Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Me-Made-May'13! SIGN UP HERE

Yes indeed my friends, here it is! 2013's official Me-Made/Self-Stitched challenge that celebrates the hard work and man(or lady-)hours that so many of us put into crafting unique, beautiful and special handmade clothing and accessories.

Yeah, but what exactly is MMM'13?

Me-Made-May '13 (MMM'13 for short) is a challenge designed to encourage people who sew/knit/crochet/refashion/upcycle/insert-other-creative-discipline-here garments for themselves to actually wear and love them. The me-made and self-stitched challenges have been taking place for over three years now and they work on both a personal and community level.

The participants decide the specifics of their own challenge pledge, so that the month is appropriate and challenging for them (more on this below). A very common pledge is for a participant to aim to wear one self-stitched or refashioned garment each day for the duration of May 2013. The participants can also choose to document their challenge with daily photos (though this is in no way compulsory for taking part) and share them with other participants, through either their blog if they have one (having your own blog is by no means necessary to particpate), or the MMM'13 Flickr group which has been created for this purpose.

I haven't taken part in any of these before, why should I take part?

Ohh, there are squillions of reasons why you might choose take part! They may include:

  • Many participants find the results of their sewing/crochetting/knitting/upcycling/refashioning often get left in their wardrobe rather than worn as part of their everyday wardrobes. Some people would like to start integrating those self-stitched items into their daily life but feel they need a bit of a nudge to do so. 
  • Some challenge participants want to discover the 'holes' in their wardrobe so in the future they are able to focus their precious garment-creating time towards making things that will be more useful. 
  • Others feel what they tend to wear, day-to-day, doesn't really suit them or represent who they are, and want to spend a month focussing on getting out of their rut
  • Some participants enjoy the push they find these challenges give them to finish off lingering unfinished projects to add some more self-stitched weapons to their garment-arsenal. 
  • Others (myself included) may find they need a reason to integrate their newer self-stitched items into regular rotation, or even want to see if they can get by all month entirely without shop-bought garments (often with undies or outerwear as notable exceptions, but not always!). 
  • There is also guaranteed to be a lovely online community of fellow participants to give support, advice and inspiration.

I've done these in the past, why should I take part this year?

Did you enjoy it last time/the previous times you took part?

  • If the answer is 'Yes': Then you'll have lots of fun again this year, whilst challenging yourself in a different way and learning something new about yourself and your style/skills/preferences/wardrobe. You just need to think about how you can alter and/or amp up your pledge specifics to get the most out of this year's challenge.
  • If the answer is 'No': Well if that's a 'no' because the challenge you set yourself was too hard, then that is easily rectified this time round; set your pledge so that it is tricky but do-able. If it's a 'no' because you didn't enjoy the pressure you felt to take photos each day, then simply don't worry about the photos part. You'll learn lots of lessons and get satisfaction from taking part in the challenge and completing your pledge, not from the documentation of it (although some participants have found that seeing the daily images of themselves has really helped them figure out what suits them and what doesn't work so well). If you'd like to do a little bit of documenting, then why not just photograph your favourite outfit/garment you wore at the end of the week, or some other version that doesn't make you feel under pressure. If it's a 'no' for any other reason, I can probably objection-handle all day...! But seriously, if you didn't like taking part in it and don't want to try again, fair enough! 

Ok, you've convinced me, how do I sign up?

All you have to do is copy the pledge below and post it in the comments section of this post adapted to include your details and the personal specification of your challenge before 1st May:

 'I, (insert name here and blog address if you have one), sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear......................................................... each day for the duration of May 2013'

Points to consider when creating your pledge:

  • This is YOUR challenge, write the script any way you want, just remember: IT IS A CHALLENGE and not meant to be easy or what you do usually. In the past I have received the odd comment saying 'Oh, I already do this so I may as well sign up', however those people had clearly missed the point which is to challenge yourself, and therefore they would be unlikely to learn very much or feel much satisfaction or pride at the end of the month. 
  • THIS IS NOT A COMPETITION. It is a personal attempt to achieve a better relationship with your handmade creations, which you may or may not choose to share with the creative online community. What I mean is, don't set a pledge that you've seen other people make that sounds good but in reality is unobtainable for you and your lifestyle. For example, if you have to wear a uniform for work each day, you may prefer to pledge to wear self-stitched items at the weekends or days off only. 
  • There's no rush to sign up immediately, as long as you do so before 1st May. Have a think for a while about your current relationship with your creations, then think how you might want to improve that relationship.
  • If you have taken part before, or already wear a fair amount of self-made clothing and/or accessories, think how you can up the ante from the standard 'one self-stitched garment a day' pledge. How about wearing two or more self-made garments each day? Or pledge to try making a new type of garment by the end of the month to wear on the final day? Or pledge to finish all your UFO's by 31st May? Pledge to focus on wearing your 'meh' garments to see if you can fall back in love with some of them? Pledge to only wear separates to force yourself to get creative with your mix-and-matching? Pledge to only wear each garment or garment-combo once? Pledge to wear an outfit including one sewn or knitted garment AND one refashion each day? There are near-infinite ways to amp things up for yourself. 
If you have a blog, why not re-post your pledge there so your readers and followers can see what you are up to and be inspired by your endeavour? Please include a link to this post so others can also sign-up if they are interested. If there's one thing I've learnt from these challenges, the more people involved, the better the party!

What do I do now then?

Nothing in particular except let an underlying sense of excitement brew!

If you wish to be a part of the MMM'13 Flickr group, head over there and request membership. I'll 'let you in' within a few days so you can begin posting your outfits/garments from 1st May. If you wish to start a discussion over there before 1st May, please feel free to do so!

If you would like to advertise your participation on your blog if you have one, why not treat yourself to the addition of the MMM'13 widget/gadget/button? The code can be found at the top of the right hand column of this blog's home page. The widget/gadget/button not only looks cute, but it shows other participants/potential-participants at a glance that you are taking part this year. Plus when clicked on, it will ping you to this sign-up post so others can read what this whole damn thing is about without you needing to go into too much of an explanation yourself. If you aren't sure how to apply/insert a widget/gadget/button code, check this post from last year with explanations for Blogspot/Blogger and Wordpress blogs.

This year I haven't created a Facebook page, because there didn't seem to be much actual interaction on the Me-Made-May'12 Facebook page. But if a decent amount of people leave a comment saying that they would like one this year too, I'll happily rig one up and announce it's existence before 1st May.

