Monday 1 April 2019

Me-Made-May 2019: Sign Up Here!!!

This is the TENTH year of the Me-Made-May challenge, and if you're interested in improving your relationship with your handmade wardrobe, then you've come to the right place. To take part, you will need to set yourself a pledge to wear your me-mades more and/or in different ways, and follow it through out May. Hopefully, by the end of the month, you will have learnt a whole load about yourself, your style, how you feel about your wardrobe, and how best to spend your clothes-making time going forwards. Here's what you do....

How do I sign up?

All you have to do is copy the pledge below and paste it into the comments section of this post, adapted to include your details and the specifics of your personal pledge before 1st May:

'I, (insert name here), sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to ........................................................................... during May 2019' 

Why should I take part?

The Me-Made-May challenge can help you...
  • to start integrating your me-made items into your regular wardrobe rotation.
  • get out of a wardrobe rut by focusing on your lesser-worn items and creating new outfits that include them.
  • find out what the 'holes' in your wardrobe are so that you are able to use your garment-creating time more usefully in the future.
  • begin wearing the clothes that you really want to be seen in, rather than the same old things you usually reach for most mornings.
  • enjoy the excuse to finish off any lingering UFOs (unfinished objects), or to finally start a project that has been on your mind for ages.
  • discover what the rest of this large community of makers has created and is wearing in their day-to-day lives, and enjoy the support, advice and inspiration that they will provide.
You just need to work out a tricky but do-able pledge for yourself that pushes out of your usual routine, and will be useful for you.

What isn't Me-Made-May?

  • A photo challenge. You might have seen heaps of Me-Made-May related pictures posted on blogs, Instagram etc. during previous challenges showing participants in their awesome handmade creations. Many participants like to document and share their challenges in this way, which is obviously amazing (and if you do, please use the hashtag #memademay2019), but COMPLETING YOUR PLEDGE is the actual challenge; taking and sharing photos of what you wear during it is ENTIRELY OPTIONAL. You do not need a blog or Instagram account or any social media presence at all. I cannot emphasise this enough: you do not need to take any photos. At all. But please do, if you want to. 
  • A reason to make lots of new clothes. This challenge is about wearing and enjoying the items that you have already created more often, not about stock-piling more makes. However, if you want to use the challenge as the kick in the butt you need to finally hem that half-finished skirt, or rework an ill-fitting garment, then great. This challenge is about being thoughtful about creating, not about trying to make as much as possible just to have more options to wear.
  • A competition. It doesn't matter how many me-made items you already have or haven't. You can take part even if you just have one solitary me-made item! You just need to set your pledge to make it challenging for YOU, don't concern yourself about what other participants have pledged for themselves.

Ideas for your pledge...

Remember, this is meant to be challenging (i.e. NOT what you usually do), so take some time to think about how to get the most from the challenge before writing your pledge.

Many participants pledge to wear 'one me-made garment per day', but don't feel that you have to follow suit, particularly if that would currently be too tricky or too easy for you. Try to think up a pledge that will be difficult (AKA challenging!), but not impossible, and most of all USEFUL to you! There are near-infinite ways to tailor the pledge to your own requirements. Here are some ideas:
  • pledging to wear things you made a year ago or more, to see if you can bring some of them back into regular rotation, or if it's time to let them go.
  • pledging to only wear separates to force yourself to get creative with your mix-and-matching.
  • if you'd like to wear dresses (or whatever) more often than you current do, pledging to wear each of your me-made dresses at least once during the month.
  • pledging to wear each of your me-made garments only once during the month, perhaps to see what didn't make the cut and to therefore not make any of that type of garment again!
  • pledging to finish all your UFO's by 31st May if the sight of your UFO pile has been weighing you down.

If you do have a blog or social media accounts, why not re-post your pledge and the logo at the top of the post there so your readers and followers can see what you are up to and be inspired by your endeavour? If possible, please include a link to this post so others can also sign-up if they are interested. If there's one thing I've learnt from these challenges, the more people involved, the better the party!

I've signed up, what do I do now then?

Nothing in particular until 1st May 2019, except let an underlying sense of excitement brew! You may decide to finish up that UFO, but please people, NO PANIC-MAKING NECESSARY OR CONDONED!!

If you are concerned or confused about any aspect of this challenge, please email me at sozoblog (at) g mail (dot) com

Let the signing up commence!!!!!


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Nursebeansews said...

I, Julie Beck aka nursebean82, sign up for Me Made May 2019. I endeavor to wear me made garments each day and to focus on those that fit well, are comfortable, and make me happy.

Just Delphine said...

'I, Delphine Hoorelbeke, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear handmade outfits everyday and focus on new combinations during May 2019'

Natasha said...

'I, Natasha Friegnag, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear at least one handmade item every day, challenge myself to wear the items I've made that spend most of their time in my closet, and analyze my style to figure out what I really want to wear during May 2019'. I can't wait!

Karen Lam said...

'I, Karen Lam, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to only sew or knit items of clothing from my fabric or yarn stash. The only new purchases I can make are for haberdashery, and only in order to complete garments (such as lining, interfacing,"buttons etc.) during the entire month of May 2019. Let the stashbusting commence!

Anonymous said...

'I, Amy (@amy.kate.87), sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear at least 1 me-made garment a day during May 2019'

Jay Jay said...

'I, Jay Jay (@thecamdenstitch) sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to 1. audit my wardrobe of me-mades, 2. Repair, alter or pass on any that I no longer need during May 2019, and 3. Finish at least two items from my UFO mountain. :-)

Shannon said...

