Sunday, 5 December 2010

GIVEAWAY!!!!!!!!!!! Zip Roses

Hi peops! I haven't hosted a giveaway for months and that just ain't right in my book. So, on this chilly Sunday morning I plan to correct that. This giveaway is for a whole load (that's technically a quantity, more than 'a bunch' but less than 'masses') of 'roses' that I made from sections of metal teeth zips. They range in size and colour, as you can see in the picture below, the largest being about 6cms wide. I made these a fair few years ago with the intention of adorning some garments I'd made, but I never got that far and kind of forgot about them.

They were rediscovered whilst going through my haberdashery stash that I left at my mum's whilst I was in Spain, and I thought it's a shame to have them sitting around unused. With so many crafty creatives out there at the moment busy making lovely handmade Christmas presents, I thought someone could use them in an ingenious gift or to embellish their own party outfit.

Sally at Already Pretty made this cool zip necklace tutorial pictured below. Maybes these zip roses in question could be used in a similar fashion?

So, if you would like these zip roses to be sent to your door, no expense required on your part, no matter where in the world you live, here's what you must do. Leave a comment in the comments section of this post including your email address (so I can reach you to get your postal address, I will not do anything else with the email addresses, I promise!) and telling me how you would use these zip roses. I will pick a recipient at 11pm (GMT) Wednesday 8th December and contact them immediately, so hopefully they will recieve the goods in decent time before Christmas. Good luck! xxx


Karen said...
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Karen said...

Awesome! I would love to win these zip roses. I am just starting to make bags and electronic device covers. I would love to try them out on these. I also hand silk screen fabric and would like to add these to some pillows that I am making. Thanks for the great giveaway!

Anonymous said...

The necklace picture is most likely from Sal's blog - Already Pretty. I remember her making one.

Angel said...

I'd make shoe clips with some of them, and with the others I'd sew them to a length of ribbon and make a belt so that I can wear it with anything!!!

I'd love to win these!



Miss Emmi said...

I'd use them to make brooches and hair clips to give to my girlfriends for Christmas. Would love to win!


Lilly said...

I would sew brooch backs to them and use them to adorn hats, headbands and coats.

thiscayt (at) gmail (dot) com

liza jane said...

Cool! I would attach them to shoe clips.

woolcat said...

They are great! Is there a tutorial somewhere for them, does anyone know? I'd wear one on my coat lapel.

Zoe said...

Thanks for the tip-off Myrna, though I've searched the Already Pretty blog and can't find any such necklace. If anyone does find the source of this image, please let me know so I can credit it correctly. Thanks! xxx

K.Line said...

I second that the zipper tutorial was on Sally's blog - I totally remember it. Strange that you can't find it... (Maybe the link is dropped?) It was quite a while ago...

Cathi said...

My daughter would LOVE it if I won these. I'd be sure to get the "best Mom ever" award....for at least 10 minutes! LOL These look great and are so "in" with the teens here right now.


Anonymous said...

I would make hair clips with some for my friends for Christmas, and I have coordinating mommy/daughter dresses that would be gorgeous with a couple of zipper roses at the neckline for me and a couple at the waist for my daughter.

Thanks so much for the giveaway. I hope I win!


Zoe said...

Ok, phew! Found it! I was searching on the Already Pretty blog for 'zip' and just realised I might need to look for 'zipper'! Thanks ladies for helping me find the correct credit and link xxx

Sarah O. said...

I would love to receive some zip roses and turn them into some zip rose necklaces and decorate some t-shirts. They're very lovely!

Anna Depew said...

These are lovely! They would be great scattered all over the faux suede pillows and matching throw I plan on making!

Catherine said...

Ooooh lovely! I would love to win so I could embellish a couple of items and make a necklace too! Thank you for the opportunity!

Deb Cameron said...

Lovely, my mind boggles at what I could make with these...thanks for the chance!

Kat said...

I was just looking at zipper roses on the interwebs a few days ago. They are soooo cool! I was going to make some but winning one would be lovely too.

Jane M said...

I've been thinking about these when I first saw them and haven't done my own, So yes, winning them would be great. I did some fabric flower embellishing this season and they be a great addition.

Maggie said...

I would attach them to headbands as Christmas gifts for my young friends.


sewistafashionista said...

I would attach to 20's style cloche hats and then to the collar of a jean jacket.

Zara said...

Those zip roses look awesome - I have been thinking in the back of my head about making some myself, but I haven't gotten around to it. I would probably use them to make a few different things - hair clips, headbands, and I might attach some to an old pair of shoes. I also have some DIY denim cuff bracelets that I think they would go well on. Thanks for the giveaway!

bookworm396 at gmail dot com

Andrea said...

Those are so cute! I've been making a bunch of purses lately and I think they would add a little spice to those... Or made into pins to add pizzazz to scarves or tops. I have lots of ideas!

Tania said...

What cute zipper roses! Zoe, you are so clever. I would use the large blue ones on a hairband/coat lapel and make shoe and hair clips with the smaller ones. tiddlestania(at)hotmail(dot)com

B @ Sweet Limes said...

Head bands for my daughter and a couple of her friends but some would have to be worn by me too. They'd be so fun to use up!


Anonymous said...

Oh how I love these! I am imagining rose zipper bow ties in my future!!

Anonymous said...

Ahh! I was so excited I forgot to give you my email address!

Gina said...

We'd had a lovely young woman from England come and intern with our youth group for the summer. She hosted a weekly group for the girls and taught them about how priceless and beautiful they were. It would be great if you sent them to her as a gift of flowers from all of her girls in Chicago who miss her so much.

Anushka said...

I think I'd sew safety-pins on the zip roses (which by the way I've seen sold at so many stalls and loved for ages! - just never got round to making my own) and put them on cardigans, probably at the neckline.
byanushka @

Stephanie said...

I would love to use these as bows on Christmas presents! I'd add a pin so they can also wear it if they want.

Zoe said...

Thanks everyone for entering, so much interest in these little zip roses was quite a surprise to me! Your comments and ideas on how you would use them was so interesting!

I chose Gina as her comment was very touching.

Thanks everyone again and please keep an eye on my blog for more giveaways in the near future.


Catherine said...

Congrats Gina - hope the recipient loves them - what a lovely gift!

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