Other than those optional things, there's really nothing to do until 1st May 2013! Although you may decide to finish up that UFO, maybe a skirt waiting to be hemmed or the blouse that needs the buttons stitched on! But please people, NO PANIC-SEWING NECESSARY OR CONDONED!!

How do I participate and interact throughout the challenge?

That's totally up to you. As I mentioned above, you may choose to document your challenge with daily/weeky/as-often-as-you-like photos, which you could either then share with the readers of your blog if you have one, or on the aforementioned Flickr group (you have to sign up to Flickr to upload photos and comments to the group, which is free). If you choose not to sign up to the Flickr group, you will still be able to see all the photos added by other participants and read the discussions being had over there, however you will not be able to comment on the photos or add to the discussions. We need to do this I'm afraid as Flickr sadly has the odd troll that may make inappropriate comments, and we'd like to avoid that. But don't let that put you off joining up! The Flickr groups are always heaps of fun and such a lovely way to see lots of participants all in one go participating in different countries and climates. Plus it can be a fabulous way to discover new inspirational bloggers and blogs to follow, and generally make some new e-friends!

This sign-up post's comments has lots of blog addresses of participants if you'd like to find some new blogs to visit and bloggers to 'meet' that way.

A couple of extra notes about photos: If you want to take documentation photos but don't like being photographed yourself, there's always the options of re-creating that outfit on a tailor's dummy, hanging the garment/s up or laying them on the floor to photograph. If you have a blog and wish to share your outfit photos on it but don't have the time or desire to post daily, you could post more manageable summaries once or twice a week (which I prefer to do, BTW).

It would also be totally ace if Twitter users discussed the challenge using the #MMMay13 hashtag.

Anything else I should know?

HAVE FUN!!!! This challenge is meant to be explorative, illuminating and beneficial, but above that it's meant to be fun! Getting dressed can often be fun, and if you haven't felt any clothes-based fun for a while, why not see if this challenge can help inject some of that back? 'Hanging out' online with the other participants can be a big part of that fun by seeing what they are wearing (either by visiting their personal blogs or through the Flickr group or Twitter) and by sharing your own unique take on this challenge.

If you are concerned or confused about any aspect of this challenge, please email me at sozoblog (at) g mail (dot) com.

Otherwise, let the signing up commence!!!!!


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Roisin Muldoon said...

Yesss! I'm in. Last year was my first Me Made May and I wasn't brave enough to commit to a whole month. So this time round, I am!

'I, Roisin of But It Can't Be From Dolly Clackett, She Gave Me an Easter Egg!, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear one handmade dress each day for the duration of May 2013, with no repeats. In addition, I pledge to sew at least two more garments during the course of the month.'

Thanks, Zoe!


Yay! I'm totally looking forward to this!!

'I, Lauren of LLADYBIRD, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear a minimum of one handmade garment each day for the duration of May 2013, with no repeats.'

Margaret said...

Well, of course!

I, Margaret, of Senjiva Studio, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear.a self-made garment at least twice a week, as well as to sew two new garments for the duration of May 2013'

Anthea said...

'I, Anthea of Sewing ♥ Vintage ♥ Knitting, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear a selfmade garment at least 3 times a week for the duration of May 2013'

Anonymous said...


'I, Sonja of Ginger Makes, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear one handmade garment each day for the duration of May 2013'.

Yikes! This is scary, but I'm so excited! Last year I opted for three days a week, but I'm going to shoot for every day this year!

Nessa said...

'I, Nessa from Nessa's Place, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear me-made garments 3 times a week and to make 3 new garments during May 2013'

Sarah said...

Really looking forward to this!

'I, Sarah of woodlandrabbit, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavor to wear at least one handmade item each day for the duration of May 2013. In addition, I pledge to document one of my loved ones wearing an item I have made them at least 3 times per week for the duration of May 2013'

Catherine said...

I, CAtherine of clothesandsewing.blogspot.co.uk! Sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2013. I will endeavour to wear only me made clothes during May.

Thank you Zoe

Ally D said...

I, Ally (ginkobobbins.blogspot.ca), sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear a me made clothing item or accessory every day for the duration of May 2013!!!!! I AM SO EXCITED!!!

Michelle said...

I, Michelle of Tres Bien Ensemble, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear at least one Me-Made item of clothing each day for the duration of May 2013 and document my participation by photographing my efforts daily.

johanna@projects by me said...

Taking the plunge... :)

'I, Johanna of Projects by me, sign up as a participant of Me-made-May '13. I endeavour to wear one handmade garment each day for the duration of May 2013.'

Another Sewing Scientist said...

I dove in headfirst last year by wearing something every day of MMM12, despite work and travel. This year should be a comparative breeze! (famous last words)

'I, Vicki of anothersewingscientist.blogspot.com, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear one handmade article (garment or jewelry) each day for the duration of May 2013'

sew rachel! said...

My first Me Made May!!!! So excited!!! I'm already doing my own Made-By-Me Tuesdays, so....

'I, Rachel of sewrachel.blogspot.com, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavor to wear a minimum of 1 self made garment at least 2 days per week for the duration of May 2013'

Lelie said...

I'm really looking forward to this challenge!

'I, Lelie of Lelieswereld.wordpress.com, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear.a handmade or refashioned item each day for the duration of May 2013'

Rochelle New said...

'I, Rochelle of LuckyLucille.com, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear at least one thing I've sewn each day for the duration of May 2013' This will be my first one :)

Tasha said...

Yes! While I don't have nearly the volume of garments I'd like to, I'm ready to take on the challenge for the first time. I have been working towards this goal for 2 years now, I'm excited I can *finally* join in. :)

'I, Tasha of By gum, by golly!, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear one handmade (sewn or knit) garment each day for the duration of May 2013'.

ana5059 said...

I was waiting this moment. Last year my wardrobe was poor but now I have more garments to wear so...

'I, ana5059 from "Que puedo hacer con esto", sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear at least ONE handmade o refashioned garment each day for the duration of May 2013'

I hope the weather helps me with some sunny days!

Sabs said...

Zoe, I can't bear not to take part so despite spending 2 weeks of May in a boiler suit (oh how glam) I'm going to dive in!

I, Sabs of tybalt-king-of-cats.blogspot.co.uk, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear at least one handmade/self-stitched garment at least 3 times a week (sometimes under a boilersuit...) for the duration of May 2013.

Woo hoo, I've done it!

Mary Nease said...

I started sewing last July and I am so excited to take part in this for the first time!