I Shannon, ( @pins_and_tonic ) am looking forward to participating in my second me made may. This year I will be working (and wearing a uniform 🙁) for some of the challenge and traveling ( 😃) for the some of the month. I am looking forward to wearing my me made makes on holiday as my me made wardrobe has grown. I am definitely a dress girl so I am hoping to have a few more separates in rotation. I am endevouring to stick to my plan for makes rather than be influenced by all the pretty fabric and patterns I am so easily tempted by 😂.

Unknown said...

I, Victoria Hedley, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear at least one me-made garment or accesory each day during May 2019.

So looking forward to it!

Anonymous said...

'I, Charlotte sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear me made everyday for the first year although I have participated in many years! I will document on my IG account @charlottepb42 I’m really excited 😜

Rachel F said...

'I, Rachel, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear my me mad clothes, finish unfinished ones and make some new ones as I’ve just lost weight.

Sam Sunsetred said...

'I, Sam Sunsetred sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear at least one self-sewn piece every day during May 2019 to prove to myself that i do not have to buy clothes.

Britasews said...

'I, Brigette S (@britasews), sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to: 1. Wear at least one me-made garment a day, 2. create at least one new wardrobe staple and, 3. continue to evaluate my sewing and wardrobe from a sustainability perspective, refashioning and repairing where I can during May 2019'

meherio68 said...

I, Agathe M. aka @meherio68, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I will endeavour to take stock of my (currently few)memade garments, wear them at least once during the month if they are season appropriate, and use the opportunity to focus on making the items I need to build up a memade wardrobe, during May 2019.

Oonagh Casey said...

I, Oonagh Casey, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear two self made garments a week (sewn and knitted) and to sew at least two work wear garments sew during May 2019

Sy Bille said...

My name is Sybille Vogt, @feovogt, and i sign up for Me Made May 2019. I endeavor to wear me made garments each day and to focus on interesting but comfy patterns , That can be worn at work as well as on a dogwalk. Looking forwatd to may 2019

Kate said...

I, Kate R @fairyandthewren sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear at least one me-made garment each day and will document these on my Instagram feed during May 2019. Woohoo, can't wait!!!

Unknown said...

I, Helen @hshandcrafts , sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear and make use of my me made wardrobe and accessories everyday during May 2019. Unlike in previous years I am not aiming to only wear me made as I am finding my old shop bought clothes are getting neglected yet there is nothing wrong with them so I need to learn to integrate these two aspects of my wardrobe.

Leah Franqui said...

'I, Leah Franqui, of Struggle Sews a Straight Seam, @leahfranqui,, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear my me-made items during May 2019 and seriously consider the holes in my wardrobe, and what I don't read for, and vow to let go of the items I do not wear within this period. I will be documenting my outfits on Instagram!

The Rural Sewist said...

I, Samantha Nelson (IG = theruralsewist), sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear at least one me-made garment per day during May 2019 and aim to complete 2 UFO’s that I have already started. Very much looking forward to this challenge and finding new members of the sewing community. :)

Unknown said...

'I, Esther (@sewpollyesther), sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear at least one me made garment each day during May 2019 and to focus any garment sewing time on finished projects already started or planned rather than getting distracted by new things.'

♥ Doreen ♥ said...

'I, Doreen (@sewing_bella_ungeduld), sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear at least one me-made garment a day during May 2019.
I will be documenting my outfits on Instagram.'

Unknown said...

I, Katja, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear one me-made piece of clothing every day and complete my me-made wardrobe by 1 piece a week during May 2019.

Tilly Teapot said...

I, @tillyteapot, sign up for Me-Made-May 2019 and endeavour to wear one piece of me made clothing everyday and between now and the end of May make a dint on my stash! I will do a post once each week.

I am really looking forward to being inspired with what others share and seeing patterns made up that might be in my wish list.

Anonymous said...

I,Suzanne @sewmanypatterns sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear one me-made piece of clothing everyday during May 2019. I would like to focus
on making my own pair of jeans and two other projects that I have been wanting to make for ages. Looking forward to my first Me Made May challenge!

Anonymous said...

'I, Nicole @pocketsandbuttons, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear more of my me made clothing and find the gaps I have in my wardrobe and not make multiples. during May 2019'

Megan said...

I, Megan (@doublebassgirl), sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear at least one item of me-made clothing every day, to make three items from my queue, and to not buy any new fabric during May 2019!

Spool Stories said...

I Mariliza, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear at least one handmade item everyday and to make at least 2 patterns using fabric from my stash that I really love (but I'm afraid to use), during May 2019'

Enerostar83 said...

I, Shaneka Giscombe sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to make and wear more me made clothes during May 2019'

Spunky said...

'I, Amy King, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear me made daily. May is a busy month for me and when that happens I dress lazy so I'm going to work on dressing well in the great items I've made. And now where the wardrobe holes are so I can fill them.

emmy jay said...

'I, Emmy Jay, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear at least one thing made by me each and every day during May 2019.

Kate West said...

'I, Kate (@etakyeldud), sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear at least one handmade item every day, and to use fabric in my stash to make one skirt and one top during May 2019'

Krafty Kat 10304 said...

'I, Kat, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to finish my UFO's, make a few more items of clothing, use the fabric that I've been scared to use and try to wear something Me Made every during May 2019'

Marissa said...

