fool me.

A prime example is the blouse featured in the last post. Although not the loudest item I am capable of creating (believe me!), I found it only actually went with one pair of plain trousers I already own. A lesson needed to be learnt in the form PLAIN garment creating! Did you hear that? PLAIN!

Subsequently, a skirt was born:

Made from a nice stretch navy sateen 'acquired' from a previous employment establishment. It's created from a Burda World of Fashion magazine (09/2007) pattern. I've been a fan of the voluminous front pleat skirt trend for a while, but really wasn't sure that volume in the front-skirt area was what my figure needed. However, I think this style is a good compromise: providing some detail interest without being too balloony. Yes, that's an adjective. It also has something of a pencil skirt shape, which is allegedly good for creating the sexy secretary/teacher look that suits hourglass shaped ladies. However, I think I fall somewhat short of that, which is probably for the best when teaching children!

Anyway, I hope you'll agree when I say that it looks pretty rockin' with the blouse. Maybe this teacher has finally learnt a lesson!


Anonymous said...

Hey Zoe, I think your skirt is rockin' and the whole ensamble looks polished, but fresh and funky. I fully intend to rip off this look, so to speak, as I am also a curvy girl and traditional pencil skirts really tend to accentuate that (which is not what I want until I slim down some!)
Anyway, lookin good! Keep inspiring me :)

naughty little pony said...

Hot stuff!
Your sewing is top notch as usual. I LOVE the red skirt too by the way!

EmilyKate said...

I DO agree it looks fantastic with the blouse!
You're so right, the tendency for sewers is to avoid making 'basics'- we tend to go for challenging colours, cuts, shapes... I'm actaully wearing a Burday WOF sim taiored skirt right now, which I sensibly made in a charcoal-grey wool. I get a lot of use out of it. Another Burda full skirt I made out of red and black spotted linnen and have worn... actually never worn it out of the house.

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