I, Merry of Young, Broke, and Fabulous, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear at least one handmade or upcycled article of clothing each day for the duration of May 2013.

Alana // lazystitching said...

Hey gorgeous, I'm totally in but I'm gonna take your advice and think carefully on what the best commitment for me is before adding it here. P.s. I've totally locked myself from my flickr account but I think I'm more likely to use instagram to document and will tag with #MMM13 so it links in with the others xx

Anonymous said...

'I, Beata of Red Point Tailor, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear a selfmade garments and/or accessories at least 3 times a week for the duration of May 2013'
It will be fun! :-)

Anonymous said...

Oooh, how awesome, I have seen this button around other's blogs. I will have to read the rules to find out what it entails and what I will be able to sign up for. I am happy to have found you and your sewing blog through it!

LLBB said...

'I, Lindsay, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear one me-made item each day for the duration of May 2013'

aem2 said...

I, aem2 of PhysicsGirl on the Loose, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear at least one handmade/refashioned garment or accessory 3-4 days per week for the duration of May 2013.

In order to meet this goal, there are a few UFOs that will have to be finished first, so this is the kick in the pants I need. Thanks!

Merche Martinez said...

Oh! So many lovely ladies are taking part this year, I´m in! Lately I found that I wear the same item over and over again so I´ll make the same pledge as Lladybird:
I, Merche of Aventuras de Costuras sing up as a participant of Me-Made-May ´13. I endeavour to wear one handmade garment each day for the duration of May 2013, with no repeats. And sew at least two more garments during the course of the month

Thank you so much for hosting this again, Zoe!

Fabric Tragic said...

'I, Sarah of Fabric Tragic, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear one handmade or refashioned garment every non-work day, and at least 50% of work days for the duration of May 2013'.

Very exciting to commit to! My big challenge will be work clothes! If I can manage some Clovers I should be set!

Charlotte said...

Ooh, this is scary but...

I, Charlotte of Charlie Says Sew, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear one handmade garment two days a week for the duration of May 2013. And I will blog about it every week (I am rubbish at regularly posting).

Sew Hopeful said...

I, Janelle of Sew Hopeful, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I will endeavour to wear a handmade or refashioned garment/accessory every day for the duration May 2013'.

Now I will just go and dust off all that crochet I haven't worn since last May. And sew a coat.

I've been really looking forward to this!

Erin said...

I've been looking forward to participating this year!

'I, Erin Twirls of http://twirldesigns.wordpress.com/, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear one self made garment on at least one day each weekend for the duration of May 2013'

Aleksandra Sandstrom said...

I'm so excited about this! I'm going to try my absolute best. <3

I, Aleksandra of Liveaboard Takes the Suburbs, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear one handmade garment each day for the duration of May 2013.

Anonymous said...

'I, Amy of sewamysew.com, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear 1 self made item at least 3 days a week for the duration of May 2013'

So excited! Thanks 'So Zo!!

Shawn said...

I, Shawn of That's Sew Shawn, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear one item of me-made clothing each day for the duration of May 2013

Anonymous said...

I, Claudine of Rolling in Cloth (couturearts.wordpress.com), sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear clothes I made each day for the duration of May 2013. But really, that's not much of a challenge for me. I wear homemade clothes pretty much all year long. However, I really want to improve my photography skills. This is hard for me because I hate taking pictures. If I force myself to take a photo every day for a month, my skills cannot help but improve. So that is what I will do.

Ellen said...

'I, Ellen, a.k.a. ButtonLover, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear 1 handmade item, teamed with one handmade accessory each day for the duration of May 2013.
I also aim to have made enough pants to last me through too!

Unknown said...

Yay! My first time!!

I, Rachel of Sew Happily Ever After, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavor to wear a minimum of three handmade garments each week for the duration of May 2013, and additionally, commit to sewing one garment a week for myself each week during the month of May.

Gillian said...

Oh yeah, I'm in for sure! Last year's MMM really marked a turning point for me in making and wearing my own clothing. Since then I have worn my own stuff almost daily... which means I really need to think about how to up the ante! Last year I also did "Japanese for Crafters", which I *loved* because it took the emphasis off me for photos and made it more fun to write about each day! Hmmm.... I'll have to put my thinking cap on for this year! Thanks for hosting it!

Carolyn said...

I've been looking forward to this, my favourite challenge of all time :) This will be my sixth time taking part! and I'm making my own bras and knickers now so I'm upping the ante by wearing ALL self-stitched this time around.

I, Carolyn of "Handmade by Carolyn", sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear entirely self-stitched clothing each day for the duration of May 2013'

robinsnc said...

I'm in! I, Nicole, am setting a goal to wear at least three self-made or refashioned items a week. And I will not get pregnant (and therefore put all my projects aside to starting making stuff for the new baby much like I did in June 2011).

My husband will be just as stressed as me if I fail this year!

Sara said...

I, Sara of The Pretty Pickle (www.theprettypickle.blogspot.com), sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear 6 me-made items each week for the duration of May 2013.

yoshimi said...

Dear Zoe, belated, but huge congratulations on your wonderful news. I hope you're having a joyful time with your growing tummy.

'I, yoshimi of "yoshimi the flying squirrel", sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear at least one me made garment each day for the duration of May 2013, with no repeats.'
Thank you for organizing it!

Kirsty said...

Yes, I'm definitely in!! I loved this challenge so much last year.

'I, Kirsty of Top Notch, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear at least one handmade garment each day for the duration of May 2013, with no repeat outfits. I will also make two new wearable items and will not do any panic sewing!'

Penny hooper said...

'I, Penny Hooper, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear....only self made clothing, excluding Bra's each day for the duration of May 2013'

Hana said...

Yes! I am definitely in. I really want to participate this challenge:)

Sam said...

I, Sam of A Little of What You Fancy, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear a hand sewn or knitted garment at least 3 times a week for the duration of May 2013

Robyn said...

I'm so glad Zoe is running this again.

'I, Robyn of Sew Love Red sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear a minimum of two handmade garments each day for the duration of May 2013.'

Rebecca said...

this challenge is coming at just the right time . thank your fo rdoing this. i'm an aspiring sewist. and not doing so well so far lol. however i knit a lot. sewretrorose and roisin from dolly crocket are huge sources of inspiration for me. i've decided to take the plunge. so here goes with my somewhat modest challenge 'I, rebeccawip of http://rebecca-wip.blogspot.fr/, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear a hand made item (knit or sewn) 3 days a week for the duration of May 2013 and to sew, pattern prep, or document myself in sewing alterations 30 minutes a day every day i'm off work for the duration of May 2013' Again thank you for doing this. yeah to us all having fun in may :D

Claire Cooper said...