I, Marissa, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear each me-made item in my closet, finish my UFOs, and learn about what I like to sew and actually wear to inform my future makes. This is my first time participating in Me-Made-May and I hope to document my journey!

Karen said...

'I, Karen @wakeymakes sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to Remove beautiful fabric from my stash. Replace worn out me mades. Recycle things I no longer love. Repurpose some RTW and Reignite my love of sewing during May 2019'

Heather Holley said...

'I, Heather Holley, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear (at minimum) one me made item every day in the month of May.

Stars Threads said...

I, Star (@starsthreads), sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I will endeavor to wear one me made item every day during the month of May. I will focus on wearing some of my lesser-worn items and try not to wear the same thing twice.

Cortney said...

I, Cortney, sign-up as a participant in MMM 2019. I will endeavor to clear my UFO pile by May 31st, and stick to my capsule plans, and not panic-sew for occassions or SM challenges!

Kim said...

I, Kim Nath, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavor to wear at least one me made each work day during May 2019

Unknown said...

'I, Kerry (somersetsewist), sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to work through my early makes that i no longer wear. I will either try to work out why i no longer wear them (some of the fitting issues on early projects hold me back from wearing them), alter them or donate to the charity shop. If it's no longer useful to me it'll go to a new home! ❤

Anonymous said...

'I, Judith Doughty, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear at least one me made item every day during May which will help me to identify the gaps in my me made wardrobe. If I here are items I no longer wear, I will either pass them on to others or consider how they can be altered to prolong their useful life during May 2019'

Kathryn Kempler said...

I, Kathryn, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear only me made items for the month of May! I have already committed to not buying any clothing this year for the second year in a row and in order to find out what items I still need in my wardrobe, I will wear only handmade items for the month of May and make whatever items might be needed.

Jessica said...

I, Jessica of @jessadressa, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear 1 article of handmade clothing (or a RTW garment that I have mended or altered) every day during May 2019. I will aim to make garments slowly and consciously to make them fit well and therefore improve my overall enjoyment and longevity with the garment.

@untitledthoughts said...

I, brittani of @untitledthoughts,, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to sew more mindfully made clothing. I will not rush through my projects and instead will seek out to savor the experience of each one individually so that they might bring me joy for many years to come ❤️

Emily said...

I, Emily, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear at least one hand-made garment item everyday during May 2019.

Tamara said...

I, Tamara, sign up as a participant of Me Made May 2019. I'll wear me mades every day, as I always do, and continue my plans with replacing outerwear and underwear with handmades and moving towards an entirely self-made wardrobe. I'll try my best to connect with new people and discover new challenges.

Linda said...

'I, Linda, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear all my handmade dresses and skirts at least once during May 2019'

Anne said...

'I, Anne Hargreaves, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to make and wear my first handmade item since 1990 during May 2019'

Anonymous said...

'I, Caroline, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear one of my me-made garments during May 2019 on non-working days and when I am working from home.'

Unknown said...

I, Charlotte Tilley, sign up as a participant of MMM 2019. I endeavour to wear at least one item I made myself every single day of May 2019.

Thank you for hosting this challenge again x

Aurore said...

I, Aurore Tournier, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear at least one me-made garment each day during May 2019.

SueJ said...

'I, Sue, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear at least one me-made garment every day during May 2019' . A couple of years ago when I became aware of MMM I was amazed at all the sewers out there who could wear me-mades daily. Now I have enough too! However, my challenge will be to learn what I need to create a balanced wardrobe.

Kirsten said...

'I, Kirsten, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear me makes everyday, making an effort to incorporate lesser worn me mades into my daily wardrobe during May 2019'

Anonymous said...

'I Sam, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to have the confidence to wear my me made clothes to work during May 2019'

Corrine said...

'I, Corrine Appleby, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear a minimum of two me-made garments each day during May 2019. I shall also mend all the hand made clothes in my mending pile and wear them at some point during May!'

Thanks for hosting again!

shivers said...

I, Siobhan Hayes, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear my memade clothing,as I have just started sewing, I will wear all that I have made so far and what I make during May 2019'

Sam @Frugalisama said...

'I, Sam @frugalisama, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear memade on a daily basis & wear at least 1 thing different each day instead reaching for the old favourites, ( so I will probably wear the same pair of jeans but with a different top) Hopefully this will help me to get some wear out of the older & lesser worn garments & gain an insight as to why they don't get worn & make a decision as to whether I should keep them or not. In addition I will finish 4 of myUFOs during May 2019'
Looking forward to this challenge & getting some inspiration & connecting with fellow makers.

Katie said...

'I, Katie @nonesuchical, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear something handmade every day during May 2019'

cait said...

I, Cait (@caitmakesthings), sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavor to finish the last few things in my mending pile and to sew two new items to fill some holes in my wardrobe during May 2019. Looking forward to it :)

Candice said...

I, Candice @charutree_ sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to finish at least 50% of my UFO's during May 2019' as well as incorporate a me-made item into my outfit at least twice a week through out the month of May 2019. Me-made will include new, upcycled, and UFO's.

Jordan @mylittlesaplings said...

I, Jordan (@mylittlesaplings), sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear a handmade piece 5 times a week during May 2019, and complete the pieces in my UFO stack.

Sara said...

'I, Sara (supersara2001), sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear at least 3 items of me made clothing a week (including knitted socks) and finish off at least two UFOs during May 2019'.

Denise Jackson said...

I, Denise @memadesbynee, sign up to participate in Me Made May 2019. I endeavor to wear one handmade item each day in May 2019.

