I'm giving this away as one lot, sorry no splitting if you want some bits but not others. It includes:
- masses of bias binding
- a squillion zips, including skirt sized concealed zips, normal ones and chunky ones ideal for bags or jackets
- lots of buttons, all sets (no random odd ones) including some vintage big buttons
- studs and claw-back rhinestones for embellishing
- belt buckles for making your own fabric belts
- plastic bad handles
- various elastics and velcro
- a bunch of other stuff
I'd perhaps recommend this giveaway for beginners, cos we all know that starting up sewing ain't cheap, and this could be a good way to get a bunch of stuff you can experiment with (like if you want to practise inserting concealed zips) but are sometimes put off by the potential of messing up with the expensive notions from the shop. But whatever, if you think you could use some of this stuff, please enter!
If you do want this stuff, please complete the following sentence, 'I would like this stuff because...'. I'll pick a recipient at midnight on Monday 13th September. Please note: I'm sorry to have to do this, but I'm particularly skint at the moment (as I said above, I'm starting my new job next week) therefore I will cover the postage and packaging to Europe, but if you are further afield and still want to enter, I'm afraid you will need to cover the postage cost. Good luck!
Oh, what a fab giveaway!
I would like this stuff because it's hard to find haberdashery when living half way up a mountain in South Wales.
PS Good luck with your new job next week!
oooh excitement. I would like this stuff because, I always forget to buy trims and zips when I'm at the sewing shop and then I get home and go to make my garment and..... oh no zipper....
thanks zoe
Oh, yes! I'm in the process of moving to another country and have to leave a lot of my stuff here with my mum because it doesn't fit in my suitcase. It would be great to have some stuff waiting for me in the mail when I arrive in my new place! Yeah!
I would like this stuff because I'm not good at choosing notions. Perhaps things I haven't chosen myself will provide some inspiration for my work.
I would like this stuff because... was an incentive for me to devote to self-learning sewing.
thank you for the opportunity to participate in the giveaway.
What a fantastic giveaway! Good luck with your new job! I would like this stuff because it includes everything I currently need! (bag handle, bias binding, zippers, buttons) What a treasure trove!
I would like this stuff because I really could use a whole lot of buttons and other haberdashery items, and I keep forgetting to buy them for projects, and I am too lazy and impatient to go shopping for them when I need them
Ahh brilliant! Thanks for giving us a chance to enter your cool giveway Zoe :)
I would like this stuff because... I am a beginner and I'm currently cr*p at inserting invisible zips, I bought a new foot for this last week and the zippers amougst the prize will finally embarass me into completing the BurdaStyle Marie Skirt I've started (pattern has been altered to my size, new pocket pieces created, fabric, lining, interfacing all bought already) - afterall how could I not finish the skirt if I were to to be lucky enough to win the means with which to finally get good at doing zips LOL ;)?
fabulous giveaway. i would like this stuff because I am new at sewing and would like to build a stash of haberdashery.
I would like this stuff because you can never have too much sewing stuff! Also, I never have the right bias binding to hand and can't find the colours I want in the shops so having a selection at hand would help me out!
Thanks for doing a giveaway!
... preloved sewing supplies are magical treasures and whenever you use them what you learn and how good it feels to try the new things doubles or triples, at least.
Congrats for the new job!
I would like this stuff because I live in the countryside in Sicily (Italy) and find good aberdashery is almost impossible! Plus, I am a beginner at sewing and I need a lot of things to experiment and learn...
Fun times! I would like this stuff because: 1)I am embarking on purse making and could use much of these notions in my attempts, 2)I believe starting backwards (like with the trims) might result in something special, and finally 3)giveaways are a wonderful way to build community so I might just pass on what I cannot use.
I would like this stuff because... I'm broke, but am addicted to sewing!! :)
Thanks for the giveaway! Good luck at your new job!
because....i need a lot of zips i don't find the time to go to get it and because i would like to make my own belt...and i have no idea where to buy buckles..
i like your blog...
good luke for the new job!!!
because....i need a lot of zips i don't find the time to go to get it and because i would like to make my own belt...and i have no idea where to buy buckles..
i like your blog...
good luke for the new job!!!