I'm in, I'm in, I'm in and hopefully I'll have a little more to wear this time around!

'I, Claire of Ragbagsandgladrags, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear one hand made item each day for the duration of May 2013'

Kestrel said...

I'm in! I'm not committing to every day, as I have done before, as I have an additional challenge of maternity wear but I'm sure I can manage part-weeks.

'I, Kerry of Kestrel Makes, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear a handmade item of clothing for 4 days per week for the duration of May 2013'

HoffiCoffi said...

'I, HoffiCoffi, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear a me made/refashioned item of clothing or accessory each day for the duration of May 2013 together with purely second hand clothes (underwear and tights models own... usually!)'

House of Pinheiro said...

I, Rachel from HouseOf Pinheiro, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear at least one handmade/refashion item each day for the duration of May 2013'

Erika said...

Yes! I, Erika who does not have a blog, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear two me-made items every day each day for the duration of May 2013. One of them may be either a refashion or invisible (ie undies), the other should be visible and made from scratch.

Bridget said...

I, Bridget of Bolts, Bobbins, and Blunders, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear one me-made item twice a week for the duration of May 2013.

Lucy Legget said...

Cool, my 1st one and I'm really excited.

I, Lucy of Maudmade sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May ´13. I endeavour to wear atleast one handmade garment each day for the duration of May 2013, with no outfit repeats. And to finally sew a pair of trousers so that I have more bottom options for winter!

Craft Sanctuary said...

My first Me-Made-May! I'm so pumped!

I, Ashley of Craft Sanctuary, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavor to wear a minimum of three handmade garments per week for the duration of May 2013, and to sew at least two new garments during May 2013.

Anonymous said...

'I, Joanne of Zoe Livana, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear a handmade or refashioned item each day for the duration of May 2013. In addition, I endeavor to make a pair of pants or skirt (hopefully both) in May 2013.'

Anonymous said...

'I, Andrea of http://newvintage.wordpress.com/ sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear only handmade clothing each day for the duration of May 2013, with the exception of underwear and legwear/socks.

Jenni said...

I, Jenni with no blog, sign up as a participant in my first Me Made May, MMM'13. I endeavour to wear an item of me made clothing twice a week for the duration of May 2013 and finish at least 2 UFOs.

Shannon said...

I need to get crackin on my Spring wardrobe as it's really lacking, therefore...

'I, Shannon of Shanni Loves..., sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavor to wear one handmade or refashioned garment at least twice a week for the duration of May 2013'

Unknown said...

'I, Tina LaChance of "Red Thread Sews", sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear at least one me made item, each day for the duration of May 2013.'

Alicia said...

I fell off the wagon partway through last year, so this year I need to redeem myself!

'I, Alicia of sewingforreallife.blogpost.com, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear at least one handmade or refashioned garment for 4 days a week for the duration of May 2013."

Laura said...

I, Laura, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavor to wear one handmade item each day for the duration of May 2013.

Anonymous said...

This will be my first MMM -- very excited!

I, Katie of the Creative Counselor, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May ’13. I endeavour to wear one handmade item of clothing or accessory each day for the duration of May 2013.

Julie said...

'I, Julie of www.crochezjulie.com, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear a hand-made crocheted item each day, and to document it on my blog (in the form of weekly posts) for the duration of May 2013'!

French Toast Tasha said...

Zoe, I have to say, this is just the best idea, I got so much out of it last year, and thanks for hosting it again!!

'I, Tasha of Stale Bread into French Toast, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear two handmade garments, of which underthings may count for only one, each day for the duration of May 2013'

I actually already made a dress (which really needed making anyway)so that I could up the ante from last year's challenge! Yay!

Rosabella said...

I, Rosabella of fancyfrugality.blogspot.co.uk/, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear at least one me-made item of clothing each day for the duration of May 2013. Super excited for this, my first time :) Such a cool idea, thanks Zoe!

tanyamaile said...

I, of missushughes.wordpress.com, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear garments made by me each day for the duration of May 2013! :)

Anonymous said...

Woo! I tried to do this last night but my mobile wouldn't let me sign in to comment. Last year was fun and my challenge to myself this year is to record it all properly :)

'I, Elaine of whatdianadidnext, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear......................................................... each day for the duration of May 2013'

allie J. said...

'I, Allie of miss allie mass, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear 1 or more items of me-made clothing each day for the duration of May 2013, and to wear as many of the me-made items in my closet as possible. I pledge to document at least one outfit per week on my blog.'

Anonymous said...

Oops. I got excited and posted too quick.

Ignore above please :)

'I, Elaine of whatdianadidnext, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear at least one me-made item each day for the duration of May 2013'

Anonymous said...


I, Kathryn of Yes I Like That sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I will endeavour to wear one handmade garment each day for the duration of May 2013. I will try and make a substantial portion of my outfit every day handmade, and stick to RTW for knitwear, shoes, and accessories.

Really excited! This year I want to make it to the end and not go on holiday or lose my camera...

Anonymous said...

For the first time, I'm brave enough to participate. If I know myself the no outfit repeats part will be the most challenging part.

'I, Karin of Lite Av Varje, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear at least one handmade or refashioned garment each day for the duration of May 2013 and not repeat an outfit within the same week.'

Unknown said...

'I, Sally of sallybeemakes.blogspot.co.uk, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear at least one me made item each day for the duration of May 2013 with no more than two repeats of each item (except my coat).'

Adrienne said...

I, Adrienne of Stitching on the Edge, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavor to wear a minimum of one handmade garment each day for the duration of May 2013.

This is my first time so it will be good to see if I actually have enough handmade clothes to do it!

louize said...

This seems like the push I need to get me sewing more coherently... so, here goes:
I, Louize of grt*escp, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May ’13. I endeavour to wear me-made garments at least three times a week for the duration of May 2013
Now I just need to sew a few more trousers so I don't have to wear pyjamas all month!

Kat said...

I'm in! I've done this once before ages ago. I missed last year as I was pregnant and didn't have any me makes that fit me. But I'm excited to take part again this year.

I, Kat of Petticoats & Peplums sign up as a participant of Me Made May 13. I endeavour to wear one me made item every day for the duration of May 2013.

Mikhaela Reid said...