Anonymous said...

I, paurovas, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear at least 2 timeas a week something that I made and finish hemming my dresses before the month ends.

Unknown said...

I, Akram Taghavi-Burris, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear at least one me-made item everyday during May 2019

Anonymous said...

'I, Meg of MegtheGrand, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavor to wear only me made items during May 2019.

Anonymous said...

I, Sally @sallymakesstuff, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear as many me-made items as I can during May 2019, especially those that I haven't worn for a while.

sophie said...

I, Sophie @so_fip , sign up as a participant of me made 2019. I endeavour to wear me made everyday, be confident and happy to wear them, have fun to make some more everyday clothes, being inspired by the communityvof makers!

Anonymous said...

'I, Lauriane @laurrrriane, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear only me-made garnments from head to toes during May 2019'. I will also try to take a picture of my outfit everyday and that is also a challenge for me.

Katie Morrow said...

'I, Katie, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to leave the house wearing one complete me-made outfit during May 2019 and to re-think my wardrobe. I also will endeavour to complete at least two items of clothing from my fabric stash.

Anonymous said...

I, Flavie, sign up as a participant of me-made-may 2019. I endeavour to wear at least one me-made item everyday during may 2019.

Unknown said...

I, Erica @erica.l.wald sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to take stock of my wardrobe and try to work through the stash monster during May 2019.

Marija Korac said...

I, Marija, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear at least one me-made item every day, during May 2019'

Sally N said...

'I, Sally, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear at least one hand made item each day during May 2019'

Rachel said...

'I, Rachel (@rachelevelynstudio), sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to 1.) wear at least 2-3 me-mades a week (I may not have enough for every day), 2.) learn to do a proper SBA so I can finish my one UFO from last year, and 3.) alter my one pair of RTW pants I bought over a year ago that have never been worn and have been waiting for me to hem, during May 2019.

Chioma said...

'I, Chioma(@chi9ja), sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear a me made garment a minimum of twice a week during May 2019'

Anonymous said...

I, @thriftyknitandsew, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavor to wear one item of me made clothing or a me made accessory everyday during May 2019. I will also challenge myself to post 5 times what I have worn.
Looking forward to seeing all the wonderful makes from the other participants!

Hannah said...

I, Hannah (@hellohaste), sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavor to wear at least one me-made garment every weekday and document as much as possible on instagram, in order to show off my me-mades and identify and fill holes in my wardrobe, during May 2019.

Julia said...

I, Julia, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear my me-made garments only once during May 2019.

Thanks Zoe for Me- Made- May!


Carmela said...

I, Carmela, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear one me-made garment a week during May 2019, and challenge myself to style those outfits differently than how I normally would.

Shelley McGinty said...

I Shelley McGinty, sign up as a participant of the Me-Made May 2019 Challenge. I endeavor to wear something be made every day while continuing to build up my summer wardrobe as well.

Jamie Roodzant said...

I, Jamie, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear one me-made item every day and to finish my pile of UFO’s.

Steely Seamstress said...

I, Nicola @steelyseamstress, sign up as a particpant of Me-Made-May 2019. My aim is to wear my me-mades in glorious combinations, and sometimes with RTW items that I still have in my wardrobe. I endeavour to put neglected items back into rotation where I can.

Caroline said...

I, Caroline at CJ Made, sign up as a particpant of Me-Made-May 2019. My aim is to wear my me-mades in combination with various RTW, vintage and me-mended items. I aim to reduce, repurpose or restyle any unworn me-made items or pass them on to the charity shop.

Elizabeth said...

I, Liz, elruuska on IG, 'I, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to concentrate on wearing my me mades to cover the top and bottom halves of my body during May 2019. I want to try to come up with new combinations of outfits and not just one of my many Morgan jeans and one of many lark tees. Lol.

Unknown said...

'I, Laura (@lauradanable), sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to
- wear something me-made every day
- wear every one of my me-mades at least once
- reassemble my earliest makes to keep them lasting as long as possible!
- make a basic to replace an old RTW
- make one new work outfit

during May 2019'

Anonymous said...

'I, Karen (@Karen_Ann_Sews, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear something memade every day, make more from my stash and be more adventurous with styles and colours during May 2019

Belle Citadel said...

I, Claire (@belle_citadel) sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear a complete me-made outfit this year that has been intentionally put together. I would like to work on making my me-made wardrobe cohesive and will try to plug gaps with TNTs I've been meaning to make for ages, as well as streamline makes that don't work for me.

Marloes said...

I, Marloes (@marloeshj) sign uo as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear only me-mades with the exception of horse riding gear, sportswear, bras, socks and coats. Hopefully this will be a way to wear more me-mades than just shirts:)

diutu said...

I, diutu (@diu.tu), sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to finish my current sewing ufos and wear at least one me-made item every day during May 2019.

Tamsin said...

'I, Tamsin Houseman, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear a me made item everyday during May 2019'

AskSarah said...

'I, Sarah of, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear as much me made items as I can. Decide on items to make next, which current ones are worth altering (in light of a little weight loss), which no longer work and finally which need to exit my wardrobe during May 2019'

Anonymous said...

I, Kaja (@mysocalledsewinglife), sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear all my me-made garments at least once and make a decision as to whether I should keep the garments I usually don't wear or not.

Juliette said...