Thanks for another giveaway Zoe! I would like this stuff because I'm a beginner at sewing and, with the exception of a few yards of fabric I have little in the way of a sewing stash. This would be a good way of ensuring that I stick to it more regularly. Also, y'know, mumblemumblefreestuffisgreatmumble.
Good luck with the new job!
How lovely! I would like this stuff because, while I have a huge stash of fabric and patterns, I'm sadly lacking in notions, and because the shop is always closed by the time I get out of work, and because I'm a beginner and haven't yet dabbled in invisible zippers or belt buckles or bias binding or bag making and free stuff chosen by an experienced seamstress would be just the motivation I need!
But the lady up a mountain in Wales sounds deserving too!
What a wonderful giveaway xx
Yay! I would like this stuff because masses of bias binding and a squillion zips is exactly waht I need! I am stuck on a half dozen UFOs and many more USO's (un-started objects) because of my beginner's fear of notions! I live in California, but I'd totally pay for shipping...
Oh how lovely - I would like this stuff because I have got to get sewing scary things like zippers, buttons and bound necklines so will use it to practice by making really cute stuff for my girls and me.
Many thanks
What a great way to kill two birds with one stone : clean out your stash, and help out your readers!
I would like this stuff because it's NEVER on sale in France and some of it is hard to find!
Count me in!
I would like this stuff because ... I just started sewing & like to experiment with upcycling reclaimed stuff for my kids...
What a great giveaway.
I would like this stuff because it is a bundle of stuff that I need but can only afford to get on an as need basis, so having a bit of a stash would be great. Also I've always wanted to try making my own belt.
Rachel maiestia@gmail.com
I would like this stuff because I am such a begginner that I don't even know what bias binding is and this way I'll be able to find out!!! Thanks
Oooh! Bias tape! Buttons! Bag handles!
I would love this stuff because I'm totally in love with notions but I don't have very many yet because I haven't been sewing very long - also, I love to be inspired by notions. :-)
I would like this stuff because I'm a seventeen-year-old with no job whose nearest source of sewing materials is Wal-Mart... :) Thanks for doing this!
I would like this stuff because it is hard for me to buy notions in Hungary. Everything is hidden in drawers and cupboards in the shops so you have to ask for whatever you want (I can't just point at stuff...) and my Hungarian sewing vocabulary doesn't have all the words I need.
I would like the stuff because I have just caught the cloth making bug and can't go anywhere or doing anything without thinking about my next make, trying to better the last & improve my skills... Plus my little boy just started school on Friday so I am hope hope hoping to get a little more stitching into my life & this would really be a great start.
doh... I didn't add my details!
Beth(dot)7@ntlworld(dot)com thanks :)
Hui hui hui, heaven!
I would like this stuff because I will buy my first sewing machine this week and I am so super excited to start sewing sewing sewing... therefor I could use a little starters kit :)
Would be nice having this crazy machine on my desk and your package in the mail!
I would like this stuff as I am just starting to sew properly and my fear of zips, buttons and anything that looks remotely like I might mess it up is currently languishing unfinished or not started as I keep using not having any zips etc as an excuse... My "waiting for bravery/rotting for all time as I am pathetic" pile currently contains 3 patterns and associated material, 4 half made skits and 2 half made dresses! I clearly need help (if not the intervention my flatmates keep threatening!)
Looks like so much fun!! I would like this stuff because I could use some not to be found at the local store notions--Perfect for inspiring something I wouldn't normally do. Good luck with the move!
Thanks everyone for taking part. I really wish I had enough haberdashery to send a package to everyone but sadly, as they say, there can only be one winner. I have chosen Piccola Samurai, but would also like to send a little runners up package to monkeysocks. Monkeysocks, there is no contact email address for you, please email me at sozoblog (at) gmail (dot) com with your address.
Thanks again everyone for entering and for reading my blog
Zoe xxx
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