'I, Mikhaela Reid of Polka Dot Overload, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear at something handmade at least four times a week for the duration of May 2013.'

Noelle said...

I have enough me-made items to do it this year!

'I, Noelle of Sewelle, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear one me-mdae item each day for the duration of May 2013'

Allison said...

I'm in too. I, Allison of A FabricFixation, sign up as a participant of Me-made-May '13. I endeavour to wear one handmade garment each day for the duration of May 2013.'

NAAN POCEN said...

Count me in. I have followed the challenge over the years but this is my very first attempt and I am looking forward to it.

Sharon said...

Yippee, I have been waiting for this.

"I, Sharon of Petite and Sewing endeavour to wear only me made garments (not including lingerie) for the duration of May 2013.

fabric epiphanies said...

Okay, I am convinced, although I am not sure that I will post daily.

'I, Andrea of fabricepiphanies.blogspot.com, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear as many me made items as I can each day for the duration of May 2013'

Kiki said...

'I, (Praise), sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear..my creations. each day for the duration of May 2013'

Debbie said...

I, Debbie of Sew Debbie sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear at least one self stitched item of clothing each day for the duration of May 2013, plus a me made accessory where possible. I also pledge to finish two new items during the month'

Tracy said...

I, Tracy of The Material Girl, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear at least one self stitched or refashioned item of clothing each day for the duration of May 2013 - even when I am on a camping weekend with my girl guides and so have to wear my Guide leader uniform. I also pledge to finish a new item during the month and to actually update my blog!

Tracy said...

I, Tracy of The Material Girl, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear at least one self stitched or refashioned item of clothing each day for the duration of May 2013 - even when I am on a camping weekend with my girl guides and so have to wear my Guide leader uniform. I also pledge to finish a new item during the month and to actually update my blog!

Julia said...

Looking forward to it. I've found it very inspiring in the past and my me-made wardrobe is very slowly growing.

'I, Julia from www.juliavaconsin.com, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear at least 2 me-made items a day for the duration of May 2013'

Carolyn said...

I'm in!!
I, Carolyn of Fakeitwhileyoumakeit.blogspot.com, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear one handmade itemveach day for the duration of May 2013'

Karine said...

I, Karine from Karamiel (on Flickr), sign up as a participant of MMM13. I endeavour to wear a minimum of one handmade garment each day for the duration of May 13.

Anonymous said...

I'm in! I joined in Me Made May 12 but dropped out because I was doing the Sew Weekly challenges as well....it all got too much. Plus I'd only been sewing for a short while and didn't have enough garments....I do now, possibly too many and some are sitting unworn because they need a little work/love so....

'I, Tempest Devyne of fanbloomingtastic.com, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear a minimum of one handmade garment each day for the duration of May 2013 and during the month mend or alter me-made garments hiding in my closet so I can wear them more often after May 2013'

Kate M said...

I'm in for another round. I'm just not sure what my goal is going to be yet. My blog has been pretty dormant for months as i'm not sure if I want to continue blogging. I do however, want to participate again and will use flickr for sharing. I've been plugging away at my machine this month so I am up for the challenge. I'll get back to you with my pledge.

Claire said...

For the first time, I feel like I can stick with it, so here I am!

I, Claire from the Belmont Sewing Club, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear one handmade garment at least 3 days a week for the duration of May 2013'

Hazel said...

Woop! Excited for this, last year was my first year taking part and I struggled my way through the month but I'm sure that won't happen this year! So...

'I, Hazel of Disaster In A Dress, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear at least one me-made garment each day for the duration of May 2013'

Jennifer said...

'I, Jennifer of FernKnits, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear a minimum of one handmade garment each day for the duration of May 2013.'

flossie jamieson said...

I, Flossie Jamieson, of flossiejamieson.wordpress.com, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to make my first hand sewn item and wear for as many days as possible during of May 2013. This is my very first MMM so, I need to start with actually creating something to wear first!

flossie jamieson said...

I, Flossie Jamieson sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear a handsewn garment as many times as possible during May 2013. As this is my first time making anything to wear I have to crack on soon, but if I manage to make two things or more (eek!) I will wear them all as much as I can.

Anonymous said...

I, S of sewstyled.wordpress.com sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2013. I endeavour to wear one hand sewn or hand knit garment each day of the month.

Emily said...

I, Emily of Sew Many Happies, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear at least one handmade clothing item each day for the duration of May 2013.

Looking forward to seeing everyone's wares - happy sewing!

Jo said...

I think this year I will have enough handmade garments to make this work - yay!

I, Jo of bubala, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear at least one handmade clothing item each day for the duration of May 2013.

Erika said...

I'm in!!! It took a while to form a challenge that would be both managable and an actual challenge. Thanks for the inspirational text, you gave me so many ideas! I'll go with two of them for this challenge =) So:

I, Erika of Swingin' it in vintage, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to 1) wear one me-made garment that is not a skirt, each day for the duration of May 2013 and 2) wear a me-made dress in a non-social dance context minimum once a week during May.

There, do-able, but will force me out of my habits =) So looking forward to this!

Masustak eguzkitan said...

Thanks for hosting this challenge Zoe! I found many interesting bloggers, participating in the Me-Made-May´12 !!! Last year I participated wearing 3 garment each week with no repeats, and it wasn´t easy. This year I would like to increase the amount to 4.
"I, Maider of Masustak Eguzkitan, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May´13. I endeavour to wear a minimum of four garments each week for the duration of May 2013, with no repeats".

vintagerockchick said...

Read your blog last night (whilst I was searching the net to find info on fabric shops in Walthamstow, would you believe?) and was intrigued by MMM'13. I have been dressmaking/knitting/refashioning for about a hundred years, or at least since I was 11 - but for some reason the things I make largely seem to hang in my wardrobe, unworn. Even my Mum says "I never see you wear the things you make". So, this morning I made a decision to sign up and actually wear them. Thank you for organising this, and sorry for rambling.
'I, Gill of Vintagerockchick, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear at least one handmade item each day for the duration of May 2013'

Jenna said...

I really wanted to take part last year but just wasn't ready so I am very excited!!

'I, Jenna (JustsewJenna on Flickr), sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear a home made garment for at least 3 days a week for the duration of May 2013 and try to finish 2 more garment in the month'

Anonymous said...

I'm looking forward to this very much.
"I,Norma of Rosyragpatch sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear at least 2 me-made or refashioned garments every day for the duration of May 2013."

Carolyne said...