I, Juliette (@juliettemijeon) sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear at least one me-made (sewn or knit) item everyday and to :
- replace my favorite, but sadly torn at the butt, PJ bottom, with a me-made one,
- make a cover for my kitchen compost bin,
- get some selfless sewing finished by the end of may (a dress which I will offer to my sister for her birthday),
- find out which of my still worn RTW garments would need to be replaced, and start sewing to replace said garments (with fabrics and patterns from my stash whenever possible),
- find out which of my me-mades don't get worn and why.

Erica said...

I, Erica (@thehandmadewardrobe), sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to PLAY with my handmade wardrobe during May 2019, getting old makes out, creating new combinations and trying out new silhouettes.

Sewing Scientist said...

I, Aimee Wilson (Sewing Scientist), sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear me made every day and challenge myself to only wear me made pants.

elise said...

I, Elise Cripe (@elisejoy) sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavor to wear only handmade (except for workout clothing and shoes) during May 2019

Anonymous said...

I,Cheryl Loomans, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019, I endeavor to wear two me made items everyday during May 2019.

Anonymous said...

I, Carole, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear me-made items every day and style them in new ways.

Anita Keisinger said...

I, Anita Keisinger (@AnitaPullingThread), sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to sew selfishly for the majority of the month (upcoming dance recital monkey costumes notwithstanding), resulting hopefully in more wearable basics, and wear me-made garments as many days as possible (even if just a knitted shawl) during May 2019.

sharahoh said...

I, Sarah (@sharahoh), sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to continue my sewing education by making myself some trousers, which means learning how to insert a zip (and measure myself correctly!) so hopefully I will have a whole outfit to wear by the end of Me-Made-May 2019, as well completing some items for family during May 2019'

Jeanine said...

I, Jeanine (@jeaninegaitan), sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavor to not only wear 90-100% me made clothing daily but actually document my outfits during May 2019.

This will include holding myself accountable to photographing my daily outfits and sharing them in spite of the fact that they won't be 'insta' glamorous, and trying to be more creative with how I build my outfits during the month.

Simone Nelson said...

I, Simone (@intenselydistracted), sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear one me made item each day during May 2019. I also want to focus on making items that fill the gaps in my handmade wardrobe and use this challenge as a way to commit to self care.

Janette Purdie said...

'I,Janette, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to finish my UFOs during May 2019'

Charlotte (English Girl at Home) said...

I, Charlotte (@englishgirlathome), sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear all my me-mades during May 2019, and to actively decide to keep, alter (and get on with it if so!) or give away the garments, so that I have a more practical wardrobe by the end of the month. I want to include those me-mades which are currently UFOs, and to end the month with them in my wardrobe or given away, rather than gathering dust.

Claire_Crafted said...

I, Claire (@claire_crafted), sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavor to tackle four unfinished projects during May 2019. Those four projects are two memades that I can do parts of better now that I have learned lessons for other projects and two othermades (my grandmother's clothing) that I want to alter to fit me. All of this is in the effort to focus on powering through things that, years ago, frustrated and challenged me.

Fiddle Fettle said...

'I, Kimberley (@fiddle.fettle), sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear all my memade clothes that are finished (by the end of May at least once in public during May 2019. So far, on 3d of April, I have a finished dress, and two finished shirts, but I expect to have more shirts and a few trousers (in second draft of muslin stage!) done by May'

Anonymous said...

I, Ula (@couturehelvetica), sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to fulfill the following pledge "I will wear a me-made bag and min.1 (possibly 2) me-made clothing item(s) every single day in May. I have actually been doing the 1 item/day since September, so to make things a bit more challenging, I will not repeat any of the outfits (the same pieces are ok, just combined differently)".

Cho Tin Tun Kirkpatrick said...

I, Cho (@chotintun and sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavor to wear a garment made by 'me' at least once a week during May 2019'. Additionally, I pledge to create and design more garments that I can share with everyone!

Anonymous said...

'I, Sharon (@sharonfa50 )sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to ......wear all my me made at least once during may and try to finish all the part made items languishing in my sewing.. during May 2019'

Tonya said...

I, Tonya (@made_by_tonya), sign up to participate in Me Made May 2019. I will wear something me-made every day in May, with as few repeats as possible. I will also finish a few UFOs in May.

Nichole said...

I, Nichole (@nicholetalbot,, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to to wear a me-made garment at least three times per week and to finish at least one skirt and dress for spring/summer wear during May 2019.

Kelci said...

'I, Kelci (@kelci_absolutely,, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to complete at least one top from stretch knit material,and one skirt during May 2019.

Sonja said...

'I, Sonja Smout, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear a me-made item whenever I leave the house during May 2019 and to increase my winter selection (southern hemisphere) of me-made clothing by at least one item.

Anonymous said...

I, Samantha Hill,sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavor to wear each of my me-made items at least once during the month.

Lilli said...

I, Lilli, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to give a wear to all my me-mades and keep building a wardrobe full of me-mades during May 2019

thesewcraftybaker said...

I, Kristie @thesewcraftybaker, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear something me made each day during May 2019, and sew each day with fabric that is only from my current stash!

Clasheen said...

I, Nicola Brown, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to.....
- continue with my 2019 goal of making an average of one garment a week
- not beat myself up if they are not perfect while I work on my new sewing and pattern making skills
- review my wardrobe yet again and be ruthless with what I keep (a regular and ongoing process!)
- wear at least one me made item every day and post a photo to Instagram
during May 2019'

Fiona said...

I, Fiona @curious_fi, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I will
wear at least one home sewn or knitted garment each day of May 2019. At least twice a week I'll wear completely me-made. The clothes I wear that aren't me- made will be thrifted, or if store bought then ethically made I'll also make a couple more basics, finish at least one unfinished object, and sew two garments from my stash. Let's see how I go!

Susan said...

I, Susan Farmer (@susanmerfar), sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavor to wear at least one item of clothing I made every day during May 2019 and to use this time to work out what other types of garments I should sew to make my collection of me-mades more useful to me.

Anonymous said...

'I, Mire (IG melukyla), sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavor to wear me made clothes everyday especially dresses and skirts and will wear my ginger jeans only one a week during May 2019'

Nicole B said...

I, Nicole (@mamazole), sign up to participate in Me Made May 2019. I endeavor to: sew a new item for others - my house, my daughter or maybe even my hubby; to wear as many me-made items as I can and to sew a new garment for myself.

Ev said...

I,Ev(@eho2020), sign up to participate in Me Made May 2019. I will wear something me-made every day in May 2019.

Alexis Cook said...

'I, Alexis Cook, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear at least one me made article of clothing during May 2019'

Katestangledstring said...

'I, Kate ( @katestangledstring) , sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to finsh WIPs and alter FOs that I’m not reaching for in order to sustainably make my wardrobe better! - while wearing and loving me-mades daily - during May 2019'

Unknown said...

I, Francesca Olsen, sign up as a participant of Me Made May 2019. I endeavor to start and finish two items of clothing with fabric I already own--and to buy NO new clothes for all of May 2019. (I plan to share photos of this endeavor on IG @noaestheticquilts, btw!).

Claire said...

I, Claire of @clairesewcreative, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear at least 3 me-made garments each week, to complete the UFO dress I’m currently working on, begin to make my first proper toile for the waistcoat I have promised my girlfriend during May 2019.

4 April 2019 at 21:20

Anonymous said...

I, Marie Beddoes sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear an item of clothing or use accessory that I have made

Hwtextiles said...

'I, Brittany Hoffman, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to make a few me makes for summer and also honor those who do not have the financial or energy capital to make enough clothes that they could wear one each day. I pledge to honor where each person is at on their journey and encourage making within my means. I understand that not everyone has the privilege to make their own clothes, to buy organic fibers, or to participate in slow fashion. As I attempt to eat clothes I have made I hope to support those who do not make as well.

Cassandra thompson - jones said...

'I the Dorset dressmaker sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to ........................................................................... during May 2019' everyday is a memade .. using substanable fabric and up cycling

Britta said...

I, Britta A of LaundryPatterns, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019! I endeavor to wear a me-made garment every day of May and to only sew new garments from fabrics I already have in my stash.

Lindsey Love said...

I, Lindsey Love aka @misslindss, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I will endeavour to take stock of my (few) memade garments, wear them at least once during the month, and focus on making the items I need to build up a memade wardrobe, during May 2019.

Anonymous said...

I, ShellyEss, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I undertake to wear at least three me made garments each week; to address the fit issues in a few garments, which currently prevents me from reaching for them readily and to make one new garment using fabric from my stash

Girl Can Sew said...

I, Liz aka @GirlCanSew (, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavor to come up with new ways of wearing my me made outfits rather than always pairing the same things together during May 2019

mammy2kids said...

I Amanda sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to come up with new ways of wearing my me made outfits rather than always pairing the same things together through May

Unknown said...

I, Maire Collins, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019, I endeavour to wear at least one item of me made each day and to sort out all unfinished me made's by the end of the campaign!

Ann said...

I, Ann Hebden, ( sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear at least one me-made garment each day during May 2019, after which I will review my wardrobe and take items not worn in recent months for re-use. The exception to this is if I am out country walking, as I already had specialised clothing for that purpose and have never needed to make any more! And I often go walking in May.'

jojo said...

'I, Jojo Povey sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to redesign me made outfits hung in my wardrobe so they are wearable after my weight loss and make new clothes to the best of Ability and not critique myself too much . during May 2019'

Fiona Siequien said...

I, Fiona Siequien (@siequien_sewing), sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019 for the first time. I endeavour to wear at at least one me made item (including hand knits) every day during May 2019, and to not buy any fabric!

Kareen Small said...

I, Kareen Small sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear something me made every day in May 2019 as I strive to feel beautiful and confident.

Unknown said...

'I, Deb Foster, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear an item of clothing that I have made each day during May 2019, and note what it is that I like or dislike about it so I can better understand what suits me and why.

Anonymous said...

'I, Eileen, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear one me-made item each day and to stash and scrap bust during May 2019.

Cassiy said...

'I, Cassiy, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear at least one me made item each day and not wear the same item on the same day of the week during May 2019'

Unknown said...

'I, Theresa Boxall, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear one me made item every day and make time to sew for myself each day during May 2019.'

Anonymous said...

I, Nathalie (@calledelastijeras), sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019 for the first time. I endeavour to wear one me-made piece of clothing every day during May 2019, as well as either finish off, repurpose or discard all the UFOs waiting in my sewing room.

Anonymous said...

I, Shirley sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019 for the first time. I endeavour to wear at least one me-made garment each day in May 2019 and to complete at least two of my unfinished projects.

Unknown said...

'I, Diane Stanley, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to Complete one UFO a week, only make from my stash, try one new pattern per week and wear at least one me made garment per day during May 2019'

Open House said...

I, Dani aka @openhousebydaniela, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019! I endeavour to wear at least TWO me-made garments or accessories each day in May 2019 and will significantly reduce my fabric stash! I also will concentrate on new combinations to push my comfort zone!!!