'I, Carolyne of SewMuchHooplah, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear an item of clothing or accessory every other day for the duration of May 2013'

How exciting!

Margo said...

I am in!
'I Margo of creatinginthegap.blogspot.ca sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2013. I endeavour to wear one self-made or refashioned garment a day for the month of May.'

Oh my goodness, this should be interesting! I know you suggested no 'panic sewing' but that I cannot promise!

Elisalex said...

Oh yessss! Was just wondering the other day if there would be a mmm this year... So definitely IN once again!

I, Elisalex of By Hand London and Stitch me Softly, sign up as a participant of Me Made May 2013. I endeavour to wear at the very least one item of me made or refashioned clothing each day for the month of May.

Canny wait!

Smy said...


I, Amy of Diana & Me, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear 30 different handmade or refashioned garments over the course of May 2013.

Unknown said...

'I,Misty of mideva meanders sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear all hand made(not bras) each day for the duration of May 2013' and to make at least two bras

Julia said...

Hello, I´m in. I, Julia ( http://eben-julia.blogspot.de/ ), sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear one handmade garnment each day for the duration of May 2013' and write a few words about it in my bad english.

Rachel said...

In, for the first time! As a new sewer I don't have a ton of me-made stuff, but it won't kill me to repeat it through the month. :)

'I, Rachel of The So-So Sewer, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear 1 item of clothing sewn by me each day for the duration of May 2013 (with the exception of my 4-day vacation, since I've made almost exclusively work clothes)'

Fancy Tiger Crafts said...

Yay, we are excited to participate! Thanks for the sweet challenge Zoe!

We--Amber, Jaime and the rest of the Fancy Tiger Crafts crew--sign up as participants of Me-Made-May '13. We endeavor to all wear something handmade, either knitted, sewn or crocheted, to the shop each day for the duration of May 2013. We will document all of our handmadery weekly on our blog at www.fanctiger.blogspot.com hooray!

Unknown said...

I, Jaime of borninabarnhandmade.blogspot.com, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear one item made by me or one altered item each day for the duration of May 2013.

This is my first MMM! I am so excited!!

Margo said...

I, Margo, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear one handmade garment each day for the duration of May 2013. I won't include handknitted socks or underwear because that would make it too easy and I want to make sure I wear all of my handmade garments! This is my first MMM, I'm excited!

Sue said...

'I, Sue of Sewinsteady.blogspot.com, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear one me-made, refashioned, or (if I'm really stuck) vintage garment each day for the duration of May 2013'

Lovenicky said...

I'm in!! thanks for organizing this again.

Last time I participated in this, I did feel pressured to take pictures because I often forget to take it first thing in the morning before the kids wreck the outfit! I'm hoping this time around I will be more organized. I'm increasing the challenge by pledging to wear at least 2 pieces of self-made/self-refashioned garments each day with as few repeats as possible. Oh yea, no pressure at all! LOL!

'I, Lovenicky of Frou Frou by Lovenicky, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear at least 2 pieces of self-made/self-refashioned garments each day for the duration of May 2013'

Andrea (four square walls) said...

My first one, FINALLY. Very excited.

I, Andrea at foursquarewalls, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear one handmade garment each day for the duration of May 2013.

Oooh let's go!

Unknown said...

I, Mari Cruz from "Dedal, aguja e hilo", sign up as participant of Me-Made-May'13. I endevour to wear at least one handmade garment each day for the durarion of May 2013, with no repeats.

Scruffybadger said...

I'm in Zoe!!!
I, Scruffy Badger, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear only me made clothes, promising brighter outfits & with make up each day for the duration of May 2013 (to include PJs, knickers & running clothes as much as possible ) '

Kelly said...

I'm in! I'm looking forward to it, apprehensively :)

'I, Kelly of bennomusik.blogspot.com, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear at least one handmade item each day for the duration of May 2013'

Tia Dia said...

I'm in, Zoe!
'I, Tia Dia of MezzoCouture, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear at least one me-made for each day for the duration of May 2013'

Woot! Woot! Can't wait!

Danielle Krivan said...

'I, Danielle of One Small Stitch, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear one handmade or refashioned garment each day for the duration of May 2013. I also pledge to finish four of my queued projects.'
Can't wait, thanks Zoe!

Mika said...

Here we go... year two. Leaving myself with one day off each week, since the more conservative office environment may cause me problems.
'I, Mika of Savory Stitches, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavor to wear a minimum of one handmade garment six days per week for the duration of May 2013. One day per week I pledge to style the item in a way I have not before.'

T said...

I, Teresa at Unworn World, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear at least one me-made or reworked garment each day for the duration of May 2013. Any garment worn may not be repeated until 2 weeks later.

Sooz-made-it said...

'I, Sue Havlin of http://fashiontravelshavlin.blogspot.com.au/, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear at least one hade made or refashioned garment week each day for the duration of May 2013'

thequirkypeach said...

I am so excited to participate in this for the first time! Woo-hoo!

"I, Sally of thequirkypeach, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear at least four me-made garments each week of May. I also pledge to make one new garment for every week of May (5 garments!)"

Thank you for doing this challenge again Zoe! I can't wait for it to start :)

Joanne said...

This would be a real challenge for me - a first timer and just recently returned to sewing. here goes.....

'I, (Jo c/o Jobird), sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear........at least one item made by me................................................. each day for the duration of May 2013'

Huff said...

Definitely in!

'I, Jen of Huff Makes Stuff, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear a self made outfit each day for the duration of May 2013'

ari said...

Super keen!

'I, Max of Max Califonia, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear at least ONE handmade item each day for the duration of May 2013.'

prttynpnk said...

I'm in! Last year I was a bit quarter-assed about it, so this year I'm going to work on my documenting!

Helen Made said...

I'm in again this year!

"I Helen of Helen Made, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear one handmade item of clothing each day for the duration of May 2013, with no repeats."

Marie in the cave said...

I took part for the first time last year and it was a really nice experience! I was looking forward to it for this year!

"I, Marie of Marie in the cave, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May'13. I endeavour to wear one self-made garment each day for the duration of May 2013."

Sarah said...

I've long admired this challenge so I'm finally taking the plunge!!!

I, Sarah of Fashion Brick Road, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear one handmade item at least 5 days a week for the duration of May 2013'

Anonymous said...

Thank you Zoe …
‘I, Amy of Sylkotwist, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May ’13. I endeavour to wear at least three items of me made clothes each week for the duration of May 2013. I will revisit past makes and snip and stitch so that I’ll want to wear them and make a pair of trousers because there’s more to life than jeans. Oh, and I will have fun in the process!’