Vanessa said...

I, Vanessa (@smokeyandsprocket), sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear at least one handmade item a week (I currently don’t have enough me-made garments to wear daily for a month), focus on making staples to build a me-made wardrobe, create garments only from my fabric stash and reserve new purchases for haberdashery only. I will also challenge myself with sewing fabrics I have little experience working with during May 2019.

TansyM said...

'I, Tansy, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to not hide away my me mades but to wear them with pride whenever I am out of work gear during May 2019'

Claire Cooper said...

'I, claire (@artcoopsville), sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear my me made and celebrate all things colourful, whether they match or not during May 2019'

Steph said...

I, Steph @allmylambs sign up as a participant of me-made-may 2019 for the second time. I endeavour to wear one handmade a week and to complete three handmade garments. To complete a pair of socks and to wear as many second hand clothes and handmade(possibly not made by me) clothes as possible.

Alyssa said...

I, Alyssa @wwndw , sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear one me-made item every day AND use it as a way to re-launch my vintage sewing blog at during May 2019. I also will make an effort to do an statistical analysis of the origins of my wardrobe (bought new, second hand, etc.) and look at how long both my me-mades and my RTW have been serving me as part of an overall wardrobe analysis.

Anonymous said...

I, Debbie, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to complete one item of clothing during the month and wear two items each week that I have made during May 2019'

vintagerockchick said...

'I, Vintagerockchick Gill, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear as many Me Made garments, at least one a day, during May 2019' This will require me to take in all the garments that no longer fit since I have lost over 1.5 stones since the New Year and hit my target!

Sara said...

I, Sara (@abylockhart) sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear more me-mades with pride, sew patterns I already own using fabric from my stash in order to fill the gaps in my closet, complete at least 1 UFO, and clear my closet from any RTW that doesn't suit me anymore.

Rachael Elswyk said...

'I, Rachael Elswyk, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear at least two handmades daily and focus on identifying holes in my handcrafted wardrobe and work towards filling these gaps for Me-Made-May 2020!!

Anonymous said...

I, Lynsey_makes sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to Wear at least one me made per day and to try new combos during May 2019'


I, Nicola (@janeandcofabrics)sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to build my first memade mini capsule for Spring. Using pieces I already have made and Plan and prepare the others to complete it. What the heck its a challenge,I will complete it. Share on Instagram as I go during May 2019'

Anonymous said...

I, Thea ( on Instagram), sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavor to wear something me made every day and try to identify gaps in my me mades and document it on Instagram during May 2019

Anonymous said...

'I, Jessika (@jessikaahlstrom), sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to

1. Wear my me-made knitted garments which isn't too hot (they are mostly woollen)

2. To try and work off the planned Summer capsule wardrobe of vintage designs which I want to make with the thrifted bargin finds as well as gifted and stashed fabrics I've got.

3. Mend and remake some of the pile of garments which are in need of mending or have been thrifted but doesn't fit.

I'll share on Instagram as I go during May 2019'

Anonymous said...

I, Stefanie, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear me made every cloths every day during May 2019. I'm looking forward for your me mades on Instagram.

Anonymous said...

I, Annette, (Sewing to the Moon and IG @sewingtothemoon), sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear at least 1 handmade thing everyday, fix the waistband of a skirt, and finish my cheongsam dress I started last year, during May 2019'

This is my first MMM and I'm over the moon excited!

Mumokio said...

'I, Penny , sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I will endeavour to wear me made trousers THAT I AM HAPPY WITH THE FIT OF during May 2019'

Malin said...

I, Malin aka @malinsyr, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019, I endeavor to wear at least one me made item everyday during May 2019. I also endeavour to finish my saggy boob dress and make it wearable before may ends!

Rebecca said...

I, Rebecca Hogan @becsewcrazy, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to work out what me made wardrobe gaps I have and create a smart sewing plan during May 2019'

Anonymous said...

I, Amy Christer aka @amyjanemakes , sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear something me made every day for the month of May to celebrate my creativity and identify where I want it to take me next.

Unknown said...

'I Lena King, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear me-mades at least 5 times a week and also work on sorting and mending my clothes during May 2019'

Anonymous said...

'I, Christine Dinneen, @babychris459, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May I endeavour to wear a me made garment or accessory, or include a me made item for a family members wardrobe 5 times a week during May 2019'

Amanda H said...

I, Amanda Hockham (kreativeblonde) sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May. I endeavor to make and incorporate more made by me items that reflect who I currently am and what I am striving for in my clothing: comfort, fashion and fit. All while looking pulled together.

Niqueknacks said...

'I, Nique @nique_et, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear one handmade item per say during May 2019'.

Anonymous said...

I, Sandra J-T, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to use this month to truly understand which of my handmade clothes I enjoy wearing most, and focus on making these in future. I will wear at least 2 me mades in each outfit every day and record what I wear.

Paige Sutherland said...

'I, Paige Sutherland sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to use this month to expand and wear more handmade clothing on both myself and my daughters in May 2019.

The Smack Family said...

I, Diedhre Smack, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to make at least 1 garment per week during May 2019. As only having completed 1 wearable garment to date, this will be challenging but doable with 100 acts of sewing patterns.'

The Smack Family said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Joanne powell said...

I, Joanne (@sew_me_happy) sign up as a participant of me-made-may 2019. I endeavour to wear my me made clothes in different ways and combinations.

CathyG said...

I, Cathy ( @ohsewcathy on Instagram ) sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear me-made clothing 5 days per week, make new items with fabric from my stash, and to make a pair of pants.

Monika said...

'I, Moni K, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear something handmade 5 days the week during May 2019'

Alison said...

'I, Alison ( @alison.m.r ), sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear at least one me made or second hand item of clothing every day during May 2019 starting with the least worn me mades.'

Andreae Callanan said...

'I, Andreae (andreae.callanan on Instagram), sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to use my between-semesters downtime to build my me-made teaching/conference wardrobe during May 2019'

Anonymous said...

‘I Janet, (@sewsmittenkitten on Instagram) sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear at least one me made garment a day, and to sew a few new patterns in time for May 😺’

Rose said...

'I, Rose (@sewmuchstuff on instagram), sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear me-made garments everyday, to mend one garment per week, and finish sorting and donating unworn clothes during May 2019'

Anonymous said...

'I, Sophy, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear 5 me made items per week and be more bold in my outfit choices during May 2019'

Carrie Cunningham said...

'I, Carrie Cunningham, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear one me-made outfit each week by pairing pieces that I wouldn't normally pair during May 2019. Let the mixing begin! said...

I Marie Mead, ( sign up for me-made-may 2019. I endevour to wear at least 2 me mades each week in May and complete at least 2 new me mades in May.

Megma said...

I, Lacey (I blog at, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019 - my first time! I endeavor to wear at least one me-made garment 5 days a week and will support this plan by making a few new tops (I make a lot of dresses) and knit-scrap panties and during May 2019.

Béa said...

I, Béa of, @missbeacurtis on Instagram, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I will endeavour to wear me-made knickers during May 2019.

I will still be wearing other me-mades, but as I generally do anyway, it's the knickers that will be the challenge element.

Marie said...

'I, Marie of, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear at least one me-made garement per day during May 2019.'

It's the first year I have pledged to wear one item every day for the whole month. It will definitely be a challenge but I can't wait! Good luck all.

Caitlin said...

I, Caitlin, of and @cozybirdhouse, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to:
1) Wear all of my me-mades at least once (barring unforeseen weather circumstances)
2) Keep track of what I wear each day to identify wardrobe gaps and worn-out items that could be replaced with me-mades.

Laura (sewlovelylaura) said...

'I, Laura - @sewlovelylaura sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear at least one me-made garement 5 days a week and to mix and match both my me mades and shop bought clothes more to get the most out of my wardrobe

Anne-Rose said...

This is the fifth year that I am taking part in Me Made May! My pledge isn’t all that different from previous years, but it does help me focus during the month and establish positive habits. I’ll be repeating last year’s pledge of wearing at least three handmade items per week. I also want to sort out both my fabric stash and handmade clothing, in preparation for moving house next year. Last year, I spent a couple of weeknights sewing, which worked quite well in getting things finished, so I’ll try repeating that as well.

I, Anne-Rose (@annerosevandijk) sign up as a participant of Me Made May '19. I endeavour to wear a handmade item for at least three days per week for the duration of May '19. In addition to this, I will sort out my fabric stash and handmade clothing and do any mending required. Ideally, I would also like to spend at least one week night sewing.

Gerda Liekens said...

I, Gerda Liekens (@Three Eight Cake) sign up as a participant of Me Made May '19. I m looking forward to my first year taking part and I endeavour to wear at least one me made piece a day for the duration of May 2019.

Yen_cose said...

I, Yendi González (@yen_atelier) sign UP as a participante Of Me Made May 2019. It's my first year and I endeavour to wear at least one me made garment when in not wearing my work uniforme and to Sew only from my stash Of fabrics (a true challenge the Last one ��). So happy im taking part Of this challenge

Jess, (@fat.bobbin.girl) said...

I, Jess (@fat.bobbin.girl)sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to, in addition to wearing at least 1 handmade item per day, finish all my current WIPs during May 2019'

Philippa said...

'I, Philippa Lincoln aka @aslowwardrobe, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear at least one me-made item a day when I am not at work (when I will be in uniform) and remake old clothes I am not wearing any more into new wearable items during May 2019'

Mairead said...

I, Mairead aka @vinca56 sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear at least one me-made item a day. I also endeavour to make two new skirts during May as these represent gaps in my wardrobe.

Dichohecho said...

'I, Sarah/dichohecho, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear as many of my me-made items as possible, figure out why I don't wear them more, and come up with some ideas to fix that during May 2019'

Lavinia at the stitch stable said...

I Lavinia Bourne, sign up as a participant of me-made-may 2019.
I endeavour to make one complete item really well and wear with pride that one garment. I also will
Sort out my wardrobe, clothes I no longer wear, I will either alter or pass them on to a local charity to prolong
There life.

Liz said...

I, Liz/@kittyvontrubble, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear one me-made garment each day, and wear each of my me-made garments at least once, during May 2019. I will also finish at least one UFO each week.

EllyP said...

I, @el_pepperell sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to:
1. Wear at least 1 me-made item every day
2. reflect on any gaps in my wardrobe
3. Fix any garments that are languishing because they need mending
4. Make a 6 month plan to fill those gaps
during May 2019. I also pledge to do a 6 months on review in November 2019. And I can't wait xx

Claire Colman said...

'I, Claire Colman (@ClaireHColman), sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to try and wear at least one me made item every day during May 2019, but just to have fun with it and not stress if I miss a few days! '

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