Zoë said...

'I, Zoë of hellozoeb.blogspot.co.uk, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear at least 1 handmade item 3 days a week for the duration of May 2013 and make 1 new piece a week.....oh and blog about it at the end of each week too!'

clare said...

I Clare of Life after Alfie sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear a me made garment 4 times a week - and there will be repeats!for the duration of May 2013.
V excited, I watched last year, hoping the weather improves or I'm v limited in choice.

Becca said...

I'm in!

'I, Becca, of Creative Notions, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavor to wear a different handmade garment every day for the duration of May 2013. I also pledge to sew at least two new day wear garments and two new activewear garments.'

I'm so excited to participate for the first time! :)

Joy said...

'I, Joyatee (joyatee.blogspot.com), sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear at least one hand-made item each day for the duration of May 2013.'

Juliet said...

'I, Juliet of The Crazy Gypsy Chronicles, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13.

I endeavour to wear at least one me-made item for at least five days of the week for the duration of May 2013'


Ros said...

'I, Ros of Fab Clothes for a Fat Woman address if you have one), sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear one or more me-made or me-altered item each day for the duration of May 2013'

See how I get on at http://fabclothes.wordpress.com

Wendy said...

'I, Wendy of CoserCosas, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear at least one piece of self-made garment each day for the duration of May 2013'.

Heather said...

I, Heather Nordquist (http://heathershobbystop.blogspot.co.at/), sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear a handknit, handsewn or otherwise handmade item each day for the duration of May 2013.

www.sewingmachines-forsale.net said...

Great Challenge. Count me in to participate in Me-Made-May 13.

tracy said...

'I, Tracy of Midwestern Small Town Girl, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear one handmade or refashioned garment each day for the duration of May 2013.'
This is my very first time participating, I'm excited!

Matte said...

‘I, Matte, of alwaysonabudget, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May ’13. I endeavour to wear one item which I have sewn, knitted, or modified each day for the duration of May 2013′

brooke said...

'I, Brooke of violicious, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear one handmade piece made or modified by me each day for the duration of May 2013 and I pledge to make 4 everyday wear dresses for the summer'
So fun!

Unknown said...

Ahhhh, it is back!

'I, Portia of Miss P, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear only handmade or refashioned clothes each day (excluding underwear, knitwear and coats)for the duration of May 2013. (So essentially, all my tops and trouser/skirts will be handmade)With no individual outfit repeated'

The challenge part I love. My problem is always getting myself in the frame of mind to take a photo of myself EVERY day. ACK!


twotoast said...

I, twotoast, of spottydogsocialclub sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear a self-made garment every day for the month of May. These garments will be either sewn or knitted by me.

Unknown said...

'I, Kim of http://punkmik.wordpress.com, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear at least 1 home made garment each day for the duration of May 2013'

Lyric said...

I, (Lyric of www.SewAndCro.com), sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavor to wear one handmade or refashioned garment at least twice a week for the duration of May 2013'

Miriam said...

My first time and I'm super excited :o)

'I, Miriam, of Create Hope Inspire, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear something handmade each day for the duration of May 2013 and to make one new garment each week of May.'


Hazel_Myope said...

I, GinnieHazel, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear at least one me made item, including knitting, each day for the duration of May 2013.

Carly said...

'I, Carly of http://awaywesew.tumblr.com/, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear all of my handmade garments during the duration of May 2013'

(Also, my US spell check thinks there's an extra "u" in your "endeavour.")

Unknown said...

Pretty excited--I'm another first timer! x

I, Reana Louise of www.reanalouise.blogspot.com, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear 4 items of me-made clothing each week for the duration of May 2013.

Alice said...

I'm super excited for this! Last year I was pregnant and it was Just. Not. Happening. This year will be awesome.

'I, Alice of Heteronormative Lovefest sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear at least one me-made (or refashioned!) garment each day for the duration of May 2013'

Ginger said...

I, Mallory of http://cocosweetpea.blogspot.co.nz/, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear a self made garment or complete unfinished crafting each day for the duration of May 2013

Sew Brunswick said...

'I, Leith of Sew Brunswick, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear only handmade garments (except cardigans, jeans & undergarments) for the duration of May 2013 and document it here at Sew Brunswick.'

Patty said...

'I, Patty @ Crafts Everywhere! sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear a self-made garment/outfit on the weekends of May 2013'

here's to my first challenge! Also made a little post on it: http://craftseverywhere.blogspot.be/2013/04/my-first-challenge-and-my-first.html

Freya May said...

'I, Freya May of the Dressmaking Diaries, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear a minimum of one item of handmade/ refashioned clothing each day for the duration of May 2013'

Yay! This is my first Me-Made-Month, I'm so excited :)

Freya May

Rehanon Mackenzie said...

I'm chucking my hat in the ring *chucks bowler hat*

I, Rehanon of Miss Demeanour is on the make, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May'13. I endeavour to wear one handmade item may it be an accessory or a piece of clothing for the duration of May 2013. In addition, I'm finally going to make some knickers and will proudly display my gusset on my blog ;-).'

Vicki Kate said...

I'm in. Second year!
'I, Vicki of VickiKateMakes, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear one me-made item each day for the duration of May 2013.'

Macska said...

Oh yeah, I've been waiting for this month to come around! Yay! :-)

'I, Kat of Modern Vintage Cupcakes, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear at least one me-made garment each day for the duration of May 2013. I also endeavour to wear every single me-made garment I have that currently fits both my body and my lifestyle at least once during the course of May 2013.'

Hanne said...

I'm so excited about this challenge!
'I, Hanne, owner of Een Nieuwe Jurk, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear one self-stitched garment 5 days a week for the duration of May 2013

Mikelina said...

Challenges are the best.

I, Mikelina of Mikelina Makes, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to document wearing one self-made garment each day for the duration of May 2013'

Anonymous said...

I was too busy for the last few MMM and SSS so I'm happy to be back!

'I, Adey of The Sew Convert, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear a minimum of one handmade or refashioned garment each day for the duration of May 2013, with no repeats.'

Natalie said...

'I, Natalie off <A HREF="http://mg-sewingadventures.blogspot.com/> Modest Girl's Sewing Adventures </a> , sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear one handmade item each day for the duration of May 2013'

Anonymous said...

I've been thinking about Me-Made-May for a while, but didn't find the guts to commit until now!

'I, Jess of the Sometimes Sewist, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavor to wear one handmade garment each weekday for the duration of May 2013'.

MarrieB said...

I, MarrieB of www.purlsandpleats.wordpress.com, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavor to wear one handmade garment at least three days each week for the duration of May 2013. I also endeavor to complete two new garments before May 31.

Anonymous said...

I, Melissa of At the Sign of the Hourglass, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear one handmade garment three times a week for the duration of May 2013.

I don't have very many clothes that I've made yet, so this should be interesting! Maybe I can make a couple more before May.

Divamazon said...

'I, Tiffany of An Amazon Sews n' Stuff, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavor to wear at least one made by me item per day be it from scratch, glued, up-cycled, knotted or taped into place (Lord help us all)!' xoxo

Claire said...

I wanted to do this last year but was no where near ready. I've now worked out what I can do so here goes:

'I, Claire at iwanttobeaturtle, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear one home made item for fives days each week for the duration of May 2013. In addition I pledge to make two new items and repair at least one.’

Anonymous said...

I, Caro (schmidten.wordpress.com), sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear a me made clothing item or accessory every day for the duration of May 2013!

Hannah (Sinbad and Sailor) said...

I'm looking at this as a great big kick into gear for my wardrobe. It's my first Me Made May and have been brewing up some clothes in preparation (sorry if that's breakin' rule but I've been really excited!) So here goes...

'I, Hannah of Sinbad and Sailor, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear a item of handmade or refashioned clothing each day for the duration of May 2013'

Funkbunny said...

I'm a first timer. Excited!!

I, Helen of Funkbunny, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear a handmade or refashioned garment 4 times per week for the duration of May 2013

Sarah! said...

'I, Sarah! of Sewing and Stegosauruses, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear one handmade item each day for the duration of May 2013, and to sew at least two casual summer tops during the month.'

Never done this before... we'll see how it goes!

Suzy said...

I'm looking forward to this!

"I, Suzy of Floating World, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to document wearing one self-made garment each day for the duration of May 2013"

Kimberly said...

I, Kimberly of Pitbull & Cockapoo, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear one me-made item each day and sew one new item for the duration of May 2013'

110 Creations said...

I, Beth Byrge of 110 Creations, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavor to wear at least one handmade or repurposed item each day for the duration of May 2013.

Spencer said...

I, Spencer of 12ozbeehouse, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear at least one handmade outfit each day for the duration of May 2013'

Helen said...

Wow! 178 comments! This is a popular challenge!

This will be my first Me Made May. I have deliberated since you first wrote this post, as I think I will find it really difficult, but that's all part of the fun, right?

'I, Helen of Grosgrain Green, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear one self made garment each day for the duration of May 2013'

Anonymous said...

well that was a lot of scrolling through so many sign ups!
I, Louise, of aviewintomyworld, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2013. I pledge to wear only me made clothes, (sewn&/knit), with the exception of sportswear & underwear, every day for the duration of May. I also pledge to finish my WIPs, or if I'm not going to finish a knit, frog it and free up the needles and yarn for something that will get worn. I will not make anything on the spur of the moment on a perceived need in the pressure of the month, I will stick to the makes already considered and thought out in my head as these have better longevity than a quick fix. I will pay attention to what i look for and find lacking in my handmade arsenal over the course of the month so that I can ponder and assimilate this into my plans. And on a housekeeping note I will use my wardrobe instead of just chucking everything into a pile.

annanic said...

I, annanic of Reloved, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear at least one handmade garment each day for the duration of May 2013'

Ellen said...

I, Ellen from It's a Sewing Life, hereby pledge to participate in a Mini-Me-Made-May, wearing at least me made garment on my days off, and on my mid-May vacation. In addition, I'll feature one post where I show off the capsule of black things I've made to wear to work.

Anonymous said...

'I, miho of miho555.blog58.fc2.com, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear at least two self-made garment / accessory each day for the duration of May 2013'

I'm so excited!

Anonymous said...

I, Elizabeth of The Fabulous Dr E's Fabulous Blog, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I will endeavour to wear a handmade outfit (excluding accessories) each day for the duration of May 2013.

Semtele said...

Yes, sound good, I'm in!
I, Tina from Semtele, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 13. I endeavour to wear one hand made garment each day for the duration of May 2013

Anonymous said...

'I, Niamh of Bluesewncat, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear at least one me-made item each day for the duration of May 2013'

Anonymous said...

I, Ashley of the green cat eye, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavor to wear at least 3 me-made items each week for the duration of May '13. :)

Anonymous said...

‘I, Rachel of Orange & Green , sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May ’13.

I endeavour to wear or carry something I sewed or upcycled each day for the duration of May 2013′

Minnado said...

I Debbie of Minnado's House sign up as a participant of Me Made May 13. I endeavour to wear at least one me made garment each day for the duration of May 2013. x

Meigan said...

I'm in. My First MMM!

I, Meigan of Get My Stitch On sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear at least one item of handmade clothing 5 days of the week for the duration of May 2013'

Unknown said...

I, Kamea of The Fashion Expressway, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear a minimum of one handmade garment each day for the duration of May 2013, with no repeats.

Sew Festive said...

I, Rebecca of Sew Festive Handmade, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavor to wear a handmade garment at least 3 times a week for the duration of May 2013.


mariko said...

'I, Marimo of PUPU LAUKKU,sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear at least one thing I've sewn each day for the duration of May 2013.

Kate said...

I, Kate of gruenekleider.wordpress.com, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear at least two me-made-garnments each day for the duration of May 2013

mchigu said...

I, mchigu of nyaroha4.blog118.fc2.com, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13.
I endeavour to wear at least one self-made garment / accessory each day for the duration of May 2013

Anonymous said...

I am IN!!!. i was always watching other peoples who was participanted previous MMM. it's time for me.
so, 'I, Sue of patternrunway.net, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear at least one of self made garment for the duration of May 2013.

Anonymous said...

I, Luus from Hopefully Creative, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear at least one self-made or refashioned/shortened item of clothing each day.

Fadanista said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
tokki said...

'I, tokki of 'Nu-Neru-Asobu'(Sew, relax and enjoy) blog sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavor to wear at least one item of either me-made or refashioned by me more than 10 days during the MMMay 2013.

Anonymous said...

I, Miyuki of Japan, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13.
I endeavour to wear a selfmade garment at least 3 times a week for the duration of May 2013'

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